Augh, you guys are making me want this so bad but it hasn't come in the mail yet. Seems like it could be another Dying Light where a lot of places said its meh or mediocre but it actually turns out to be a blast.
Augh, you guys are making me want this so bad but it hasn't come in the mail yet. Seems like it could be another Dying Light where a lot of places said its meh or mediocre but it actually turns out to be a blast.
40% off on GMG is hard to deny
Yep, made pulling the trigger all too easy.
I installed and played this for about 3-3.5 hours today, and left it on for about an hour and a half because of supper/dishes so my play time is skewed.
I'm not loving it so far. I want to, and was looking forward to it, but I'm not. It's okay, though.
Granted, I'm not that far. I just made it to, as I spent a lot of time doing side quests. There's an overwhelming amount of them.Jeet's safehouse
The combat is pretty fun, but the driving isn't as great as it should've been in a Mad Max game, and there's too much going on at once. I get Just Cause 2 vibes from it, for obvious reasons, and I did love that game (up until the end, when I got bored of having to do so much destruction in order to unlock the last two story missions). However, Max doesn't have the insane abilities and vehicles that Rico gets to use, and his game's gameplay isn't as fun thus far.
Hopefully I'll like it more as I progress.
Got my steam copy through a slickdeals link for $18.99
Damn those are some gorgeous shots!Yeah this game is landscape porn. Great environmental and skybox art. Only a few hours in and I've wasted so much time with the screeshot mode already. My only complaint is that I wish they made the depth of field sliders faster and more easily readable like Driveclub with an overlay so I'm never guessing where my focal points are.
I've been really loving the game so far. The combat isn't the most varied in terms of controls but the battles themselves have stayed fresh through hours of play thanks to the amount of crazy things that can happen.
You sound like I did the first five or so hours of the game.
Honestly, the game just wasn't catching me until after I got Jeet's stronghold. I don't know what it is but it just seems to open up from once I got there and got him as an ally. I wish I hadn't spent much time fucking around and went straight to his stronghold. It seems to unlock a lot of things and scrounging around trying to find parts to upgrade the stronghold is kinda fun too.
Also... it gets better as your car gets a little more modded up.
But yeah, first five hours I thought it was a disappointment and I was thinking this was going to be my game that I was hyped up for and found out to be disappointing. I'm completely loving it now. To the point I thought I was going to end up playing Dying Light more but I played some Dying Light today after getting it and then went back to Mad Max (Mad Max is more lighthearted/relaxing fun, Dying Light is a little intense but I'm loving the story and gameplay so far, the little I've played anyways. Though the demo starts you out as more powerful so I'm feeling a little overwhelmed right now).
Emergent tragedies. Stopped the Opus to share some water with some wasteland refugees - and just as the cutscene ended a couple bad guys arrived and ran them all over.![]()
I felt the same way. Both games aee full of stuff that is probably extremely annoying to keep doing over a long, single session, but much less so spaced across multiple, 1-2 hour sessions.
I've seen the first 3 movies, but not Fury Road... is there anything spoilery in the game for the movie? Should I watch the movie first?
I've seen the first 3 movies, but not Fury Road... is there anything spoilery in the game for the movie? Should I watch the movie first?
Can we get a Mad Max photo thread or something? It's becoming a nightmare to read this thread on mobile.
Emergent tragedies. Stopped the Opus to share some water with some wasteland refugees - and just as the cutscene ended a couple bad guys arrived and ran them all over.![]()
Also just happened to me, got it captured.Yeah the water thing happened to me too but it turned out my canteen was less than half full so they weren't interested so when the cars came plowing through I just left. Ungrateful bastards.
A lightning storm just hit as I was in the middle of climbing an outdoor structure on my way to fight one of the top dogs. Now I'm huddled in a corner waiting this beast out like a coward because it's striking all the walkways and the winds will blow me right off. Such unlucky timing.
My exact thoughts when browsing the thread during breaks at work.Can we get a Mad Max photo thread or something? It's becoming a nightmare to read this thread on mobile.
I jumped the gun and bought the game from the US store(Xbox One) yesterday.
How is the difficulty? I'd like to start with the hardest, because I'm familiar with the combat-style from the Arkham games and similar games. Car combat? Is that the most difficult part?
Car combat in this game is a lot of fun.
I wish they would drop the pointless story structure, and just allow you to:
1) Create a character.
2) Lift Nemesis system from SoM (which they can, since it's a WB game).
3) Introduce various factions with influence over the land, that you can freely align yourself with, ShinobiDo style.
4) Maybe let you create and build your own faction, with your very own theme, and take over the land, or play as more of a lone wolf, if you prefer.
Basically make it more system driven, instead of story driven.
We've heard the Mad Max story a million times before anyway.
Yeah got the bundle on xbox. Haven't beenable use it yet, IDid someone on the Xbox One have the possibility to download the additional DLC when buying the Digital version...?
It just doesn't seem to work or download for me...every time i check it says bundle only while i am quite sure it should be included with the digital version...:/
Got my steam copy through a slickdeals link for $18.99
Has this been posted here before?
Not my recording but this is some neat first person car combat!
Scabrous Scrotus?
Is he the less-fortunate brother of Biggus Dickus?
Has this been posted here before?
Not my recording but this is some neat first person car combat!
GMG just sent me my key. Except that they already did, and I activated it on Sunday. And this is a different key. I haven't been home at my PC all week, so haven't even had the chance to install yet. I wonder if the old one was revoked, or if the new one was sent in error...
Anyone know what's happening here?
Oooh thanks.its the key for the preorder car