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LTTP: Borderlands 3 (PS5) 2019


ChatGPT 0.001

Nobody knew Borderlands would get a sequel, the deserts, the cool trailers, everything about the art style, crazy vaults and looting, the rambling weird dialogue and here we are, Borderlands 3.


91 Metascore, one of the AAA games released during COVID.

I've played shooters all my life, starting with Goldeneye, Turok, to Fear, Bioshock, it's a genre I love and this game takes care of everything from incorporating upgrade trees, changing weapons. One thing I like like many is guns, even the basic guns in Borderlands are enjoyable. I feel like they can sharpen up the feedback, and handling on a lot of the weapons to make them feel stronger, have weight.


There's clear direction with the efficient inventory menu, you can have two-three guns equipped at a time. I was switching and moving weapons constantly, you'll want to monitor what games are stronger and weaker.


You have your main hub, or home that gives you a place to discover planets, it has real presence and gives you a break from the action.

Borderlands 3 has 23 main missions, good bosses two. Side missions are in place that at least give you a chance to level.

Watch this wild fight, beating that boss battle gave me legit motivation. Hats off to that YouTuber.

Bl3 GIF by Borderlands

The planets are attractive, your typical alien worlds and every mission feels like a big fight.

Happy Dance GIF by Borderlands

A lot of work was put into Borderlands 3 by Gearbox, unfortunately it doesn't get recognized like a Call of Duty. Gearbox is doing everything they can to make Borderlands memorable. I remember the trailer, all the shit talking from the game's enemies who I love to kill. The game was just a giant fun ride that I knew I'd like right away, it leans heavy into humor and it's set up for multiple sequels. Beyond everything posted, what does GAF think of Borderlands 3?

Power Pro

I still have yet to play this one...I wanna play Pre-sequel and Tales of the Borderlands before I get to it, but I do wanna play it someday....

I keep feeling like I heard people hated the story for this one, which has me a little concerned. As someone who games mostly alone, I enjoyed Borderlands games for the quests, and the story was funny and engaging enough for me with memorable characters. I don't know if people who hate Borderlands 3 just don't like the Borderlands style of storytelling, or if it is just a really bad entry. I'm afraid to find out.
It was really bad when it released just due to performance and other hiccups…once they patched for next gen at 60 fps and fixed the majority of the major bugs, it came out really solid. Unfortunately Covid hit this one pretty hard from the release to the patches to the player base…but well worth it, and it gives me hope for BL4.


It's a very good game indeed. Not as good as Borderlands 2, but I enjoyed my time with it. I played it on PS5 and I'm going to buy on Steam too at some point considering the discount is so steep when it's on sale. A couple of the DEC'S ice played was a blast too.


i beat the game but didnt enjoy it. They didnt change shit from 2 to 3 (or so it seems). This game needs a gameplay update bad or new engine.
I'm shocked it has a 91. I've never heard anything but lukewarm opinions on this game.

I think I got it for free on Steam somewhere but I've never bothered to install. I played the shit out of the first one. It and Mass Effect 2 were the only games from the 360 I kept up on the DLC with 100% as they were released. I didn't love 2 though. Maybe I should give it a shot.


I'm shocked it has a 91. I've never heard anything but lukewarm opinions on this game.

I think I got it for free on Steam somewhere but I've never bothered to install. I played the shit out of the first one. It and Mass Effect 2 were the only games from the 360 I kept up on the DLC with 100% as they were released. I didn't love 2 though. Maybe I should give it a shot.

It doesnt. Thats FIVE reviews.


°Temp. member
I replayed Borderlands 3 last year and it still looks and plays amazing. Very satisfying gameplay and I liked the villains too.



Running the game at 4K, max settings, locked 60 fps on my rtx 3090 was chef's kiss. Bring on Borderlands 4.

edit: Also, Mask of Mayhem is one of the best videogame trailers of all time:

It gets me so hyped!
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Played through it with all 4 characters reaching the level cap of 72 with each and maxing out the guardian ranks to boot. I now play on Mayhem mode 11 daily and can't get enough. The gunplay is top notch.

Which character would you say is the most fun, if I only wanted to play through once?
Which character would you say is the most fun, if I only wanted to play through once?

Ideally you should play it co-op, after watching some MST3K to get you in the mood to rip apart the horrible writing. I actually really enjoyed the humor of the first two games. Borderlands 3 was horrible in comparison. Wonderlands was just okay and not actively terrible. Both of them are worth it for the gameplay, which is still a lot of fun.

Ideally you should play it co-op, after watching some MST3K to get you in the mood to rip apart the horrible writing. I actually really enjoyed the humor of the first two games. Borderlands 3 was horrible in comparison. Wonderlands was just okay and not actively terrible. Both of them are worth it for the gameplay, which is still a lot of fun.

Luckily I've got decades of MST3K pre-loaded. But if there's one thing that's taught me, it's that there's no bad movie worse than a bad comedy.

I'll try to get Zane-y with it at some point, regardless.


Love the first one and second one.

Super excited to go on a coop run with a friend on this one but after few hours the magic was not there.
There is some really annoying "story moment" where you just listen lame dialog and doing some back and forth in the same place.
And we didn't get the "excitement" when finding new loot. Somehow weapons where underwhelming. We dropped it. Maybe it gets better later but there was not the magic of the 2 first games.


