I just finished a long month of feverishly binging the entire series as I wanted to be on board for the start of season 4. Definitely glad I did, this is probably one of the best shows currently airing, I'd put it just a notch below my favorites like Fargo and Better Call Saul. I would say that at times there are "filler" episodes, when most of the plot seems to be compacted into the single episode, save maybe a couple scenes. However, majority of the time the show moves at a brisk and intense pace for its cast of characters. I'd say all three seasons are about equal with each other, and in the latest season the overarching plot with Paige became a favorite. It's sad seeing the downfall of characters like Stan and Phillip, who were total badasses when the show began, but have been extraordinarily bogged down by circumstances. I feel more for Phillip, as most of Stan's issues have been of his own doing, while Phillip is being constantly thrust into so many directions in which there is no way he can come out morally intact. You can tell it has weighed on him to the point that he may break soon, although it's felt that way since the first season. His interactions with Martha have always been kinda gut wrenching, as you feel terrible for her being subjected to this lie but you can't help but feel sorry for Phillip too having to carry it out himself.
Keri Russell does an impeccable job as Elizabeth, in a lot of ways she can be seen as the lead protagonist. I relate to her the least I'd say, as she seems much more cold hearted than Phillip and in some ways a better spy because of it, so you can see the thought behind all her actions. She really jumped the gun bringing Paige into the fold though and it's going to backfire, if it hasn't already with her alerting the pastor.
Margot Martindale and Frank Langella are amazing in their recurring roles, just perfect casting. Both act as the seasoned vet Russians from an earlier era, and it's beautiful to see how they differentiate from Phillip and Elizabeth. So many memorable individual scenes and whole episodes, from Elizabeth beating the living shit out of Margot Martindale to the final shot of season one, where we hear Elizabeth speak Russian for the first time, "Come home." I could name so many.
Overall extremely happy with the series, sad I waited so long to jump on the train but I'm here now! Can't wait to see what is going to happen with Phillip's reveal to Martha, how the pastor will take Paige's news, how Paige will continue to grow, and if Nina's connection with Anton is a genuine one. Bring on season four!!!
Keri Russell does an impeccable job as Elizabeth, in a lot of ways she can be seen as the lead protagonist. I relate to her the least I'd say, as she seems much more cold hearted than Phillip and in some ways a better spy because of it, so you can see the thought behind all her actions. She really jumped the gun bringing Paige into the fold though and it's going to backfire, if it hasn't already with her alerting the pastor.
Margot Martindale and Frank Langella are amazing in their recurring roles, just perfect casting. Both act as the seasoned vet Russians from an earlier era, and it's beautiful to see how they differentiate from Phillip and Elizabeth. So many memorable individual scenes and whole episodes, from Elizabeth beating the living shit out of Margot Martindale to the final shot of season one, where we hear Elizabeth speak Russian for the first time, "Come home." I could name so many.
Overall extremely happy with the series, sad I waited so long to jump on the train but I'm here now! Can't wait to see what is going to happen with Phillip's reveal to Martha, how the pastor will take Paige's news, how Paige will continue to grow, and if Nina's connection with Anton is a genuine one. Bring on season four!!!