
First of all - New Thread?
J-Rzez's thread has been used as a foundation. This new thread is aimed at newcomers and veterans who left MAG for various reasons. It has been reworked to provide extensive amount of easily accessible information and to serve as a starting point for any GAFer looking for MAG related data or 1st hand experience.
MAG So what type of game is this?
MAG is an online only FPS which features up to 256-players in epic objective based battles. The game revolves around three PMCs (SVER, Raven, Valor) whose prosperity you choose to fight for in tournaments called the Shadow War. The game features a MMO-like skill tree to help custom tailor your character to whatever play style you prefer. But to be a good squadmate youll want to create several loadouts to prepare for any need. If you want to heal or revive your teammates, invest in the medical tree. If you prefer to provide distanced support, build up your sniper skill set. Feel like decimating vehicles or battle installments like AA-guns or repairing crucial assets for defense? Want to dabble in a little here, a little there? MAG allows you to do all of that and more in giant battlefields where teamwork plays a bigger role than ever before. To help with that element, the game also features leadership positions to help guide the fight. These leaders provide vital perks to those around you and can call in powerful strikes that dramatically alter the tide of battle. Multiple insertion points via hard spawns, APCs, Helo drops, and parachute provide access to strategic areas. If youre looking for a game where teamwork shines at the same level of your individual achievements then MAG is your final destination.
Is there a singleplayer component?
Aside from a short training that will give you a heads up on most of MAG's features, there is no dedicated singleplayer campaign.
Why should I choose to pick it up now?
Since launching back in January, MAG has been given an extraordinary amount of polish and content through various patches and DLC. During time, it has evolved from a hardcore niche shooter into something accessible to much more people. Bugs, exploits and glitches that kept everyone except the most hardcore Zipper fans away have now been fixed! So, why make a relaunch now? The answer is MAG 2.0 PATCH that is the biggest update the game has released since launch. A patch that fixes some of game's glaring issues, improves it's graphics engine and UI, but also adds Playstation MOVE support, thus allowing MAG to be named flagship shooter of Sony's new peripheral.
Although MAG got slammed by the critics back in January by earning 76 @ Metacritic, MAG has been thoroughly re-engineered. Basically every single element has received a huge overhaul. Framerate has been drastically improved, lighting engine has been enhanced, sound and gameplay improved. But, the biggest change has been implemented a few days ago, with the arrival of the economy system. MAG has always been big on customization, but the new system rivals those of the finest MMOs.
The new skill tree:

Skill tree sneak preview:
Full preview of the skill tree and the supply depot:
New economy system?
The previous system of purchasing skills and weapons has been completely dropped in favor of the new dual system. You purchase weapons & gear through the supply depot, a kind of an armory were you spend Currency Points earned during combat to purchase weapons, armor and gear. By progressing through ranking system, you will get access to better unlocks during the time, but you won't be seriously hampered in the beginning when compared to MAG veterans.
Downloadable Content
Since release, MAG has received 3 packs of DLC. Two of those have been free, while one, called INTREDICTION has been Pay-to-Play ($9.99). The second Pay-to-Play DLC named ESCALATION is coming later this year, and will introduce triple-faction play on single map. Additionally, you can purchase extra character slots at a price of $0.99 per month.
How can I acquire free DLC if my country doesn't have a PSN Store?
After major rioting that took place on the official forums, all free DLC packs have been included in the v1.06 update that is required for play.
Will I get slaughtered if I join the community today?
To eliminate this problem, Zipper has implemented the so-called Happy Hour, giving the player a 100% XP boost one play hour during each day. Additionally, joining a Directives game (where the game chooses to which front-line you'll get deployed to) will grant you an additional 50% XP boost. Interdiction also has a permanent 50% XP boost to encourage players to play the DLC. Every single of the listed options has been implemented to ease the introduction of new players. In just a few hours, you will be able to purchase very serious gear.
Late game content
After the 2.0 update, the game's leveling system allows gaining up to 70 levels. When you manage to do that (playtime to achieve this is highly dependable on the dynamism of the selected modes and their attached XP boosters), you will be able to Veteran to another factions. This will give you a Golden Star next to your PSN nickname in the battlefield and on your soldier's card, as well as a permanent 10% XP boost. Zipper is also looking to implement additional Veteran Perks, but nothing has been officially announced.
Is there a clan system?
Yes, there is. Clan system allows for simultaneous deployment of up to 128 clan players, which basically allows for an entire clan to be deployed into a game of Domination.
Overview of features
- 64, 128, and 256 player team based FPS battles.
- Persistent battles where contracts are awarded to the best performing PMCs granting them additional perks and buffs.
- Character leveling and progression trees similar to other MMOs allowing you to custom tune your soldier to your desired play style / role.
- Leadership roles for eligible players, granting perks to your teammates as well as devastating special abilities that can swing the tide of the battle.
- 15 maps available at launch ranging from 256 square meters to 1 square kilometer in size.
- 5 game modes available: Training, Suppression, Domination, Sabotage and Acquisition.
- Each PMC has their own unique customizable look, weaponry, vehicles, environments, user interface and music.
- Clan support along with party system available for you and your friends.
- Comprehensive stat tracking.
- Voice chat and in game messaging.
- Online only, requires PSN id and broadband internet service.
- Trophies, medals and ribbons to help you stand out from the masses, or get your OCD fix.
