I just finished Like a Dragon after 61 hours:
This thread also sums it up very nicely:
The game is just so...mature (and goofy at the same time). The MQ is grounded in reality, with characters not being some caricatures of normal people. They act normal, speak normal, it's a pleasure to learn more about them as you advance in the Bond Level. Side-quests are also incredible: helping girl raise money for her brother's operation ; helping the homeless guy turn his life around. I it really so hard to put mature themes in games? Because here you have a bunch of devs that managed to do it, and at the same time also putting more lighter things e.g. minigames.
Two nitpicks from my side:
1. Business management minigame is obligatory - good luck going through a game without the income stream from Ichiban Confections. Everything cost money, including fast travel. Want best weapons? Cool, spend over 20 million yen to upgrade the workshop. Want to advance the plot? That will be 3 million yen.
2. Difficulty spike at the end of chapter 12 (*THAT* fight), afterwards all bosses become just HP sponges, they can't hurt you much but you still take 5 minutes with OP attacks to bring them down
Now I probably need to play the whole series, fml.

This thread also sums it up very nicely:
The game is just so...mature (and goofy at the same time). The MQ is grounded in reality, with characters not being some caricatures of normal people. They act normal, speak normal, it's a pleasure to learn more about them as you advance in the Bond Level. Side-quests are also incredible: helping girl raise money for her brother's operation ; helping the homeless guy turn his life around. I it really so hard to put mature themes in games? Because here you have a bunch of devs that managed to do it, and at the same time also putting more lighter things e.g. minigames.
Two nitpicks from my side:
1. Business management minigame is obligatory - good luck going through a game without the income stream from Ichiban Confections. Everything cost money, including fast travel. Want best weapons? Cool, spend over 20 million yen to upgrade the workshop. Want to advance the plot? That will be 3 million yen.
2. Difficulty spike at the end of chapter 12 (*THAT* fight), afterwards all bosses become just HP sponges, they can't hurt you much but you still take 5 minutes with OP attacks to bring them down
Now I probably need to play the whole series, fml.