Jokergrin said:it would be fun that's what it would be.
sonicmj1 said:One slightly annoying thing emerges from the way phases are set up. Playing the blue deck, I had a Boomerang and countermagic in my hand, and only two mana available. I was facing down a large creature. My opponent had enough mana open to replay the creature if I bounced it on his turn. In a normal duel, there's a phase at the end of the player's turn where only instants can be played, so I could have bounced it then and had all my mana open on my turn. But in this game, that phase doesn't exist. As a result, I had to wait until my turn to bounce him, which left me less mana available to do other things. Kinda annoying.
Quixzlizx said:How could they not include this? Has this phase been taken out of the game in recent years?
ElyrionX said:I never played much MtG when I was younger but I've always been itching to play some in the past couple of years. I just don't have any friends that are into these sort of things so this XBLA thing is a godsend.
Also, since I never really got into the game, I don't know a lot of the basic strategies. It was really fun to see how some decks are seemingly powerful at first, only to get destroyed later on by a different type of deck.
I sent Patrick Buckland an email asking why the deck building/modification was not put into this game
his answer:
"Yes, you hit the nail on the head when you suggest that the lack of card removal was for reasons of deck balance. To be honest, I also felt the same way as you originally (being also a jaded old Magic player!), and fought against the decision during the design phase with Wizards. However they were adamant that the Live arena must not be dominated by players with the sort of mindsets that dominate the Pro tour. They wanted all players to have the fun of adding unlocked cards to their decks, without the ability to create killer decks that upset the balance online.
As Wizards of the Coast do seem to know a thing or two about Magic, lets face it, theyre probably right!"
PantherLotus said:Is there a way to get this without XBLA?
PantherLotus said:
Can I get on XBLA for free?
Gowans007 said:I played this a bit before work this morning.
As a first timer chipping away at the campaign with the green deck learning and unlocking cards.
BUT JESUS CHRIST that bitch with the green deck, I got savaged. Rats stealing my cards, resurrection cards, vampire cards & a bunch of flying stuff GAH!!!!!
can't wait to get back and play more, I will crack the bitch.
BenjaminBirdie said:Is this kind of like real fighters being concerned about playing Virtua Fighter and not being able to actually punch someone?
It kind of makes me feel like an idiot for really enjoying the game and being legitimately excited when I unlock a card. Apparently they're all lame and I don't know what I'm missing?
itxaka said:You mean the black deck bitch rigth?
She is horrible, I hate her. On the other hand,I want that deck.
BenjaminBirdie said:Is this kind of like real fighters being concerned about playing Virtua Fighter and not being able to actually punch someone?
It kind of makes me feel like an idiot for really enjoying the game and being legitimately excited when I unlock a card. Apparently they're all lame and I don't know what I'm missing?
Ledsen said:No, it's like getting a set of LEGO where all of the pieces are glued together.
Ledsen said:No, it's like getting a set of LEGO where all of the pieces are glued together.
Woo-Fu said:The parts that are missing are the parts that would make you play the game for more than a week.
It is like Diablo, but you can only play warrior and all your skill points are chosen for you.
It is like Master of Orion with 1 pre-built ship design in each class.
It is like Mass Effect without any decisions.
Sure, you can still have a lot of fun playing, particularly if you're new to the experience, but what makes the game worth playing weeks, months, even years later has been stripped out.
Presumably they'll add those elements back in with pay DLC or they intend to push people towards MTGO.
George Claw M.D. said:As a seasoned vet, who was first exposed to MTG with Unlimited, and played tournament Type 2, booster draft, and sealed deck from Mirage through Onslaught, this game sounds horrible for MTG veterans. But I guess we aren't the target audience, anyway. For $10, I suppose it was wishful thinking to get anything close to MTGO.
Now, I don't see a problem with WoTC targeting a new audience, with this game. A small cardbase is fine. Less special mechanics, e.g., phasing, banding, affinity, is fine. Limiting these things can help keep new players from being overwhelmed. What isn't fine, however, are changes to the basic gameplay, e.g., auto-land-tapping, no instants during end step(apparently).
