Yeah! They had perfect opportunity for that. Few seasons of him wrecking shit in Gaul and then return to Rome where Crassus has prepared the ground for takeover.Such an amazing show. Will watch in glorious Blu-ray soon. It had been too long. Stupid that they never did the Caesar spinoff though.
Only watched the first season and the prequel. I heard it kinda fell off and I was satisfied just watching those two. But boy did I love those two.
Really didn't like his intro episode, and thought it was probably the only disappointing episode in the series. But by the time they stormed the Coliseum in Capua I was sold. He really did grow into the role and was unforgettable by the end.
Just stick it out for this scene in S4...
I found myself loving the villains more than the main characters of this show. Batiatus, Ashur and Crassus were all top tier antagonists.
First episode was terrible tough. Had to restart watching the show a bunch of times over the years before I finally made it through.
"Once again, the gods spread the cheeks to ram cock in fucking ass!"
Gannicus had sex in a blizzard while rest of people around him froze to death
Gannicus is amazing
Be like Apple and find that courage!
This had one of the most satisfying series finale for sure.