PMC - Sver
GAF - WarMacheen
PSN - WarMacheen
Time - Eastern
GAF - WarMacheen
PSN - WarMacheen
Time - Eastern
Facism said:sick burn
TheFatOne said:You know what screw you guys I'm going Valor.
GAF:TheFatOne aka The King aka The GAFe destroyer
PSN I.D. Lyulf
Time Zone EST
He will join SVER as a Valor spy, you know it's true.FFObsessed said:I AM WOUNDED
Trevelyan said:With so many people pledging Raven or SVER(such as myself), we should all just meet in the middle and go Valor. :lol
I'm in the Raven GAF clan for the IGN tourney and the reason why I haven't played a whole ton is that I don't want to overdo playing it before the retail release. I'll be on very frequently when retail hits for Raven.TheFallen said:How many players are in SVER for the IGN tourney? and how many are usually on at all times? Curious, thinking about trashing my lvl 18 Raven character to defect for the remainder of the beta and try the darkside for now.
Were you in the closed beta? Raven dominated the first few betas, and used to do pretty well in Acquisition and Sabotage, even in Domination. Valor would always struggle a lot, especially in Acquisition and occasionally Sabotage. It's really easy to beat them in Acquisition once their bunkers are down. It's also very easy to travel between the two platoon's objectives (once the bunkers are down) using APC's compared to Raven and especially SVER maps. But that can be good for both attackers and defenders. Valor's Domination map is really good though.Anerythristic said:I really don't want to insult anybody but I will not be joining RAVEN, they are going to have a tough time of it and will, from what I've seen, always have to fight their heart out and grind out wins and SVER is for newbs and will probably get nerfed.
ZZMitch said:Is there any reason why most people are going SVER or Raven? I played Raven in the beta, but I kinda want to go with Valor... is Valor the weakest faction or something?
KilgoreTrout said:Just came in here to say Valor is for pussies.
I agree.Anerythristic said:They really, really are not.
IMO RAVEN and VALOR seem to be the best teams for balance, teamwork and slogging it out. The best battles I have had are RAVEN/VALOR Domination.
I might do that once I max out my Raven character, and get bored of playing from Raven's perspective. I'd be going back to Raven once I get Valor trophy though.Anerythristic said:Inanna Dan, if for any reason you want to join ValorGAF simply let me know.
slider said:Is the beta ongoing? If it is I might dabble just to get myself up to speed.
Ze_Pershing said:PMC: SVER
PSN: GeminiEffect
GAF: Ze_Pershing
Timezone: EST
Corrected.Ze_Pershing said:Please, OP correct it, I'll be playing SVER not raven...
Noshino said:Raven!
PSN: NoshinoRO
EST, usually free from 6pm til 2 am or so
Im leaving on march to the boot camp (navy) so I ll be inactive from march 15 til june/july
Fixed, sorry about that. Editing on my phone from work is not such a good idea heh.polyh3dron said:Hey Cagen, my PSN name is Polyhedron, can you fix that on the roster please?
TheFallen said:Switch me to SVER. Getting used to the bunch over there in the IGN tourney. But still will change depending on the majority of GAF.
Holy shit, your own username.Dellrizla said:Finally got activated. Raven ftw, etc.
Inanna said:Got my username shortened.
Oh and Dan's PSN ID is the same as his username.
BagK was also approved and he'd be joining Raven too.Dellrizla said:Cheers my man! Ahhh, feels so damn good to finally post with my own username.
Also, I may be starting up the Raven-GAF elite clan if I get there first, but if anyone gets there before me (Most likely, as the UK gets the bollocking game last once again) go for it and reserve a place for yours truly.
Also, us juniors stole your search! Har har!
Traitor!TheFallen said:SVER could use more players. We're pretty close and could use more awesome and active players. Several of us play often and we intend on staying for quite a while. C'mon who wouldn't want to be teamed up with sniper extraordinaire J-Rzez and our own Rambo, Click?