ChatGPT 0.001

Nobody knew Borderlands would get a sequel, the deserts, the cool trailers, everything about the art style, crazy vaults and looting, the rambling weird dialogue and here we are, Borderlands 3.

91 Metascore, one of the AAA games released during COVID.
I've played shooters all my life, starting with Goldeneye, Turok, to Fear, Bioshock, it's a genre I love and this game takes care of everything from incorporating upgrade trees, changing weapons. One thing I like like many is guns, even the basic guns in Borderlands are enjoyable. I feel like they can sharpen up the feedback, and handling on a lot of the weapons to make them feel stronger, have weight.

There's clear direction with the efficient inventory menu, you can have two-three guns equipped at a time. I was switching and moving weapons constantly, you'll want to monitor what games are stronger and weaker.

You have your main hub, or home that gives you a place to discover planets, it has real presence and gives you a break from the action.
Borderlands 3 has 23 main missions, good bosses two. Side missions are in place that at least give you a chance to level.
Watch this wild fight, beating that boss battle gave me legit motivation. Hats off to that YouTuber.

The planets are attractive, your typical alien worlds and every mission feels like a big fight.

A lot of work was put into Borderlands 3 by Gearbox, unfortunately it doesn't get recognized like a Call of Duty. Gearbox is doing everything they can to make Borderlands memorable. I remember the trailer, all the shit talking from the game's enemies who I love to kill. The game was just a giant fun ride that I knew I'd like right away, it leans heavy into humor and it's set up for multiple sequels. Beyond everything posted, what does GAF think of Borderlands 3?