Do any costumes unlock before beating the game or only after?
You get some during the game but most come from post game and beating Dad's scores.
Do any costumes unlock before beating the game or only after?
Got the game in today and started it off. I only made it through the prologue before needing to go out and get dinner but I love it. Then again I knew I would. Combat does seem harder than I thought it would, but I'm trying to use some of advice I've seen.
Do any costumes unlock before beating the game or only after?
And shit, I hope they release the pre-order suits. I know they said they have no plans to and that WB had a history. I just don't wanna pay out the ass on eBay for them. I did get the Foxy Funk or whatever costume for free on GameFAQS. But I want Bettie Page and Jimmy Urine bad. If I had the money at launch, I would have bought all three preorders and returned two copies but oh well.
Just beat the game and never learned how to change her outfits
If by Bettie Page, you mean the Rockabilly one, I'm selling my DLC code (360) for $5.
So what are your favorite quotes or lines so far from the game?
I haven't made it too far yet, but I just finished the part in the school level where you jump on the heads and then the zombies explode.
"You're Already Dead.
I fucking lost it at that part.
And shit, I hope they release the pre-order suits. I know they said they have no plans to and that WB had a history.
I wonder what the cost to develop the game was. Does anyone know the overall sales for the game?
I hope so, the game deserves to be more than just break even.So far it seems its doing good in Japan. No idea about US or EU sales.
Also Suda games tend to be low budget for most of the time and Lollipop Chainsaw maybe had more budget due the music licensing maybe otherwise the game you can tell its not a huge budget.
I used combos that hit multiple targets. The overhead spin, armadillio something, a a x i think, and then ultimately, x x x x y y will hit multples for sparkle huntingI wish there was an easier way to herd zombies into Sparkle Hunting. Juliet does this weird soft lock onto the zombie closest to her, so any time I try to pom-pom a group of zombies into being dazed, she'll hit the zombie who just staggered closest to her.
Dear God. In may ranked playthrough for the International zombie hunter trophy I am hitting high in the world leader boards for Time Attack without even trying. First place on stage 4 Hard, third place on stage 3 Hard and eleventh on the first stage. Is this normal? Or are people not playing ranked at all?
Got my platinum trophy though.
Holy shit are you fucking kidding me. Is zombie baseball the most broken game mechanic of the generation? Why does the auto aim force me to the opposite of where I want my aim to be? This is giving me flashbacks of the insufferable red dead redemption.
Sheesh, again? Turn off auto-aim under the options. The baseball game is ridiculously easy.
I hate to post since it might ruin my chances to get selected for one, but I will not be selfish. Maybe karma will pay off.
Anyway, this site is giving away Foxy Funk, Jimmy Urine, and Ash costumes. An abundance of codes apparently.
Gotta tweet a message and follow them.
I'm hoping to get a Jimmy Urine code from 'em. Maybe someone that has these could win some and sell 'em or trade.
I'm asking for the Funk since I have the other 2. Would be missing only the Goth outfit if I get the funk one![]()
I hate to post since it might ruin my chances to get selected for one, but I will not be selfish. Maybe karma will pay off.
Are the codes region specific?
How do you get new Awesome Skillz?
I want Holy Chainsaw, but it's never appeared. Do I have to buy everything else 1st?
IIRC Holy Chainsaw either shows up in the last level or after beating the game.
Are the codes region specific?
I have Goth and Rockability codes from Amazon (I'm from England).
Can you compete to beat dad's score on ranked mode?
Also if anyone has any best buy costumes they dont need (ps3) i would love to nab them from you![]()
IIRC Holy Chainsaw either shows up in the last level or after beating the game.
I bought it in stage 4 or 5 in my first playthrough.
I believe new combos are unlocked as you buy previous combos in a particular series.Nope, not there![]()
It was probably already answered, but do I have to play on very hard to get every lollipop and zombie name, or is hard enough ?
You can get them all on Hard.
Thanks. Very hard is a more interesting challenge, but chainsawing through hard mode is incredibly satisfying.
Last question from me for now, can all lollipop wrappers be found under one difficulty setting?
For all ppeople out there looking for zombies and wrappers, a fellow gaffer gave me this link:
all locations and conditions for all zzombies and wrappers.