Ah, I'll check that out when I get home.
There's a L/R stick switch on the pad and you can lock the panel buttons on the S+
Ah, I'll check that out when I get home.
I'm not surprised. They thrived back in the PS2/Xbox/GCN generation when peripherals were much more popular and cheaper. 3rd party controllers were more acceptable and they were able to make other accessories like memory cards, cables, and of course music instrument controllers.
Opportunities have tightened up since then. They probably need to restructure significantly to survive.
Hey all, I know there are some questions about shipping/etc. So hopefully I can help give an understanding of where things are.
If you ordered from Mad Catz (NA; US/CAN) your order should be either being prepared/or shipped already. FightPad PROs and FightStick ALPHA units were being shipped as early as Friday of last week. For the TE2+ and TE-S+ they're being processed and shipped now.
For Amazon/GameStop/New Egg, they were sent their orders in advance and they will be fulfilling their orders/preorders. I don't have visibility to how that goes, so you'll have to check with them.
Head over to: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=483428&highlight=arcade+stick
Everyone in there is more than helpful and have many years of experience between them regarding sticks and pads.
Forgive me for being late to the party, but regarding the Fight Pad Pro controller:
Are there any videos with impressions on how the D-Pad is?
Are they going to be compatible with the Steam version of the game on Windows 7?
I can't see myself transitioning out of controller to play fighting games, but if I can get a handle on one with 6 face buttons, I may be able to give Capcom fighters a serious shot.
I wasn't sure what to expect from the buttons base on this, but I'm absolutely content with the Kuros. They're great buttons, it's just personal preference. Unless you have a ton of playtime on Sanwas you probably wouldn't even notice a difference. They are very responsive.
We're preparing your order for shipment now, and still expect to ship it in time for delivery by the date listed in Your Account: GUARANTEED DELIVERY DATE.
We'll send you an e-mail when your order ships
Sooo..it looks like if you got your order before the Jan 26th deadline on Amazon.com then you should be ok?
When did you place your order?
I've just noticed that the fightstick alpha doesn't have a headset jack. Any workaround to this? I tried using a DS4 to put the mic in while the fightstick is being used but I can't have more than one on at a time.
Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think any of their current line of sticks has a headphone jack. I think the only ones that had them were the 360 sticks.
Is there a reason why people aren't going for the Chun Li stick that is stocked?
Is there a reason why people aren't going for the Chun Li stick that is stocked?
So, what about orders from the EU store? The authorization hold for my order just got removed from my credit card so I don't know what's going on. Probably no way for the stick to arrive by next Tuesday.
I will give my honest opinions on the dpad.
It's not as easy to use as the cross dpad from previous madcatz sf controllers. The forward motion from fb needs to be a bit up from forward for the fb to come out otherwise you will do crouch punch. Same thing as tatsu or dp or sonic boom.
But doing flash kick or zangief spinning spd is so easy.
It will take adjustments I tell you.
Shame, 2nd negative impressions I've read, sounds like you're describing the NeoGeo pad. A cross-shaped dpad would've sufficed, those companies always try to innovate and fail.
Same, I'm debating whether to just cancel my preorder and buy a hori fight pad. I agree that outside of the d-pad, everything about it looks good.I hope some more reviews pop up before Amazon ships theirs. I'm trying to decide if I'm keeping my preorder. It's looks great except for that d-pad. I'm still skeptical.
Same, I'm debating whether to just cancel my preorder and buy a hori fight pad. I agree that outside of the d-pad, everything about it looks good.
Shame, 2nd negative impressions I've read, sounds like you're describing the NeoGeo pad. A cross-shaped dpad would've sufficed, those companies always try to innovate and fail.
I cancelled my TE2+ preorder from Amazon so hopefully it'll bump one of you guys up the list. I won a nice condition PS3 stick off ebay and saved well over $100, pretty sweet
Is there a reason why people aren't going for the Chun Li stick that is stocked?
Preordered from a GS that has great people running it. I talked to him while putting money down(early last week) and asked about the late shipment. He said the same things MarkMan said, so that's reassuring.
He told me that GS already has stock allocated and that when they receive them they'd release them regardless of date, so that's fun.
He also told me that only 2 people preordered a stick, and that's all they were getting.
Was irritated by the lack of 3.5 Jack that they had last year but turns out I was able to plug my G930s into the PS4 and they work perfectly.
Sooo, despite the issues with the EU Mad Catz store and the fact I only ordered a couple of days ago this showed up today. I have an original TE1 and an early TE2 too and the S+ definitely feels on par with the original TE1 in terms of quality and doesn't feel like there has been corners cut.
If anyone wants any size comparisons to other sticks or pictures let me know.
Is there a reason why people aren't going for the Chun Li stick that is stocked?
Slick. Can't wait to get mine. Should be coming from Mad Catz by Tuesday. Where'd you get yours from?
Dude, why the hell would you post this? The guy is a massive scumbag.
Sorry, but that thing is butt ugly. If I bought one, I'd have to have replacement art/buttons/balltop ready to go. Just more cash on top of the crazy initial cost. I'll pass.
Is there a reason why people aren't going for the Chun Li stick that is stocked?
There aren't a lot of impressions on it available, I'm sure they did it to help people make informed decisions rather than to promote the guy.
But 1: he doesn't give much of an impression other than saying "It's good." 2: he's terrible at fighting games, so why would you trust the review from a guy who constantly ragequits and sucks? 3: it's LTG, dude... Why the hell would you want to give him a single view?
But 1: he doesn't give much of an impression other than saying "It's good." 2: he's terrible at fighting games, so why would you trust the review from a guy who constantly ragequits and sucks? 3: it's LTG, dude... Why the hell would you want to give him a single view?
1. There isn't much else as far as hands on impressions go.
2/3. Not everyone is really familiar with the guy. I barely know who the guy is aside from hearing about his admittedly ridiculous feud with Viscant and these recent threads.
Oh and for what it's worth I looked to see if Snake Eyez said anything about it and while he didn't say much I passed the info on.
He seemed to like it but didn't go into much detail. I play on a stick myself but I think it looks pretty nice.
Pretty sure the only reason he gave it a 10 because he got it for free and hoping for more stuff in the future.
Sooo, despite the issues with the EU Mad Catz store and the fact I only ordered a couple of days ago this showed up today. I have an original TE1 and an early TE2 too and the S+ definitely feels on par with the original TE1 in terms of quality and doesn't feel like there has been corners cut.
If anyone wants any size comparisons to other sticks or pictures let me know.