Alex Connolly
We're probably looking at the most polarising game of the year, folks! And to all the detractors, I'm not doing damage control. I can understand the complaints.
PepsimanVsJoe said:The first demo was such a piece of shit it turned me off from the game hardcore.
AgentOtaku said:
Technical hiccups is the nice way of putting it. I believe it says it's a mess while in motion and significant framerate drops hurt it.chandoog said:IGN's PS3 review mentions that the PS3 version has technical hiccups compared to the 360 version, kinda disappointed that's the case even with the new engine.
PS3 version got 7 instead of 9 for graphics and overall 5.5 instead of 6 compared to the 360 version.IGN said:n my Xbox 360 review, I mention that Lost Planet 2 is a beautiful title that really shows off the strengths of Capcom's MT Framework 2.0 engine. From familiar ice fields to jungles and cities and deserts, the world of EDN III is often a sight to behold. Unfortunately, the PS3 version of Lost Planet 2 suffers in comparison. The framerate experiences significant drops whenever the screen is busy, particularly in outdoor stages and during boss fights and hectic combat situations. Occasionally, the game will pause visually for several moments. This can have profound effects on the responsiveness of controls, and there were numerous points where I was nearly killed by an enemy waiting for the game to seemingly catch up with me
mescalineeyes said:so... I am just gonna ask away: Who will be playing this on the 360?
Rez said:gotta feel sorry for Takeuchi.
the guy seems to have his heart in the right place, but he seems to just... not get it?
I don't get how every game using the Framework Engine has gotten technically worse with each game on PS3. I thought V. 2.0 was supposed to make it better not worse.Urban Scholar said:I'm rather disappointed that the PS3 version is the technical lesser of the two(again) and with a forced install too. I'll await further impressions
Synless said:I don't get how every game using the Framework Engine has gotten technically worse with each game on PS3. I thought V. 2.0 was supposed to make it better not worse.
No? Being more familiar with the system should have better results....not worse.Urban Scholar said:I'm sorry the thread derail a bit here. Isn't that normally how this kind of thing works?
Synless said:
Understood, and I agree.Urban Scholar said:I was agreeing with that MT2.0 shouldn't have a technically weaker PS3 version as we were lead to believe, considering that it was an all around improvement of MT1. Clearly something is wrong...again
jet1911 said:If I really liked the first one I guess I should like LP2 too right?
jet1911 said:If I really liked the first one I guess I should like LP2 too right?
Lyte Edge said:It sounds like the single player/co-op stuff is a let down/crap, but my favorite part of the original LP and Colonies was the multiplayer versus, and I liked the mp demo that came out a few weeks back.
zlatko said:I was really excited for this game and was going to buy it day one, but all the negative reviews really have me being cautious. May also has Red Dead Redemption which seems to be getting praised and could have a very great online third person shooting experience.
I think I'll rent each to see which is worth 60 bucks, but it's a shame that things didn't go the way I'd hoped with this release.![]()
Pylon_Trooper said:It'd be nice for people to elucidate *why* they found the experience "a piece of shit", but hey.
-Controls. For some odd reason they're even worse.
Rated-Rsuperstar said:I don't know why Capcom developers are still stuck in the late 90's. All their games still have that old school japanese control that modern games dropped years ago. Why in 2010 I can't aim and control the camera with the right analog stick is beyond me.
I somehow don't believe you're kind of disappointed that the ps3 version is technically inferior..:lolchandoog said:IGN's PS3 review mentions that the PS3 version has technical hiccups compared to the 360 version, kinda disappointed that's the case even with the new engine.
Not really. If you played the ps3 demo, you would've noticed that the ps3 version lacked AA and had more tearing issues compared to the 360 demos.Urban Scholar said:I was agreeing with that MT2.0 shouldn't have a technically weaker PS3 version as we were lead to believe, considering that it was an all around improvement of MT1. Clearly something is wrong...again
mintylurb said:I somehow don't believe you're kind of disappointed that the ps3 version is technically inferior..:lol
quickwhips said:does anyone know where the best price for this game is or has anyone used this site
I want to buy but I'm trying to find a good price.
Aww..Here I was expecting you to make a little more effort refuting ign's claim considering your marvelous work in defending ff13 360 in the ff13 comparison thread.. ;<chandoog said:Oh sure not personally for me seeing as I don't have a PS3, but i'm a very big Capcom fan, and it's a shame for similar fans like me who will be playing the PS3 version.
Never heard of that site. I usually pre-order my games from since they usually give $10 amazon credits for pre-ordering games.quickwhips said:does anyone know where the best price for this game is or has anyone used this site
I want to buy but I'm trying to find a good price.
The code was special offer over eastern. And it wasnt really legalJustAnotherOtaku said:Got it for £24.95 using a code at Zavvi, but not sure if the code is still around. Best price I've seen.
:lol :lol Really? That's pretty awesome indeed!Sectus said:Lost Planet 1 had an awesome Japanese community. I found a small group of Japanese people I played with. I can't speak Japanese, so we communicated completely by meowing. That was awesome.
Gamespot Review said:There is no drop-in, drop-out play, so you can't join a friend already in progress. More importantly, you can't join a buddy at all if you haven't already played to that point. (If you want your buddy to help you through the train level but he's only in episode 2, it's a no-go.)
What they were thinking really?!! make whole game focused on co-op then make it pretty much unplayable.WickedLaharl said:this isn't true, is it?
miladesn said:What they were thinking really?!! make whole game focused on co-op then make it pretty much unplayable.
d0c_zaius said:last attempt. someone who else that got it early and wants to play, hit me up!
save me from the horrors of Capcom partner AI![]()