Here's a simple example, where manual selection of lands to tap can be important. Say you're holding a Serra Angel(2 white, 3 colorless mana) and a Counterspell(2 blue mana). You have 5 Plains and 2 Islands untapped. You play Serra Angel, but the game auto-taps one or both of your Islands for colorless mana. Now, your Counterspell is useless until your next untap step.
As for no instants during the end phase, I hope sonicmj1 just overlooked how to do so, even if it means setting a "stop" marker during end phase, a la Microprose's original Duels of the Planeswalkers PC game. Otherwise, I think this was a very stupid decision.
This game doesn't deserve to share the same name of its much greater predecessor.
Also, for those saying, "Stop complaining. It's only $10. Blah. Blah. Blah." You don't know WoTC. Prepare for microtransaction rape, as WoTC trickles out updates to make the game not even half-as-good as its decade-old predecessor.
To resolve issues with two and three colour decks when paying for colourless costs, the game has to work out what land to tap for you. To do this, it looks at your hand and your activated abilities and tries to leave as many things still playable as possible for youbut it can't always get it right. If tapping a Forest would still let you play card A, but tapping a Plains would let you play card B, which does it do? It can't read your mind, but in most situations it will tap your lands as well as you would.
REV 09 said:as someone who dabbled in MTG a decade ago, I had a blast playing this last night. It brought back so many memories. Sure, it may be a stripped down version, but it's fine for me...there's still plenty of strategy available with the decks that it gives you. The challenge mode proves that.
Kifimbo said:That's my conclusion. People who stopped playing several years ago or new players won't be bothered too much by this stripped down version. Especially since it's the price of about 3 booster packs. Active players will probably hate it.
Pick it up anyway, so that when you do go back online you'll have unlocked some cards and decks playing through single player.Dunlop said:That about sums it up. I had a lot of fun playing it and would buy it in a heartbeat if my LIVE was not expiring next week. I'll pick it up when I renew LIVE after the summer if there is still an active community playing and hopefully some DLC
Stainless Games has always stated its intention to balance depth with accessibility and its workings in how to best streamline the experience to XBLA are well reasoned. The result is an experience just close enough to the tabletop game to please serious players, for a fraction of the cost. If the game develops a strong community, and Wizards of the Coast offer additional cards and decks via downloadable content, 360s CCG gap could be covered for years to come. [8]
See for yourself.XiaNaphryz said:I heard that the foil rare you get as a gift for snagging this will likely be worth well more than the price of the game download - is that accurate?
Kifimbo said:Speaking of that card...I can't use it, since I live in a province where the government is protecting us from these dangerous prizes and contests.
I will try to find a way to use the code, but if I can't, I might give it.
Kifimbo said:Speaking of that card...I can't use it, since I live in a province where the government is protecting us from these dangerous prizes and contests.
I will try to find a way to use the code, but if I can't, I might give it.
Dunlop said:wait..what? I'm in Quebec (assuming that is what you are talking about) If I pick up the game, I cannot get the card?!?!?!?
Who Will We Reward?
Its easy for you to receive a Gift. First, you must be eligible. To be eligible you must be (i) a person who has received an in-game communication, containing a URL and redemption code, regarding the Campaign directly from Wizards (ii) who is a resident of the United States, Canada (excluding Quebec), Australia, New Zealand, or Singapore
Kifimbo said:Yes...excluding Quebec, Puerto Rico and some other places.
Deunnero said:RE: Cards no ship to Quebec
Has anyone tried yet? If it doesn't work, just get it shipped to Ottawa ... of course I live just across the river so it's fine for me.
Maybe we could work something out? PM me.
LuCkymoON said:I think the biggest rule change is the Legend rule, all thanks to my favorite card Akroma: The Angle of Wrath
I kinda hate/like the new rule.
Mockingbird said:God damn! That card is too good. What's Haste? Is it no summoning sickness?