"Ha, now your system is just as bad as our shitty system!"
What's the point of having a powerful system when trash like DOTA is what PC nerds play!
"Ha, now your system is just as bad as our shitty system!"
What's the point of having a powerful system when trash like DOTA is what PC nerds play!
What's the point of having a powerful system when trash like DOTA is what PC nerds play!
Yah FMT. Just start playing DOTA.
It is hilarious how hard Smokey jocks that overpriced, underpowered low rent PC. Especially when he has a monster one. I don't even push the PS4 above PC, and that system is actually worth the money being asked for it.
You win this round anyway as I'm leaning towards picking up the TitanFall bundle for the 399 price I can get it for.
Still going to spend 99 percent of my time playing it on PC.
You win this round anyway as I'm leaning towards picking up the TitanFall bundle for the 399 price I can get it for.
Still going to spend 99 percent of my time playing it on PC.
Edit: I hate Uplay. Worst service ever. Constantly disconnecting me from their download servers so this 25GB AC4 download is going to take days. Pathetic. By the time I can actually play it the Steam version will be on sale for under 5 bucks. I don't know if this hassle is worth the free code redemption.
Let's show my dick off!
Let me know a time that's good for you, DCX.
Why you gotta bring up the J-man, Ferny?
Headed on in 5 if you're still available.I'm good to go now if you are.
Jesus. This thread was better when it was 95% Dota talk.
Oh god. Those new Bucs uniforms. Somehow WORSE than the Jags uniforms.
Oh god. Those new Bucs uniforms. Somehow WORSE than the Jags uniforms.
GG Rors. After playing for like two hours I finally own a win against you. Bringing my career record to something like 1-20.GG DCX
lol @ the digital numbers
lol @ the digital numbers
Smokey you available tonight or tomorrow?
Smokey you available tonight or tomorrow?
Oh god. Those new Bucs uniforms. Somehow WORSE than the Jags uniforms.
lol @ the digital numbers
he aint got no time for madden
gots to go play horrible games on his xbone
So much console hatred, can't we all just get along?
he doesn't play shit on his xbone. i have literally never seen him online playing a game, only watching his stories. he's too scared to face me like a man in killer instinct and he always will be!
My fiancé uses the cable extender the most. Like right now.
i have never seen your username playing an xbone videogame! tell me i'm wrong!
You are wrong. X1 doesn't have friend notifications so you don't know dick. Dick.
i like and own every console.... even wiiU!
You are wrong. X1 doesn't have friend notifications so you don't know dick. Dick.
...they took that out? Why?
you can't imagine how shitty XBL is on xbone until you see it for yourself. complete and total dog shit