Earlier this year director M. Night Shyamalan returned to theaters with his brand new film Split which offered a different type of twist ending for fans as a post-credit scene revealedNow, Shyamalan has taken to Twitter to announce that his next project will be a film colliding the two films which will be titled Glass.the film takes place in the same universe as his 2000 feature film Unbreakable.
Finished the new script, the writer-director wrote online.Its taken 17 years but I can finally answer the #1 question I get, Are you making a f#&@ing sequel to Unbreakable or what? My new film is the sequel to Unbreakable AND Split. It was always my dream to have both films collide in this third film.
Shyamalan went on to confirm thatBruce Willis will return as David Dunn along with James McAvoy as Kevin Wendell Crumb, Anya Taylor-Joy will return as Casey Cooke, and Samuel L. Jackson as Elijah Price aka Mr. Glass for the feature film.
The film will once again be a Blumhouse production, distributed by Universal Pictures, and will arrive in theaters on January 18, 2019.
I used spoilers for people who haven't seen Split or had the ending spoiled for them.
Obvious Spoilers in the news about this new movie and at this link
So if you don't want Split spoiled for you, watch it soon!