No, there is a "MAX" tab when you open up the option menu, you buy your jacket there.did I somehow miss being able to customize my max?I just met the wandering merchant and im still the default looking max
No, there is a "MAX" tab when you open up the option menu, you buy your jacket there.did I somehow miss being able to customize my max?I just met the wandering merchant and im still the default looking max
did I somehow miss being able to customize my max?I just met the wandering merchant and im still the default looking max
Where is my "log"? I'm getting tons of info that says it will be in my log, but I can't find it anywhere.
Nice pics. Fantasizing about a current-gen Red Dead with dem skyboxes.The draw distances are fantastic and the skyboxes...
This game is gorgeous and I'm gonna kill so much time taking pictures. Game is fantastic v and ripe with atmosphere. Highly enjoyably so far.
So I've been watching reviews for the game and have been noticing that the pop in seems to be greatly reduced since those preview videos, ps4 version mostly.
Can any of you confirm this? The pop in for console versions in the preview video was crazy. I have the PC version and it's glorious but thinking about getting the PS4 version so I can play at my parents house.
Well, I really don't care if there is some, the preview videos just had an obscene amount of it.Alright, take this with a grain of salt cause I can be pretty unobservant and I forgot to even look for it (cause the pop in was very obvious to me at least in gameplay videos), but I haven't noticed any pop in at all.
And pop in is something I usually notice. But... I wouldn't take that as meaning there is none. I've been known to be pretty unobservant.
So I've been watching reviews for the game and have been noticing that the pop in seems to be greatly reduced since those preview videos, ps4 version mostly.
Can any of you confirm this? The pop in for console versions in the preview video was crazy. I have the PC version and it's glorious but thinking about getting the PS4 version so I can play at my parents house.
How can I change car to a buggy so that I can get to the minefields with the dog? I've been to the garage in the stronghold and I don't see any options for switching vehicles.
XB1 version here. Not noticed any pop in issues at all. The only thing I have come across is some weird texture flickering, but that is being nit picky.
I am super impressed so far.
I over did it with the effect things, especially the boarder and not a great picture but I haven't really messed with the capture function yet side from my first attempt at using it. Kind of annoyed the video stuff requires a second person or at least switching but I'll figure that out or just use another method which will probably be easier. Dunno how my computer would handle Windows 10's Game DVR function while playing the game, NVIDIA's might be better. *shrug*
XB1 version here. Not noticed any pop in issues at all. The only thing I have come across is some weird texture flickering, but that is being nit picky.
I am super impressed so far.
So cool you guys can confirm this. I was watching videos yesterday as I said and I was really trying hard to find pop in, wondering if it was indeed the console version. So yeah, very glad you can confirm this.Thats my review version as well and the jump from the preview build when it comes to popin is crazy. Had one issue of Z fighting but never again.
So cool you guys can confirm this. I was watching videos yesterday as I said and I was really trying hard to find pop in, wondering if it was indeed the console version. So yeah, very glad you can confirm this.
It was something that was so bothersome in preview trailers I felt like it made the entire game sort of ugly. It is insanely cleaned up.
What exactly are you supposed to do with the minefields? I havethe dog and buggy, but I don't really get it. Am I supposed to disarm the mines?
Oh hey thanks man I appreciate that.BTW, I watched your first impressions/livestream video last night (europe), loved it, I agree with you about what you said in reagards of immediate fun factor in Mad Max vs MGSV when you got asked about enjoying MGSV.
I really enjoy your reviews, very thorough and really valuable input
Just wanted to go a bit offtopic to let you know.
I really did not play that much on PC yet, the port is spectacular and the world is truly beatiful, the combat feels really good, it has that nice oomph feeling with each punch you throw. And driving combat so far is really awesome. I think I'll stop playing the PC version right now and start with the PS4 as soon as I get my copy.
So yeah, thanks again.
Oh hey thanks man I appreciate that.
Speaking of combat. I love that unlike Skating Batman, this game requires much more dedication to understanding distance before throwing a punch. Its a small thing but feels just a bit more tactical.
I understand what you say, you also mentioned it in your video, Batman zooms/skates up to an enemy if its far away and you press attack button, kind of like a magnet, same with counters, you press counter even if you are kinda far from the attacking enemy and he kind of teleports.
Here, you press parry, and if the enemy is not directly within arm distance, Max just does the failed animation and stays there. Positioning feels tighter here and it does feel like it actually matters.
Yeah, it's more like an arcadey traditional brawler in this regard, and is absolutely great. Where Batman got easy and boring soon, here combat is visceral and satisfying. Game is a blast. 'Professional' reviews are just bunk.
On my phone so these are not the best... but wow. My time taking pictures is gonna be huge.
So is there really anything interesting about this game? I can basically get it for free on GMG atm, but I keep suppressing the urge to buy it despite both my love of Mad Max and my previous enjoyment of JC2.
I mean based on the OT and such I can tell it's pretty, but that doesn't really mean much today because what isn't...
Gameplay wise it looks like another batman/ac clone except this time with a mad max coat of paint. Does it really play as bland as it looks, mechanically speaking? After Mordor I've kind of reached a breaking point for these types of games. I mean they're fun, but they all pretty much play the same when you break them down with a few modifiers here and there to give them some form (however transparently sewed on it might be) of individuality. Car combat is take it or leave it imo, and as long as it's not offensive or prostrates itself to the point of ad nauseam (see: batman AK) it won't really bother me. I don't care about the story. Like, I just don't care about it anymore in games. So if its bad whatever, if it's "good" then whatever. I don't care.
Worth picking it up? Or should I save my credit for another game?
So is there really anything interesting about this game? I can basically get it for free on GMG atm, but I keep suppressing the urge to buy it despite both my love of Mad Max and my previous enjoyment of JC2.
I mean based on the OT and such I can tell it's pretty, but that doesn't really mean much today because what isn't...
Gameplay wise it looks like another batman/ac clone except this time with a mad max coat of paint. Does it really play as bland as it looks, mechanically speaking? After Mordor I've kind of reached a breaking point for these types of games. I mean they're fun, but they all pretty much play the same when you break them down with a few modifiers here and there to give them some form (however transparently sewed on it might be) of individuality. Car combat is take it or leave it imo, and as long as it's not offensive or prostrates itself to the point of ad nauseam (see: batman AK) it won't really bother me. I don't care about the story. Like, I just don't care about it anymore in games. So if its bad whatever, if it's "good" then whatever. I don't care.
Worth picking it up? Or should I save my credit for another game?
Agreed. It feels great, the atmosphere is amazing and it can be downright gorgeous. And am I the only one who likes the voice work for Chumbucket? You just have to love the guy and his pitch-perfect bizarre ramblings.
seriously- played this for 40 minutes before passing out this morning after playing through MGSV's hour-long intro: game is stunning
Survived my first storm and I think I got over 900 scrap out of it which was a nice boost since I was saving up for a couple things. I could've done a better job with this but got it off with some good timing. Shit is tense.