how i do worse!
wtf setting are you using to NOT have your guys rotate at all? this game has the most retarded rotations on defense i've ever seen. i play man defense and my guys all just move to the middle leaving people WIDE open. why the fuck would a player do this? ball coming up the court, leave your man open and sit at the free throw line waiting for.... what?
there has to be a setting i'm not using that is causing this. i had a shitty game on offense but i just have to laugh about the reaction of my players on defense and how they cover/rotate
1. I saw you changed your Points of Emphasis in the beginning. That has an effect. I'm assuming you didn't change it during the game. Whatever you choose in POE the CPU will do that. My POE on defense was limit perimeter that's what my guys did..stayed at home on shooters which the Warriors have a ton of.
2. You fell into the Step Curry trap. He's a beast and is the PG so dudes shoot with him all the time. You shot 44 times with him. Was predictable every time you came down.
3. You need to use your TOs. You got hit with a deadly 2k Run and didn't do shit to get out of it.
I shouldn't be telling you these things! But I am a good person
dang i don't remember what i picked for point of emphasis on defense. but why would my guys just leave their guys? i mean who would ever pick that point of emphasis if that is the result?
and i know i played like trash in the 2nd half with my shots, i was already out of the game. i didn't use any set plays the entire 2nd half but next game i will be ready and assuming my players dont act like retards and leave their guys wide open then maybe i can make it competitive. then if its close late you will get nervous and lose!
Maybe you want to lock down the middle...I'm sure if I had Dwight that wouldn't of been a bad strategy. There's a lot of settings to choose from...just depends on what you want to do. I was willing to let stuff go in the paint. Didn't want to get lit up on the outside tho
Also Harden was terrible but Canaan da 2K gawd put it in work
You fucked up. That post ensures you are gonna go on a hell of a losing streak.
Dont tease the dota gods.
Welp CS GO was too much for my PC. Looks dead. Won't turn on even though I see motherboard lights. Pressing power button does nothing. Tried different outlets and everything.
Bros the season will be over tomorrow and I want to make a decision on a season 3 no later than Sunday, preferably sooner. So if you are in or out post here or pm me or whatever. I know we had a list going so we can add or subtract from that
Guess you'll just have to play KI now
sorry man I know that feel
We playing tonight? I had fun with that.
Especially now that we don't have to carry Smokey to victory.
We playing tonight? I had fun with that.
Especially now that we don't have to carry Smokey to victory.
Im in!harden and lin had bad games. if only i could get harden to be that bad the rest of the series!
Report: Colin Kaepernick investigated for alleged sexual assault
You all playing CS:GO?
I played a quick round of casual this morning of GO. I dont think i ever really got into anything other than gungame in it. I didnt play great
I had a fleeting moment in the original CS where i was pretty decent. Same with the hot XBOX version back in the day.
FMT was winning when I leftAnd FMT falls in Game 1 129-80
Isaiah Canaan is a 2k god
FMT I'm sorry my fans had to witness your destruction, but it had to be done.
16/39 3's we make it rain cuh
Hah, the Titans are polarizing. Some think they should be removed all together. Doesn't really bother me either way but I may prefer a version without titans at all. The parkour and vertical nature of the maps are nice. Sometimes the Titans get in the way.
I'd love to play the CTF mode without Titans.
I actually believe that the game would be more fun without titans and instead just people running around wall jumping.
Bros the season will be over tomorrow and I want to make a decision on a season 3 no later than Sunday, preferably sooner. So if you are in or out post here or pm me or whatever. I know we had a list going so we can add or subtract from that
Jump into competitive bruh when you get a chance
I think you play 10 games or something and then it assigns you a rank. Then the MM matches you up.
I didn't really the economy around GO is as deep as it is. There's tons of stuff to dig into.
It's also good to know there are still tons of AWP Gawds around