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LTTP: Mass Effect


Mako was the best thing about ME1 :p
ME1: Best Story, OK Characters, Worst Game play

ME2: OK Story, Best Characters, OK Game play

ME3: Worst story, Meh Characters, Best Game play

This is the only thing you need to know going into this series.


1 laid a great platform that was completely ignored for the bland shooter sequels.

Those elevator rides though...

Basically how I felt.

I loved ME1, and looked forward to them refining it for 2- basically just wanted better inventory management, better combat, and no elevator waits. I got the combat and lack of elevators, but what I got more of was more of a straight TPS that ditched the exploration (I actually liked the Mako, at least on PC) for probing, dropped most of the squad tweaking and wrote itself into such an obvious corner that I never played ME3.

I enjoyed ME2, mostly for the characters, but I kinda wish it had been a spinoff rather than the actual sequel.


If you are actually liking 1 this much then Mass Effect 2 is seriously gonna fuck your world UP!!!

I'm jealous. Wish I could go back.
1 is awesome. Loved how it felt like KOTOR in space. 2 had a lot of progressions but also regressions. The biggest like I had in 2 was the feel of combat. Using guns felt a lot better especially with the clip reloading system.


ME1: Best Story, OK Characters, Worst Game play

ME2: OK Story, Best Characters, OK Game play

ME3: Worst story, Meh Characters, Best Game play

This is the only thing you need to know going into this series.
This is a good overview. With all the DLC added I guess I would rate ME3 as OK story.

I think mass effect shines the most in its characters, so that's why I think ME2 is the best.


I think mass effect shines the most in its characters, so that's why I think ME2 is the best.

This is also precisely why I thought ME3 was such a gigantic letdown. The roster in the first game was "OK", but if you played the games in order, there wasn't really anything to compare it with and it at least had some interesting characters.

ME2 just took the characters and character development to an entirely different level.

ME3 removed many great characters from being squadmates, shoehorned in ridiculous "love interest" fan service garbage tier characters, added a throwaway dudebro and a character of a race (species) many were looking forward to finally seeing, but was ultimately boring.

Still haven't played 3. Is the hate still strong on that one?

People like or dislike it for various reasons. The biggest gripe seems to be the ending. That's legitimate, but for me the game was just pretty bad in many other areas before that. If you like a servicable, yet still not fully-fledged TPS (though it tries hard to be) that focuses on being a shooting gallery, and you don't care much that it has a boring roster and a nonsensical narrative drive, full of by the numbers scenarios, you might like it.


Dunno how people can ruin the game for themselves by playing renegade.
Yeah, I agree with this. On a second playthrough, I understand, but I feel like I would've been much more disconnected and cared a lot less about the story and characters if I played renegade my first time through the series.

But I guess in ME1 the renegade choices were typically more antihero-like, whereas in ME2 and especially ME3 they are just plain evil.

Still haven't played 3. Is the hate still strong on that one?
I personally loved it (still like ME2 more), even though I think the ending is atrocious. And also ME3 Citadel is a must-play for any fans of the series.
Play ALL DLC. Do all side missions.

I never understood what so many people saw on Tali, Wrex, Grunt and Liara. I don't like them one bit. Garrus is okay but still fluffy on the side.

Give me Jack, Jacob, Solus, Miranda and Freddy Prince Junior, any day. ANY DAY.


When I played with my male Shepard engineer, I loved taking Ashley and liara as a team. I was romancing them both and it was awesome.

One of my most beloved games of last gen.


Dunno how people can ruin the game for themselves by playing renegade.

Glad you're enjoying it otherwise though. 2 and 3 are significantly better.

I feel the same way. Renegade Sheppard is hilarious, but playing that way feels dishonest to me. I know it's only a video game, but I feel like a dick when I play a video game like a dick. I wish I could turn that part of me off.


Unconfirmed Member
Thanks for your replies/support, y'all. Sounds like I'm in for a treat with ME2, especially regarding characters.
I'll make sure to grab all DLC before playing 3. No essential add-ons for 2?

