Bay Maximus
Physical head trauma I believe.
Well let's make sure we jail those people as well. No reason to take any chances.
Physical head trauma I believe.
He's nothing but a product of his environment.
Do you take immunosuppressive drugs to spare the lives of microscopic pathogens and bacteria? Your body kills a multitude of those daily.
Yeah, my feelings exactly. It's a bloody cat not a person. Fine him for animal cruelty and be done.
People will call for his execution then go have their cats' feet mutilated, run over a squirrel and set a sticky mouse trap inside their home in the same day.
Yeah, my feelings exactly. It's a bloody cat not a person. Fine him for animal cruelty and be done.
A cat is a person, you know.
People will call for his execution then go have their cats' feet mutilated, run over a squirrel and set a sticky mouse trap inside their home in the same day.
His face and name has been plastered all over New York now. I'm sure someone on the street or in jail will see this and kick him.
LOL, never change, Daily News.
You think he should die for kicking a cat?Cat kicking defense force?
I don't know that I'd go as far as executing him, but I think chopping off his legs would be fair, and keep him from kicking any more cats.
10 years?!? Jesus....I mean it's fucked what he did but 10 years is crazy
Following his arrest, Robinsons mother, Mary Kirby, 48, defended her son and tried to explain away his actions. He had to be high on something. Its very out of his character, she told the Daily News. He had to be high to do what he did. This isnt him.
He's likely a cat owner.
I'm a cat owner but I'm not going to endorse the removal of somebody's legs. I'm not insane.
You think he should die for kicking a cat?
I think this kid is just an idiot who did something stupid and harmful without thinking. He's too old to be doing some dumb shit like that -- everyone is, but at 21...
I imagine his punishment has already been more severe than most kids who've punted a stray animal before. I've seen my share of animal cruelty in my youth. kills cat for breaking Buddha statue
A Frenchman was due in court this week for killing his cat by throwing it into the washing machine in a fit of rage after the feline knocked over his statue of Buddha.
The forty-year-old was at his home in the town of Briec in the western region of Brittany last February when the cat bashed into and broke the statue of the founder of a religion that encourages loving kindness towards all beings.
Furious, the owner grabbed bis pet and threw it into the washing machine, which he then switched on for a 40 degree cycle, according to Ouest France newspaper.
A neighbour upstairs heard bizarre noises. When she phoned the man to ask what was going on, he replied that he had killed the cat and had put its body along with the broken Buddha into a rubbish bag, the paper said.
The neighbour alerted police and animal welfare organisations. The man was due in court in the Breton town of Quimper. Three animal welfare groups, including the Brigitte Bardot Foundation, have taken out civil suits against him.
In February, a cat torturer who caused outrage in France after videos were posted online showing him throwing a kitten high into the air, was sentenced to a year in prison.
The video, which has since been removed from YouTube, sparked furore after thousands of viewers were outraged after seeing the man throw Oscar as high as he could against a block of flats.
Meowing, the little ginger and white kitten is then seen falling four or five metres away. Oscar survived the attack and made a good recovery.
LOL, never change, Daily News.
He's a dude on a forum expressing anger. He's not over there chopping the guy's legs off. Do you take everything said out of anger that literal?
So you didn't know that people on the internet react in a hyperbolic fashion? Really crap usage of the gif.
I don't know that I'd go as far as executing him, but I think chopping off his legs would be fair, and keep him from kicking any more cats.
How many of the people outraged over this eat meat?
How many of the people outraged over this eat meat?
How many of the people outraged over this eat meat?
Do you know anything about meat is produced?Hahhhh. I just knew somebody would post something like this eventually.
Cuz eating meat is the same as being cruel for no reason.
Do you know anything about meat is produced?
It's not about killing an animal once and that's it -- they're abused for the entirety of their lives before they're killed. Chickens are kept in dark pens where they are constantly up against other chickens, their beaks have to be removed so they don't peck each other to death and those conditions, and they're all covered in each other's shit so they have to be pumped full of antibiotics so they don't drop dead. When they mature, they're plumped up so much for breast meat that they can't even stand up.
I'm curious to hear your explanation for how kicking a cat is worse than that. One moment of pain is worse than an entire life of torture?
It's not the "killing an animal to eat it" part that is the main part of the problem.
I'm curious to hear your explanation for how kicking a cat is worse than that. One moment of pain is worse than an entire life of torture?
It's not the "killing an animal to eat it" part that is the main part of the problem.
People that hurt animals are a special breed of filth. This guy is pure trash. Going to go hold my kitty.
I was at a cat shelter the other day. One of the cats there was completely blind as some prick had kicked it on the head.
If I was there when this guy did this, i'd have mashed him into a fine paste by the time police got there.
I was at a cat shelter the other day. One of the cats there was completely blind as some prick had kicked it on the head.
If I was there when this guy did this, i'd have mashed him into a fine paste by the time police got there.