Woah, 91. That's a lie.

Its a crappy game that does nothing new from the previous BL releases. The story and chacracters are just bad.


Love the first one and second one.

Super excited to go on a coop run with a friend on this one but after few hours the magic was not there.
There is some really annoying "story moment" where you just listen lame dialog and doing some back and forth in the same place.
And we didn't get the "excitement" when finding new loot. Somehow weapons where underwhelming. We dropped it. Maybe it gets better later but there was not the magic of the 2 first games.
I agree the story is very strange at times. And it has a good bit of wokeish themes.


The meta on this is a 78, the PS5 entry in the database only has 5 reviews.

Also, this was released in September 2019, not a COVID baby.

Borderlands 2 > 1 >>>> 3


The core gameplay mechanics of Borderlands 3 are fantastic and far superior than the previous 2 entries (I finished Borderlands 3 and then later on afterwards finished Borderlands 2; BL3's gameplay is much better than BL2). But the characters and story are terrible which really brings the whole experience down.


I'm tempted to try this again on PS5, I played 1000+ hours or BL2 and I was so excited for BL3, started off okay, story and dialogue was annoying and shit but I got some legendary drops early that were very fun, then I just dropped off it after a few more hours.
I'm tempted to try this again on PS5, I played 1000+ hours or BL2 and I was so excited for BL3, started off okay, story and dialogue was annoying and shit but I got some legendary drops early that were very fun, then I just dropped off it after a few more hours.
You have no idea how bad it gets. I finished it with a group of my friends, and we were genuinely mad at the game. There's dropping the ball and then there's throwing it down, stabbing it with a knife, and then defecating all over it. If you ever cared about the story in Borderlands 1, or 2, or Tales from The Borderlands, chances are you will come away angry, sad, disappointed, or a mixture of all three.


Gold Member
I had a lot of fun with the game. Great gameplay, graphics, levels and enemy design.
But the writing and voice acting is terrible. And with no option to skip cutscenes, it's a real pain.
I enjoyed 2 when i played it in 2012 but to current me the thought listening to borderlands dialogue makes me want to never play a video game ever again.

I hear they did the gunplay much better in 3 than 2, which was already fun in its own right, so hats off to them for that! Credit where credits due and whatnot.


I'm playing it the last 3 weeks, finished the main story yesterday, did all the side quests and targets of opportunity and legendary hunts, overall it's a solid 8 for me and i'm into Borderlands now. Not a huge fan of cel shaded games and looters but had lot of fun, also like the characters and story/world.
Now i started the Moxxi DLC and it was stuck on level 13 and i was on level 47, tried several times to make it scale to my level without using mayhem mode, but couldn't make it, so i turn on mayhem 1, and the mod that make you fast if you kill am enemy and now it's like playing DOOM lol i'm loving it.


Story is shit but loved the gameplay and looting. My go to is Moze with the mech because mechs are fucking cool.


Al Pachinko, Konami President
Whatever happened with that Tales of the Borderlands sequel
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A lot of work was put into Borderlands 3 by Gearbox, unfortunately it doesn't get recognized like a Call of Duty. Gearbox is doing everything they can to make Borderlands memorable. I remember the trailer, all the shit talking from the game's enemies who I love to kill. The game was just a giant fun ride that I knew I'd like right away, it leans heavy into humor and it's set up for multiple sequels. Beyond everything posted, what does GAF think of Borderlands 3?

its in the top 5 of recent best fps to play, mechanically speaking. It utterly destroys lolgames like Rage 2, Destiny 2 and its memetic hitboxes / bullet magnetism and the like. Every single type of weapon (projectiles, hitscan and everything else) feels like an absolute blast to play, and you get multiple variations of them from the same manufacturers

Now, the main game's structure is pretty good but they really fucked up from the angle of comedy compared to Borderlands 2. Like I get that the goal was to make the twins insufferable like live streamers nowadays and from that point of view, its a win. But everything else was really, really meh unfortunately. Fortunately, all the dlcs are amazing as per tradition, and unironically I got high hopes for BL 4 which fortunately will be the end of the ip. We don't get many absurdly good fps mechanically speaking as of late, and I would never expect Gearbox out of all people to utterly nail it as hard as they did, yet here we are

Shootout to Shadow Warrior 3 on that end too
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I found it a bit easy, but really enjoyed it as I was playing through it. Strangely, as soon as I finished it, I dropped it and have absolutely zero motivation to replay it or play any of the DLC.
It was pretty cheap during Covid so I bought it for roundabout 15€, but the DLCs were pretty expensive. Don‘t know how good the game is without the DLCs, it‘s definitely on my I have yet to finish it pile of games, but since I‘ll be playing it mostly in singleplayer I doubt it will be as good as the first borderlands for which I had a buddy to play through. Matchmaking these days suck, and I don‘t have many friends on PSN, so my days of playing games in multiplayer are kind of over, unfortunately.


Ended up with 130 hours played, it's up there on my list of most hours played.. not quite long as 270 for Fallout 4 and The Witcher 3 but still honourable place for a game i wasn't sure i'll like. Bounty for Blood was my fav DLC and possibly better then the main game. The wild west was great setting.
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