You'll really get my meaning latter on... Let me just say don't pity a space racist. They're sub-human. :p

I got it, and
good riddance
. She was never even in the running.

If you've done Virmire (the planet with Saren's base and the nice planet view with beaches and stuff), I hope you did not kill you know who(and I'm talking about the alien here).

I was wrong earlier, I only just finished Virmire this weekend.
And no, I didn't kill him. I talked him down with Renegade persuassion and got a trophy!

Dunno how people can ruin the game for themselves by playing renegade.

Yeah, I agree with this. On a second playthrough, I understand, but I feel like I would've been much more disconnected and cared a lot less about the story and characters if I played renegade my first time through the series.

But I guess in ME1 the renegade choices were typically more antihero-like, whereas in ME2 and especially ME3 they are just plain evil.

I feel the same way. Renegade Sheppard is hilarious, but playing that way feels dishonest to me. I know it's only a video game, but I feel like a dick when I play a video game like a dick. I wish I could turn that part of me off.

I wouldn't say the game is ruined at all. I find Renegade helps me stay focused on my (or Shepard's) goals and priorities.
I usually go out of my way to do everything and help everyone in large-scale RPGs, and end up getting bogged down.
With ME, I felt in danger of that early on when the world was just opening up and I had a lot of active Assignments.
But I found that you can deal with the majority of assignment's in your own way, without creating a disconnect from the main characters or story.

In fact, as I mentioned in an earlier post, sometimes doing Renegade stuff even helps to strengthen bonds between Shepard and preferred squad mates.
Hearing that Renegade choices are less "grey" in the sequels is interesting. I'll keep an eye out and update on progress/what I think when the time comes.
Either way, ME feels like one game where being a dick not only pays off (I currently have 9,999,999 credits
with nothing to spend them on
), but also feels fairly natural and down to earth, so to speak.

You will enjoy this series.

That's awesome! Looking forward to some interesting new characters in the sequel :)
Thanks for your replies/support, y'all. Sounds like I'm in for a treat with ME2, especially regarding characters.
I'll make sure to grab all DLC before playing 3. No essential add-ons for 2?

Lair of the Shadow Broker. Though BioWare DLC goes on sale once every 2 years, so you'll probably have to pay as much for that one DLC as most people do for the whole game.

I did Paragon and Renegade in the first game, but didn't do Renegade in 2 and 3. Renegade Shepard just does some bad things and is an asshole in the sequels, not the "whatever it takes" way of thinking it was in 1. Especially regarding the Krogans, who
you can screw over to get an alliance with the Salarians, except if you're Paragon and do the right sidequests, the Salarians send you a nice little email pledging their allegiance anyway even if you saved the Krogan. There's just no benefit to Renegade most of the time.

I've only ever played it on PC. The combat is clunky as hell but the powers are fun, so I don't find the combat as intolerable as some people.


Thanks for your replies/support, y'all. Sounds like I'm in for a treat with ME2, especially regarding characters.
I'll make sure to grab all DLC before playing 3. No essential add-ons for 2?

I got it, and
good riddance
. She was never even in the running.

I was wrong earlier, I only just finished Virmire this weekend.
And no, I didn't kill him. I talked him down with Renegade persuassion and got a trophy!

I wouldn't say the game is ruined at all. I find Renegade helps me stay focused on my (or Shepard's) goals and priorities.
I usually go out of my way to do everything and help everyone in large-scale RPGs, and end up getting bogged down.
With ME, I felt in danger of that early on when the world was just opening up and I had a lot of active Assignments.
But I found that you can deal with the majority of assignment's in your own way, without creating a disconnect from the main characters or story.

