Well, lets hope I can still cancel that pre-order...
Those criticisms just remind me more of NMH, which is good!
No exclusive content. If you have the option, maybe got the 360 build. It's a UE3 engine game, and a Grasshopper one at that, so I suspect little technical details perform better on the Xbox.
I'll probably go for the PS3 version in this case purely for my convenience as i'm not too bothered by the small details.
So can someone explain what you need to do to get the best ending? I guess the bad ending iszombie mom?
so if I was bored out of my mind in the very first stage of No More Heroes is there any chance at all that I'll like this game?
Has anyone yet answered or figured out how you can get the bad ending if you initially get the good one?
Just the extras you listed above. Upgrades and moves are gold only.Are Platinum medals only used on costumes/art/music or do some moves end up costing some?
Has anyone yet answered or figured out how you can get the bad ending if you initially get the good one?
Beat the last level again and it'll give you a choice to see the bad ending.
Well, been playing Stage 5 a lot and...
So close to that A+... ;_; I did thiz on Very Hard difficulty though so it naturally takes longer...
The review seems like they played the whole game with the starting move set.
God Hand of this generation! LOL
We finally have a succesor to the legendary God Hand review.
He's straight up full of shit.
From the IGN review:
"For every zombie Juliet Starling decapitates with her chainsaw, someone calls her a whore, talks about masturbating to her, or comments on her gigantic breasts. In and out of combat, the primary goal of Lollipop Chainsaw is the money shot, whether its up Starlings skirt or down her shirt."
Not that I give a shit either way, but I just think it is comical how nobody even raises an eyebrow at how women are portrayed in content like this, but go ape shit over some thug trying to take advantage of Lara in the new Tomb Raider. Anyway, I think this looks quite fun and am looking forward to playing it at some point. I just thought this was funny.
Because this is extremely satirical in nature while that has a much more serious tone. You're not supposed to take this seriously in any way, shape, or form. Also nobody is going to buy this.
Another IGN classic review on par with their Godhand PS2 and Samurai Warriors 3 Wii reviews!
I know about Godhand, obviously...who hasn't?
But what was up with their Samurai Warriors review?
So would you guys say it is on par with Shadows of the Damned? I loved that game.
So would you guys say it is on par with Shadows of the Damned? I loved that game.
They're very, very different, but I think as a whole Shadows was a notably better game. I fucking loved Shadows though.
They're very, very different, but I think as a whole Shadows was a notably better game. I fucking loved Shadows though.
Im curious to know what makes you think SOTD is the better game? I loved it to pieces too and was my GOTY last year. I have a feeling LC might end being in the same boat.
From the IGN review:
"For every zombie Juliet Starling decapitates with her chainsaw, someone calls her a whore, talks about masturbating to her, or comments on her gigantic breasts. In and out of combat, the primary goal of Lollipop Chainsaw is the money shot, whether its up Starlings skirt or down her shirt."
Not that I give a shit either way, but I just think it is comical how nobody even raises an eyebrow at how women are portrayed in content like this, but go ape shit over some thug trying to take advantage of Lara in the new Tomb Raider. Anyway, I think this looks quite fun and am looking forward to playing it at some point. I just thought this was funny.
Is this game really like that? I personally find stuff like this annoying (people yelling whore and talking about jerking off, really!?) Also people tend to ignore sexism in games like this as its too silly, but I in that TR trailer I was really uncomfortable watching that brief part.
I still have much time to spend on Lollipop Chainsaw so my opinion my sway. But I felt in terms of channelling Resident Evil 4, and as a third person shooter that relied on accurate shooting without a cover system, Shadows of the Damned hit the nail right on the head. Great variety in locations, encounters, enemies, and battle tactics were topped by a brilliant sense of humour, great art and incredible soundtrack.
A friend described Shadows of the Damned as a like playing through a heavy metal album, and that's the best way I could describe it. Outside of a lack of unlockables (the only big flaw I'd give the game), I felt Shadows of the Damned was a loaded game.
Lollipop is good, but for level design and encounters it feels several notches below. Largely because it's shorter, and relies more on replay value and the a combat system cornerstone. Shadow's design appeals to me more. And, even though I love Lollipop's style, on a technical level it feels like a cheaper game to me. Shadows was more cohesive and rich looking.
I really loved Shadows, is what I'm saying.
I'm a HUGE koei warriors fan but SW3 on Wii was legitimately terrible. That review is in no way similar to the god hand situation
Wow, I feel like a teenager who has no concept of how to be a proffessional reviewer wrote that. What was the point of even putting that review up because I guarantee he played it for an hour or so.
