it's become obvious that there're a number of wrong people involved in overseeing many of these projects. as in, non-gamer financial/marketing people...
I enjoyed the original one in the ps3 (the story was crazy in a fun way and Juliet was very charming along with all the characters, including bosses) and i hope that the remaster is good, i have some good expectations about it specially because the creator said that they are not going to censor anything ( although i doubt it, there are some costumes that probably are going to get the modern treatment). I wonder if the change of style is something optional or not.
Am actually indifferent about this change, more curious about the other comic style stuff, menus , loading screens to be exact, unless there are no loading screens then this would be the only time they would use it outside the UI.
Wishlisted. I plan to grab this, may even pre-order it. I still have my Xbox 360 hooked up and have the original game disk in ready to go. In spite of any changes, I will check this out and see how it compares. Overall, I consider games like this worth supporting.
Interesting to note that DF covered this slightly in this week's DF Direct and they were pretty disappointed with the game. John called it a 'god damn mess' and says even the old PS3/360 version looks better in places by comparison.
Interesting to note that DF covered this slightly in this week's DF Direct and they were pretty disappointed with the game. John called it a 'god damn mess' and says even the old PS3/360 version looks better in places by comparison.
From what I've read about the game, at least on the PC version, there is no settings in the game and for some reason the game defaults to all Unreal Engine settings on the highest pre-set by default, resulting in real shitty performance in most moderate PC's. The only way to fix this is by making tweaks to the .ini files to reduce settings to a more manageable levels.
This came in real hot and seems like it was given a shoestring budget.