In fact, as I mentioned in an earlier post, sometimes doing Renegade stuff even helps to strengthen bonds between Shepard and preferred squad mates.
Hearing that Renegade choices are less "grey" in the sequels is interesting. I'll keep an eye out and update on progress/what I think when the time comes.
Either way, ME feels like one game where being a dick not only pays off (I currently have 9,999,999 credits
with nothing to spend them on
), but also feels fairly natural and down to earth, so to speak.

That's awesome! Looking forward to some interesting new characters in the sequel :)

Mass Effect does a good job of focusing the narrative in a way that, unlike say KOTOR where you wildly swing from jesus to satan, Shep is always just Shep and is ALWAYS the hero, you're just putting your own spin on him or her. Renegade is never evil and Paragon is never saintly, it's more like a choice between idealism and pragmatism. It works.

And as noted, get Lair of the Shadow Broker for ME2.


Dunno how people can ruin the game for themselves by playing renegade.

Glad you're enjoying it otherwise though. 2 and 3 are significantly better.
Yeah, I could never bring myself to go Renegade for my first playthrough in any of the games.


Yeah, I could never bring myself to go Renegade for my first playthrough in any of the games.

I found full Renegade in 1& 2 was fun. ( I usually play the goodie two shoes Paragon first playthrough)

But full renegade in 3 was too depressing/shocking.


I tried to play Mass Effect 1 again.

That combat...hasn't aged well...at all.

Especially on harder difficulties.

I keep saying it, put ME1 on easy. Just don't bother with cover or all the upgrades, speed through the tedium combat sessions guns blazing. The game is much more enjoyable if you just focus on the story and roleplaying.
My favorite Mass Effect. The story, characters and the music. Just so good. Man what a year to be a gamer 2007 was. Mass Effect, CoD4, Mario Galaxy, The Orange Box, Halo 3, Uncharted,.... maybe the best year in gaming. ahhh memories!


I finished the game yesterday. What a great ending. Felt like a blockbuster movie. One of the best RPGs I played in the last years. My ending:
Council and Sovereign dead, Wrex in Party, Ashley dead, Level 42, Nearly full Paragon Level, 22 hours

Started 2 afterwards and noticed what people mean with "improved gameplay and shooting". It's totally different (and better^^). Let's see if 2 really is better overall like a lot of people say.

PS. The soundtrack of Mass Effect is amazing. Perfect space opera blockbuster.


IMO 2 is the best in the series but I think you'll also enjoy 3. The characters that are introduced in 3 are the weakest, but all of the characters you cared about in the first 2 games make appearances, and their individual arcs are resolved (some in pretty cool/dramatic ways). Plus, the gameplay mechanics are the best in 3.

As far as the ending goes, it was modified not long after release, so you won't really get the same effect as if you'd played it when it came out. That said, the original version never sent me into a frothing rage, I just thought it was disappointing. The modified version is better though, and the Citadel DLC is a must.



If you prefer shooting mechanics to RPG mechanics, the sequels get better.

If you prefer RPG mechanics, ME1 is the best.

I played ME1 for the first time this year, too. It's a fantastic game.
It took me a while to really appreciate ME1.

I started from ME2 which got me into the series, and then I tried ME1 and didn't like it because of the clunky shooting and cover mechanic. I gave it a second chance and finally something clicked. I really liked Saren as a character.

Also I recommend reading Mass Effect: Revelation which revolves around Captain Anderson and Saren.
It's odd, I didn't like Ashley and Kaidan much when I first played ME1 (because there were fun aliens!), but now I really enjoy them. It's nice to have at least two characters that are fairly down to earth (er, you know what I mean), and for better or worse, will call Shepard out on his/her shit. Everyone else seems to worship at the shrine of Saint Shepard, and it's a bit boring. The companions in the Dragon Age were done a bit better in that respect.

Kaidan also becomes a multi-tasking tank come ME3. So proud of you, kiddo.

The ME2 squad are amazing, OP, I hope you enjoy them when you get there!


ME1: Best Story, OK Characters, Worst Game play

ME2: OK Story, Best Characters, OK Game play

ME3: Worst story, Meh Characters, Best Game play

This is the only thing you need to know going into this series.

