Vault Dweller 111
So basically I decided to take the week after the holidays, but before my next semester started, to watch a ton of movies. I put an emphasis on all time great movies that I had never seen and movies by directors I really like but hadn't seen every movie they'd done. It's been really enjoyable, except that I feel like a fat lazy bastard. And it's hard to let any movie sink it, so i'm not entirely sure how I feel about them. But anyway...
In the last few days I've seen:
Hateful 8: Tarantino is my favorite director and i'd say this is about in the middle of his filmography, in other words, I loved it.
Apocalypse Now: Great, great movie. The cinematography and sound especially were incredible. I don't even know how they managed to make this movie, loved it.
Raging Bull: I love Scorsese. This was solid, but not one of his best.
The Prestige: Extremely entertaining movie.
The Usual Suspects: I really liked this while watching. But it hasn't stuck with me very well. Probably needs a re-watch at some point. But very good movie.
The Big Short: This is still in theaters. Everyone please go see this movie.
The Departed: THIS was the Scorsese I know and love. I loved this movie.
Also, on the way from Amazon: There was a $90 Alien Anthropology collection + Prometheus on blu ray. With all the behind the scenes footage, theatrical cuts, directors cuts. etc. Basically this:
And it just happened to be on sale for $20 while I was looking. I've seen Prometheus (meh) and Alien when I was young, so I don't remember much except for that one iconic scene. And I hear 3 and Resurrection suck? I'd love some advice on which cuts of the movies to watch, and if I should even bother with the last two.
Oh, I also bought Gangs of New York because I love Scorsese, even though I hear it's not one of his best. But c'mon, Daniel Day Lewis!! (And it was only $5).
I would love some more suggestions of 'must see' movies that I can watch before school starts again on Monday. I have no qualms about buying movies off Amazon if there's no other way to watch. But they have to be Blu-Ray, and cheap. Netflix and Amazon Prime are also available. I'm not unwilling to stream it from the internet, but it's not ideal for a few different reasons.
-I think Nolan makes extremely entertaining movies.
-I think Scorsese makes great movies
-If I was making a top 10 list, as much as I'd try not too, I feel like I'd put at least 3 Tarantino movies in there. So yea, I really like Tarantino.
-The only way that I really deviate from the norm quite a bit is with Stanley Kubrick. I LOVE the premise of 2001: SO, I find the movie amazingly boring. I tried to watch Clockwork Orange and couldn't finish. I don't want to discount all of his films, but he is 0/2 with me so far.
-Other than that I'm about as average as can be.
Obviously, you wouldn't want to suggest something that I've seen. So here are the top 100 movies as voted on by you fine people, I'll bold what I've already seen.
*I've seen it, but I really need to watch it again to have any sort of opinion on it.
In the last few days I've seen:
Hateful 8: Tarantino is my favorite director and i'd say this is about in the middle of his filmography, in other words, I loved it.
Apocalypse Now: Great, great movie. The cinematography and sound especially were incredible. I don't even know how they managed to make this movie, loved it.
Raging Bull: I love Scorsese. This was solid, but not one of his best.
The Prestige: Extremely entertaining movie.
The Usual Suspects: I really liked this while watching. But it hasn't stuck with me very well. Probably needs a re-watch at some point. But very good movie.
The Big Short: This is still in theaters. Everyone please go see this movie.
The Departed: THIS was the Scorsese I know and love. I loved this movie.
Also, on the way from Amazon: There was a $90 Alien Anthropology collection + Prometheus on blu ray. With all the behind the scenes footage, theatrical cuts, directors cuts. etc. Basically this:

And it just happened to be on sale for $20 while I was looking. I've seen Prometheus (meh) and Alien when I was young, so I don't remember much except for that one iconic scene. And I hear 3 and Resurrection suck? I'd love some advice on which cuts of the movies to watch, and if I should even bother with the last two.
Oh, I also bought Gangs of New York because I love Scorsese, even though I hear it's not one of his best. But c'mon, Daniel Day Lewis!! (And it was only $5).
I would love some more suggestions of 'must see' movies that I can watch before school starts again on Monday. I have no qualms about buying movies off Amazon if there's no other way to watch. But they have to be Blu-Ray, and cheap. Netflix and Amazon Prime are also available. I'm not unwilling to stream it from the internet, but it's not ideal for a few different reasons.
-I think Nolan makes extremely entertaining movies.
-I think Scorsese makes great movies
-If I was making a top 10 list, as much as I'd try not too, I feel like I'd put at least 3 Tarantino movies in there. So yea, I really like Tarantino.
-The only way that I really deviate from the norm quite a bit is with Stanley Kubrick. I LOVE the premise of 2001: SO, I find the movie amazingly boring. I tried to watch Clockwork Orange and couldn't finish. I don't want to discount all of his films, but he is 0/2 with me so far.
-Other than that I'm about as average as can be.
Obviously, you wouldn't want to suggest something that I've seen. So here are the top 100 movies as voted on by you fine people, I'll bold what I've already seen.
*I've seen it, but I really need to watch it again to have any sort of opinion on it.
That's a general idea. But obviously there is no need to limit ourselves to just this list. And I know I've kind of made this thread all about me. But feel free to talk all things movies in here. Thanks Gaf!2001: A Space Oddysey
Blade Runner
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
The Godfather
Pulp Fiction
The Dark Knight
Lawrence of Arabia
Raiders of the Lost Ark
The Godfather Part 2
The Shawshank Redemption
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Apocalypse Now
Terminator 2: Judgement Day
Seven Samurai
Fight Club
Mulholland Drive
There Will Be Blood
Star Wars: A New Hope
Lost In Translation
The Matrix
Rear Window
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
Spirited Away
Once Upon a Time in the West
Taxi Driver
Citizen Kane
12 Angry Men*
Jurassic Park
Die Hard
The Shining
No Country For Old Man
Back to the Future
Children of Men*
Dr. Strangelove
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
The Lion King
The Thing
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
In the Mood for Love
Princess Mononoke
Schindler's List*
The Social Network
A Clockwork Orange
Star Wars: The Return of the Jedi
The Third Man
Good Will Hunting
Groundhog Day*
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Sunset Blvd.
The Avengers
The Thin Red Line
Hot Fuzz
The Tree of Life
Annie Hall
Before Sunrise
Leon: The Profession
Oldboy (2003)
The Terminator
The Seventh Seal
Inglorious Basterds
Bicycle Thieves
High & Low
Memories of a Murder
Saving Private Ryan
Toy Story 3
Forrest Gump
Days of Heaven
Once Upon a Time in America
The Incredibles
The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
Dark City
Eyes Wide Shut
Jackie Brown