Twisted BeliefsCount Dookkake said:Gary, please work 'Twist' into the title.
At least the tagline, if you can't swing that.
Twisted BeliefsCount Dookkake said:Gary, please work 'Twist' into the title.
At least the tagline, if you can't swing that.
How have people forgotten about Airbender already.ohhthegore said:he usually writes and directs his own films right and thats why they suck? I always though he was a good director and a shitty writer so maybe this will be good
StuBurns said:Whittamalamadingdong's Twisted Beliefs
Yeah I'm really not an asshole, I was just trying to be...:loloatmeal said:Sometimes we say things that we don't mean to say in such a douche-y way
Amir0x said:i'm so sorry Gary Whitta
RustyNails said:I don't doubt Whitta's scripting skills
RustyNails said:or Shamalama's directorial skills.
C'mon man. Watch 6th sense, signs and unbreakable. It looks like Sham's a gifted director.SalsaShark said:eeerhh..
Criticizing the man vs the film is very different. He seems like a cool guy, I've heard him on a couple of podcasts, the film however was gash.SalsaShark said:Also the Whitta hate is pretty shocking :lol im sure you guys were all over him when Eli was released. There was nothing but praise in that thread.
I personally think it was a pretty damn solid script. Im a film student myself, and i actually sent him a pm congratulating him for the movie (cause im a bitch), i mean hey, i wanna get there too someday.
Gary didnt answer back because he hates me for being from the OMGHANDBALLLLLLLcountryWC2010![]()
RustyNails said:C'mon man. Watch 6th sense, signs and unbreakable. It looks like Sham's a gifted director.
you watched a movie without sound?SalsaShark said:Sixth sense is an overrated piece of shit. The whole movie relies on a twist, and that is pretty much the only reason the movie got all that attention. Its a gimmick, not a good movie. I also cant rely on a supposedly "scary" film wich relies on cheap scares. Watch that movie without sound and youll know what i mean.(wich had been done already)
Signs i didnt liked. I just didnt liked it.
Unbreakable was his best by far, and its pretty darn good movie.
yencid said:you watched a movie without sound?
Well that kind of reduction makes any movie sound ridiculous. Sixth Sense was more than frights and classic scary moments. The freaky stuff was a part of it, but the relationship between Malcolm and Cole was the heart of the movie. It was wonderfully casted too. I respectfully disagree that Sixth Sense was all shock n jock and no meat. Same with Signs.SalsaShark said:Yup, in film school.
We basically tear movies to pieces, to study different sides of them.
The Sixth Sense works with the usual "im looking around this corner and when i least expect it (wich is actually when the audience expects it more, hurr) BAM!" cue loud noise.
RustyNails said:Well that kind of reduction makes any movie sound ridiculous.
Lebron said:I hope him and Justin Bieber team up again and find a way to one-up their all-time hit.
What if I hate cardboard characters, generic Hollywood action, silly story conventions and everything to do with the awful reveals?Flo_Evans said:The hate is strong in this thread :lol
Fuck I would write stupid movies all day long for M. Night if I could and you would too don't lie...
Book of Zataochi was awesome, I don't see how you could hate on that movie unless you hate badasses and handicapped people.
It didn't really do much for me, seeing that I know the Zatoichi films and stuff. So it was clear-cut from the start in my opinion, not reallyTeddman said:Andthe twist in Book of Eli was awesome.
SalsaShark said:Also the Whitta hate is pretty shocking :lol im sure you guys were all over him when Eli was released. There was nothing but praise in that thread.
THE LAST AIRBENDER. He didn't write it, it just fucked everything.ohhthegore said:he usually writes and directs his own films right and thats why they suck? I always though he was a good director and a shitty writer so maybe this will be good
AIRBENDERWarm Machine said:I wish I could get Shyamalan to direct a script of mine. The man does know how to shoot and put scenes together. Every one of his movies has very memorable scenes. To take some of his weaker films, the stabbing scene in The Village is excellent as is the walk to the barn. The old lady outside the house in The Happening was great as was the shape moving past the door/windows of the shed was also really well done.
The guy made 3 of my top 100 movies back to back. I can't not see his movies.
xxracerxx said:AIRBENDER
Jesus Christ people, you are forgetting his latest work! Fuck The Village and fuck The Happening, The Last Airbender is the worst thing he has EVER done.
HiResDes said:While I wouldn't call Signs genius, I definitely doubt MNS contributed his best effort to The Last Airbender. And the writing in that film was so terrible that I'm not sure Nolan could have turned it into a decent movie.
He definitely didn't NOT contributeHiResDes said:I definitely doubt MNS contributed his best effort to The Last Airbender.
xxracerxx said: