We play this week? Should be free tomorrow night.
Okay, I'm good whenever, so let me know when.
We play this week? Should be free tomorrow night.
I went to look something up and this was on the front page of metacritic:
Just picked up Child of Light after sony sent out those vouchers for the MLB issue. Anyone else pick it up?
Shake needs to take an English class.
Anyone talk to eznark lately?
I sent him a msg on PSN yesterday but haven't heard from him - but he's on playing the Show.
Let me know when you want to play Madden, bro!
Anyone talk to eznark lately?
I sent him a msg on PSN yesterday but haven't heard from him - but he's on playing the Show.
Let me know when you want to play Madden, bro!
Sunset Overdrive <3
Now to wait for the official video to release, they decided to go ahead and release it today instead of Monday due to that crappy low res game informer leaked video.
Yeah it's pretty bad.The Show install time is no joke. Holy shit. Reminds me of installing MGS 4
Ha! The walk back to the inbound just to launchnit out of bounds was great.
Ha! The walk back to the inbound just to launchnit out of bounds was great.
To whoever the Bills owner is in Madden 15, I will be willing to trade you Sidney Rice (provided I'm the Seachickens) and a first round pick for Sammy Watkins.
Please counter this offer if that is not acceptable.
As current Bills owner...rejected.
I said counter!
Ok. Sherman
I hope LJ is more reasonable than you are.
lol pls... I am way too busy writing rtz fan fiction to write that garbage!
Lets play MLBI'm better off not knowing what that is, aren't I?
Aight. We need to ask FMT and Phee what the magic way of getting in a game together is. I heard it's a pain in the ass.
Ive done it, add TheDrizzlerJ11 to ure friends. Press touchpad in menu. Click friends. Inv me.
Can you challenge me?
FMT lies.. There is not a "Challenge to Exhibition" on this list. I can see your profile though!
Can you try to challenge me?
Woooo.. Finally ready to play!