Yes. The game is loaded with juvenile, sexist humour. The difference between something like this and Tomb Raider is the latter takes itself seriously. Lollipop Chainsaw can be best equated to an exploitation film. It's sexist, foul, perverted, and it unashamedly wears these qualities on its sleeve.
If you're not into that kind of stuff, even when it's self aware and very deliberate, then you'd be best to stay away from Lollipop Chainsaw. This is the kind of game where in the span of 15 seconds during opening filmclip you have a character alluding to sex in her bedroom, along with the fact she's just turned 18.
I love Shadows of the Damned but the 2D filler sections and the boner sections almost ruin the game for me. Otherwise a great game that lacked new game + and unlockables. Lollipop Addresses most of the complains of Shadows of the Damned and makes it shorter in that way but they added the scores to add replayability which SOTD lacks. Overall I think Lollipop wins for the sake of no filler and replay value. Shadows of The Damned still looks better visually and the game is still unique on the era of generic games as all Grasshopper games are.
How detrimental is that stuff to your overall enjoyment of the game? If at all?
No it wasn't -and that doesn't even matter since he trashes the game simply for being a "warriors" title anyway-
Love both games and cant pick a favorite though I'm still pissed that SOTD didn't have a game +I still have much time to spend on Lollipop Chainsaw so my opinion my sway. But I felt in terms of channelling Resident Evil 4, and as a third person shooter that relied on accurate shooting without a cover system, Shadows of the Damned hit the nail right on the head. Great variety in locations, encounters, enemies, and battle tactics were topped by a brilliant sense of humour, great art and incredible soundtrack.
A friend described Shadows of the Damned as a like playing through a heavy metal album, and that's the best way I could describe it. Outside of a lack of unlockables (the only big flaw I'd give the game), I felt Shadows of the Damned was a loaded game.
Lollipop is good, but for level design and encounters it feels several notches below. Largely because it's shorter, and relies more on replay value and the a combat system cornerstone. Shadow's design appeals to me more. And, even though I love Lollipop's style, on a technical level it feels like a cheaper game to me. Shadows was more cohesive and rich looking.
I really loved Shadows, is what I'm saying.
Boner, like Dead Space asteroids, remains one of those baffling things where people complain about something that I had a completely different experience with.
I enjoyed the first two acts of Shadows but the game kind of fell off for me from the 2D sections onward. Not only that though, I feel that Lollipop is a lot more fun to play while I felt that Shadows was a poor man's RE4 without any interesting mechanics to distinguish it. I still had fun shooting shit though. I also do appreciate the fact that Lollipop relies more on replay value, although I didn't find the game nearly as short as other people claimed.I still have much time to spend on Lollipop Chainsaw so my opinion my sway. But I felt in terms of channelling Resident Evil 4, and as a third person shooter that relied on accurate shooting without a cover system, Shadows of the Damned hit the nail right on the head. Great variety in locations, encounters, enemies, and battle tactics were topped by a brilliant sense of humour, great art and incredible soundtrack.
A friend described Shadows of the Damned as a like playing through a heavy metal album, and that's the best way I could describe it. Outside of a lack of unlockables (the only big flaw I'd give the game), I felt Shadows of the Damned was a loaded game.
Lollipop is good, but for level design and encounters it feels several notches below. Largely because it's shorter, and relies more on replay value and the a combat system cornerstone. Shadow's design appeals to me more. And, even though I love Lollipop's style, on a technical level it feels like a cheaper game to me. Shadows was more cohesive and rich looking.
I really loved Shadows, is what I'm saying.
Yes. The game is loaded with juvenile, sexist humour. The difference between something like this and Tomb Raider is the latter takes itself seriously. Lollipop Chainsaw can be best equated to an exploitation film. It's sexist, foul, perverted, and it unashamedly wears these qualities on its sleeve.
If you're not into that kind of stuff, even when it's self aware and very deliberate, then you'd be best to stay away from Lollipop Chainsaw. This is the kind of game where in the span of 15 seconds during opening filmclip you have a character alluding to sex in her bedroom, along with the fact she's just turned 18.
From the IGN review:
"For every zombie Juliet Starling decapitates with her chainsaw, someone calls her a whore, talks about masturbating to her, or comments on her gigantic breasts. In and out of combat, the primary goal of Lollipop Chainsaw is the money shot, whether its up Starlings skirt or down her shirt."
Not that I give a shit either way, but I just think it is comical how nobody even raises an eyebrow at how women are portrayed in content like this, but go ape shit over some thug trying to take advantage of Lara in the new Tomb Raider. Anyway, I think this looks quite fun and am looking forward to playing it at some point. I just thought this was funny.