And now for PC versions:

ME1: Best story, Good characters, OK gameplay

ME2: Bad story, Good characters, Good gameplay

ME3: Bad story, OK characters, OK gameplay

I never really understood why people consider ME2 characters better than ME1's - because there are a lot more of them or something? They are pretty much the same in their development.

M+K makes ME1 gameplay OK, ME3's gameplay is too repetitive, ME2's environments variation gives it an edge.

ME3 is the worst of all three, ME1 and ME2 is a matter of personal preference -- if you value the story more than gameplay then it's ME1; if gameplay is more important to you than the story then it's ME2.
ME is the one series that I'd love to experience all over again. I was absolutely obsessed with its lore and history for quite a while and I've replayed all three games many, many times. A great, albeit flawed, trilogy.

Good for you, OP! I should go.


The thing that bugged me more than the mechanical shift in the sequel (thermal clips and global cooldowns can fuck off though) was that in parts Paragon Shepard was really passive aggressive instead of a goodie two-shoes. The conversation that always stands out to me is one where the Paragon option is essentially "You know that people that disagree with me tend to die right?".

One of the DLC missions is still one of the most memorable of the series, while a second and third are both not as "essential", but still very much worth it.
I know you're probably talking about Shadow Broker but for me you're describing Overlord


I'm mad jelly right now OP. If there's one series I'd erase my memory for just to experience it all over again it's Mass Effect.


Yes, there are. You need certain party members with certain levels of certain skills to open certain chests, for instance.

Fair enough, though ME2 has a lot of character specific actions, where you need to have brought the right person with the right loyalty level e.g. the entire suicide mission.


And now for PC versions:

ME1: Best story, Good characters, OK gameplay

ME2: Bad story, Good characters, Good gameplay

ME3: Bad story, OK characters, OK gameplay

I never really understood why people consider ME2 characters better than ME1's - because there are a lot more of them or something? They are pretty much the same in their development.

The main "plot" of ME2 might be severely lacking compared to the first game, but I wouldn't exactly call it bad. It's serviceable, but it just seems more like an excuse to
, which in turn leads to the real narrative of the game
via squad member quests

I wouldn't even say the story from the first game was all that either. It was good, but it didn't stray too much from the standard Bioware stuff that we've seen a dozen times over. It's just that the presentation was their best up to that point.

And yeah, the main reason the second game is considered to have the best squad members is because of the quantity. There's a much wider variety of personalities and interesting races compared to the first game. Even if you don't like them all equally, or even comparably, I'd be surprised if you still didn't find more overall to like compared to the first game. It also didn't hurt that due to the combat changes, each squad member could also fill specific roles better than the "eh, Garrus or Kaiden" vs "Wrex or Ashley" from the first game. No Tali love.

I know you're probably talking about Shadow Broker but for me you're describing Overlord

I think Lair of the Shadow Broker and Overlord are somewhat close, but if you can only get one of them I'd pick Lair. Dunno, it just has a more interesting antagonist, and some crazy presentation.

Yes, there are. You need certain party members with certain levels of certain skills to open certain chests, for instance.

Chests that more often than not were full of trash. I think the most useful thing about Decryption was for hacking computers. Also, the "minigame" was pretty annoying on PC compared to how much of a laid-back game of Simon it was on the consoles.
Besides, while you might not have technically needed specific party members in ME2, having members with specific powers helped a lot more than not for
shield and armor removal.


The main "plot" of ME2 might be severely lacking compared to the first game, but I wouldn't exactly call it bad. It's serviceable, but it just seems more like an excuse to
, which in turn leads to the real narrative of the game
via squad member quests

If you think about the main mission then you'll quickly understand why the core idea of it is a complete crap. This makes the whole plot bad as it basically makes it pointless. ME1's story was good because it was logically sound and fit the universe very well. ME2's wasn't and that makes it bad.
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