I had one the other day. phoenix core with horse hair at the end, three inches at the max
its name was smokey
What was going through your head as you typed this flaming hot garbage on your screen
I had one the other day. phoenix core with horse hair at the end, three inches at the max
its name was smokey
What was going through your head as you typed this flaming hot garbage on your screen
you're all homophobesWhat was going through your head as you typed this flaming hot garbage on your screen
weed, probably.
Rinse Phee, I'll play some Fifa today!!
Thats what u said last time. I say now.Tonight
Fast forward to 1 min in.
Amazing. So many drivers I wish this happened to.
There was a thread on this yesterday. It went about as well as you would think.
Anyone want a WoW Warlord of Draenor beta key? I'm sure I could sell it and make something off of it, but thought I'd ask my madden bros first.
Apparently you get the preorder bonus with the beta key (instant level 90 character and Dread Raven mount).
edit: Don't ask if you don't play wow still! Have to have an active account, etc.
I'm looking for some practice with my newly created 90s so I'd love to play. Do you play too? If so, what server?
pretty sure he passed and then slowed down to make sure she saw him flick her off.There are plenty of people in the wrong in that video
Lady should have just gotten out of the way. Like, left lane is passing lane. maybe he is speeding and being overly aggressive, but seriously just get out of the way. video taping it and the fact that he sees it is gonna piss him off more
the guy was also an idiot. just pass them and stfu. at the same time It looked like as he was trying to pass the woman, she sped up so that he couldn't. which is equAlly a jackass move on her part.
i fucking can't stand people who clog up the left lane and shit it up. infuriates me when i pass them and they're on their phones, neglecting the fact they have about a mile of people behind them who are trying to pass. it's even more annoying when they go purposely slow And then try to speed up when they see you're trying to pass
And god damn it. I can never make to the last zone in FTL on easy, fucuucuckckckck
Playing our game tonight around 10PM, FMT.
Even when I make it to the final boss, it's so much harder than anything that precedes it I just get destroyed so hard that it's depressing. Still a great game though! That free expansion is out next week I think.
Has your game started?
drizzle u got about 7 mins before u might have to go against the cpu
Omfg, invite me.
This fucking guy.