MAG has been introduced as a Greatest Hit in the USA as of September 29, thus slashing MSRP to $29.99. Additionally, you may purchase it used at Gamefly for $17.99. With a large amount of multiplayer content and available DLC, MAG is proven value to anyone that is even remotely interested in tactical FPS games.
In the UK, Zavvi is currently pricing it @ £17.95.
Playstation MOVE
Since patch v2.0 MAG has received full Move compatibility. And it turns out be awesome.
MAG & Move review from TTP:
Recomended settings:
Player rotation - 70
Player pitch - 30
Gesture sensitivity - 100 (you need to thrust the Move forward to perform knife attack - don't worry this wont cause unintentional knifing)
Scope sensitivity - 100
Normal play - 60 / 40 / 80
Fixed iron sights - OFF (If you have this to On you are doing it wrong)
Iron sights - 0 / 10 / 40

Gameplay videos (Domination 2.0 with commentary) (Command & Conquer Preview)
The PMCs:
Raven Based in Vienna Austria, is a PMC on the cutting edge of technology. They feature some of the most high-tech weapons available, their gear is highly modernized, but they are lacking in real-life experience. Most of their training was done via VR simulations. Despite their lack of on-the-ground experience they know what it takes to get the job done.
Valor Founded by former US Army officers and headquartered in the Alaskan wilderness, this PMC is based on tried and true principles. Their gear and weaponry was considered standard in the Third World War and is more that effective. They draw extensive first-hand combat experience from their ranks of former U.S., British, and Mexican Special Forces.
SVER Based out of Grozny in the Chechen Republic, their gear and weaponry may be dated, but its proven its lethality over decades of use. Theyre out for an adrenaline rush as well as getting paid of course, and consist of former soldiers as well as private citizens, some with rumored criminal backgrounds, who felt lost before joining SVERs cause. Though disorganized at first glance, they have some of the better implemented defenses in map lay outs to make up for their lack of cutting edge equipment.
Trophy list (additional trophies are available with the purchase of DLC packs)
* Angel of Mercy 25 enemies killed in their in incapacitated state over a career
* Boom Town Earn the Mortar Demolition, Total Blackout and AAA Demolition Ribbons
* Close Call Earn three Bomb Squad Ribbons
* Clown Car Awarded when a player destroys an APC or a Bunker, killing two players
* Commandont Awarded when a player kills 50 of a certain specialty: Commando
* Coughing Killer Killed an enemy while affect by poison gas grenades
* Dropping Like Flies Destroy five enemy helicopters
* Duteous Maximus Be on the winning faction for 10 Directive matches
* Efficiency Engineer Earn three Bunker Buster Ribbons
* I Drink Your Milkshake Awarded when a player kills 50 of a certain specialty: Field Support
* I Got 5 On It Kill 5 enemies with a single Strategic Strike, excluding Poison Gas Barrage
* In Your Face Earn five Combat Melee Ribbons
* Jack of One Trade Awarded when a player reaches the bottom tier of a skill tree
* Junkyard Jockey Earn three Mr. Badwrench Ribbons
* Lil Buddy Earn two Purple Sidekick Ribbons
* Mia Culpa Kill 50 enemies in a turret over a career
* Out of Scope Awarded when a player kills 50 of a certain specialty: Sniper
* Screeching Halt Awarded when a player kills 50 of a certain specialty: Rapid Assault
* Target Practice Awarded when a player shoots down 25 paratroopers over a career
* The Harder They Fall Awarded when a player kills 50 of a certain specialty: Direct Action
* A Whole Lotta Hurt Earn five Combat Machine Gun Ribbons and five Combat Fragger Ribbons
* Baby Need a Bandage? Earn 5 Silver Cross Ribbons and 5 Golden Cross Ribbons
* Chest Candy Awarded when a player has earned one of every ribbon
* Devil Dog Earn 5 Combat Assault Ribbons and 5 Combat Sidearm Ribbons
* Double Trouble Earn the Golden Cross Medal and the Grim Reaper Medal
* Hammer of the Gods Called in 50 cluster bombs or mortar barrages
* Headhunter Earn 5 Silver Bullet Ribbons, the Longshot Ribbon and the Sniper Master Specialist Medal
* Precious Cargo Destroy 20 Escort Vehicles over a career
* Silent But Deadly Awarded when a player kills 25 enemies with Poison Gas over a career
* Steamroller Have a 3-to-1 Kill-to-Death Ratio in any match
* Take Me to Your Leader Earn 1 win as a squad leader
* The Streaker Earn the Streaker Medal
* Triple Threat Earn 5 Silver Cross Ribbons, 5 Master Engineer Ribbons and the Grim Reaper Medal
* Commandant in Chief Awarded when a player reaches level 60 with a Raven character
* Eager Beaver Awarded when a player has earned one of each medal
* Prima Noyan Awarded when a player reaches level 60 with a S.V.E.R. character
* Sergeant Major Awarded when a player reaches level 60 with a Valor character
* Massive Action Gamer Won All Trophies
Ports to check:
Das-J said:All the ports below need to be open for outgoing connections:
80 Web
10020 TCP
10072 TCP
10073 UDP
10075 TCP
10078 TCP
10060 10061 TCP
10079 10090 TCP
50000 55000 UDP
Official website:
Official MAG Blog:
Official Forums:
MAG GAF |OT| v1 by J-Rzez:
Huge thanks to everyone involved in the construction of |OT| v1 (BruceLeeRoy, Cagen, Click, Das-J, Bamelin's Open Beta Thread and of course J-Rzez!). This thread wouldn't be possible without you guys.