The perfect Dark
These storms are damn scary.
I think I'll take the plunge tonight and unwrap this bad-boy. All the media I've seen looks great!
I think I'll take the plunge tonight and unwrap this bad-boy. All the media I've seen looks great!
Will probably pick this up at some point, but not yet. Is a Tom Hardy or Mel Gibson mod likely btw?
Can someone explain the OT title to me? I get the 'thunderdome' reference, but 'poon'?
n e x t g e n o n l y b o y zI think I'll take the plunge tonight and unwrap this bad-boy. All the media I've seen looks great!
Can someone explain the OT title to me? I get the 'thunderdome' reference, but 'poon'?
Really a bummer that this is coming out against MGSV. I feel like they should've either tried to get it out early or waited a few weeks. I might get it based off the reviews since there seems to be pretty good deals on the PC version. Hopefully it's a good port. I remember Shadow of Mordor seemed like a good one.
If Mad Max is another terrible PC port, all things considered with Batman AK included, they will find themselves in a world of trouble with all things PC. Especially the community.
If Mad Max is another terrible PC port, all things considered with Batman AK included, they will find themselves in a world of trouble with all things PC. Especially the community.
so what is the general opinion from GAF on this game?
I'm guessing this is a no but is Best Buy opening at midnight tonight?
so what is the general opinion from GAF on this game?
People keep saying this but personally I think MGS is a niche game series with a large cult following. The game is widely popular and a critical success but it's a Japanse game and sadly most "casual" gamers probably haven't even played it and most probably will not bother with a game that is the fifth in the series after all these years. MGS5, will be huge, don't get me wrong, but I can definitely see Mad Max doing really great just because of the recent movie and the blu-ray release today. It's also a stand-alone game so it's easy for newcomers to just jump in. have Xbox One impressions yet?
[Patiently counts down the minutes to review influx]
30-60 hours
wow, really ?
that long for 100% or just main story
Thunderpoon is an actual weapon you get for your car and can use.
Mad Max: Fury Road (the movie!) will be on Steam:
It's going to use Widevine DRM.
No luck with VPN's for me. Anyone having any success? Glad to hear about the drivers/SLI profile.
Me either. I tried an Australian server just after midnight local time there and it didn't work. Going to try again in about 15 minutes using a London based server and give it another shot. It will be midnight in London at that point.
Guess what
Guess what
Should go live soon.On Steam it now says "coming soon", it said 1hour 5 minutes ago, wtf
It says 5 hours here.