What you are looking for is Noein.
Trust me.
Seen that already.
Welcome to NHK.
Underrated as fuck and one of the best animes i watched.
Also :
Cowboy Bebop
Was mentioned earlier. The screenshots put me off but I can always at least give it a try.
Seen that as well.
I don't watch series that haven't finished airing yet (long-running ones being the exception) but as the name was dropped a few times already, I will keep it in mind.
Ping Pong: The Animation
Space Battleship Yamato 2199 (or rather, the whole franchise)
Ashita no Joe (thanks Saizen <3)
Madoka Magica (I'll try eventually)
Dennou Coil
Patlabor (all, need subs)
Definitely going to have to second these. Especially Ashita no Joe since you have ippo on your list. Ashita no Joe is a super classic. Manga was amazing.
Maybe I'm reading wrong or have a bad memory, but I disagree if this is about Outlaw Star. It's a great action adventure scifi piece. The closest to ecchi you really get is the single (traditional) onsen episode near the very end. (which if I remember right didn't air in the US) I mention this because it seems to be one of the few 90's US aired anime you don't have listed.
On Trigun, if you can't enjoy the humor than it probably wont be for you. That said, it, and it's amazingly well done maximum manga, eventually deal pretty heavy messages of the responsibility of power, the sustainability of idealism, and peace at all costs.
I have to say though, the original Hajime no Ippo anime was awesome. Didn't like the newer one as much and will see how Rising is gonna be. Have no doubts about Ashita no Joe at all.
Hm, it's listed under ecchi but then again, the site I usually use doesn't have the tag system anymore (which was extremely reliable) and I don't know how this one fares. If you say it's worth it, the least I can do is give it a chance.
That doesn't sound too bad but the "eventually" might be what breaks it for me. The humor, at first glance, wasn't for me. If it's like that all the time, I don't think I will be able to make it through.
Never fear, there's plenty of help available. Namely here:
That should cover most queries.
Are you sure that's right OP, I mean:
Fate/stay night - 8
Elfin Lied - 9
The facts, they speak for themselves.
Will check all those threads out.
I've been watching anime for quite some time. So there might, obviously, be anime in there that differ from my norm which I eventually established. FS/N isn't about the harem for instance. I read the VN later and it's so much better. If I watched it again, it probably wouldn't fare as well anymore. But I won't ever do that since rewatching a series is something I pretty much never do. Same can be said about Elfen Lied.
Arise is worth watching. Maybe not as much as SAC, but I see it more as an origins story and the new design definitely fits Motoko's younger personality more than the old one could.
That's a shame, episode 28 of FMA is probably my favourite. Watch 2 more episodes then stop watching

I've only seen the first 12 eps of Outlaw Star so I can't say, so far the only nudity has been relevant to the plot and isn't revealing or gratuitous.
The whole "Vash is girl-crazy" shtick in Trigun stops pretty much immediately after episode 2 and the series slowly gets more serious as it goes on.
You think so? Personally, I loved the design of the first movie, then first series. Didn't like the one from the second series. Well, it's not that long. So that would lessen the effect if it's actually bad.
Ha ha, I tried watching episode 27 years later. The problem was, it was subbed and I couldn't stand it because I watched the 26 episodes before dubbed. But I can't go back to that anymore. It's a separate dilemma.
Another one for Outlaw Star. Giving it a chance is settled then, I guess.
So I should watch more than the one episode that I did? Interesting that they opened with this, considering anime usually give (or want to give) a good impression on what the series is gonna be like.
Oh dear, you think Elfen Lied had "depth"? Well, you deserve whatever poor recommendations you get.
If you can look past the violence and nudity, yes. Though, it's one of the anime people either really like or hate. If I was to watch it at this point, I would maybe give it a lower score because certain elements would probably annoy me more. Can't say anything for certain though.
Still, it's funny how you condemn me for one anime. I mean, it's not like it's the best rated one there. And another problem is, a 9 doesn't tell you whether it's 8.5 or 9.4 (which I dislike about MAL). Haibane Renmei, for instance, was a 6.4.
(By the way, Elfen Lied was the first series of the top 8 that I watched, with Death Note being the second.)
Watched the first episode of Hunter x Hunter in the meantime...actually of both series, the old and new (by accident) one. The old series gave a way better first impression, with the beginning being a lot more fleshed out. So can I go with that?