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Man cleared of NYC murder after 25 years in prison.

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NEW YORK — From the day of his 1989 arrest in a deadly New York City shooting, Jonathan Fleming said he had been more than 1,000 miles away, on a vacation at Disney World. Despite having documents to back him up, he was convicted of murder.

Prosecutors now agree with him, and Fleming left a Brooklyn court as a free man Tuesday after spending nearly a quarter-century behind bars.

Fleming, now 51, tearfully hugged his lawyers as relatives cheered, “Thank you, God!” after a judge dismissed the case. A key eyewitness had recanted, newly found witnesses implicated someone else and prosecutors’ review of authorities’ files turned up documents supporting Fleming’s alibi.

“After 25 years, come hug your mother,” Patricia Fleming said, and her only child did.

“I feel wonderful,” he said afterward. “I’ve always had faith. I knew that this day would come someday.”

The exoneration, first reported by the Daily News, comes amid scrutiny of Brooklyn prosecutors’ process for reviewing questionable convictions, scrutiny that comes partly from the new district attorney, Kenneth Thompson. He said in a statement that after a months-long review, he decided to drop the case against Fleming because of “key alibi facts that place Fleming in Florida at the time of the murder.”

From the start, Fleming told authorities he had been in Orlando when a friend, Darryl “Black” Rush, was shot to death in Brooklyn early on Aug. 15, 1989. Authorities suggested the shooting was motivated by a dispute over money.

Fleming had plane tickets, videos and postcards from his trip, said his lawyers, Anthony Mayol and Taylor Koss. But prosecutors at the time suggested he could have made a quick round-trip plane jaunt to be in New York, and a woman testified that she had seen him shoot Rush. He was sentenced to 25 years to life in prison and was due to have his first parole hearing soon.

The eyewitness recanted her testimony soon after Fleming’s 1990 conviction, saying she had lied so police would cut her loose for an unrelated arrest, but Fleming lost his appeals.

The defense asked the district attorney’s office to review the case last year.

Defense investigators found previously untapped witnesses who pointed to someone else as the gunman, the attorneys said, declining to give the witnesses’ or potential suspect’s names before prosecutors look into them. The district attorney’s office declined to comment on its investigative plans.

Prosecutors’ review produced a hotel receipt that Fleming paid in Florida about five hours before the shooting — a document that police evidently had found in Fleming’s pocket when they arrested him. Prosecutors also found an October 1989 Orlando police letter to New York detectives, saying some employees at an Orlando hotel had told investigators they remembered Fleming.

Neither the receipt nor the police letter had been provided to Fleming’s initial defense lawyer, despite rules that generally require investigators to turn over possibly exculpatory material.

The man lost 25 years of his life because of a lie. I am sure no one will be held responsible for this either.


Is it too late to sentence that prosecutor to 25 years in prison?

edit: Just saw the video and realized he was black.....way to fuck things up NYPD


Little to be said really, wow.

Is he owed a compensation for this? Like, several million dollars i mean.
I read the OP but i didn't catch anything related to this.

This man should be able to live on the state's money for the rest of his days, that's for sure.
So let me get this straight.

He had plane tickets, videos, postcards, and even goddamn Florida hotel receipt dated 5 hours before the shooting in New York and they found him "guilty"?!

The "witness" even admitted to lying!

What the hell is wrong with people? They are so much more obsessed with convicting than actual justice, they will just wrongfully imprison an innocent man.


Little to be said really, wow.

Is he owed a compensation for this? Like, several million dollars i mean.
I read the OP but i didn't catch anything related to this.

This man should be able to live on the state's money for the rest of his days, that's for sure.
There is nothing in the full story about him receiving money, but hopefully he'll sue.

I knew he was black before I even clicked the link.

I was going to include his picture but decided not to because it was obvious.

Deleted member 102362

Unconfirmed Member
There was an episode of the Boondocks that deal with the issue of a man with clear evidence (video, different location at the time of the crime, etc.) that he was innocent of the murder he was accused of, yet he was found guilty anyway. I always figured that the way it was portrayed in the show was an exaggeration of what can really happen, but this has made me realize just how much more fucked up reality is.

At least he got released, but god, I can't imagine losing 25 years of my life like that over something I didn't do.
I hope this guy manages to make a shit ton of money and can retire to a life of luxury. Having your life and reputation ruined for a third of your life is a terrifying thing to think about.


Guarantee I'm going to screw up this post? Yeah.
I just can't imagine something like this happening, knowing you didn't do shit, but are in jail for life anyway.


Dude should be awarded $1000 for every day he spent wrongfully locked up. That seems like it'd be small compensation for ruining someone's life.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
and no one gives a fuck because if he was arrested for murder he was obviously up to SOMETHING shady, or dealing with some shady people.

After all, a completely, 100% innocent, good natured person would never get caught up in something like that. Ever.


He also technically served everyday of a 25 to life sentence.

So it is more like he was released rather than freed.
He will no doubt be compensated handsomely for his unjustified incarceration. A terrible case of shoddy work on behalf of the justice system as a whole, but hopefully he'll be able to have a happy life from here on out and get back the years he lost somehow.


Dude should be awarded $1000 for every day he spent wrongfully locked up. That seems like it'd be small compensation for ruining someone's life.
More like $1 million for every year he lost. This is exactly why I don't agree with the death penalty. Man has no right to take away what he can't give back.
There was an episode of the Boondocks that deal with the issue of a man with clear evidence (video, different location at the time of the crime, etc.) that he was innocent of the murder he was accused of, yet he was found guilty anyway. I always figured that the way it was portrayed in the show was an exaggeration of what can really happen, but this has made me realize just how much more fucked up reality is.

At least he got released, but god, I can't imagine losing 25 years of my life like that over something I didn't do.

This one?
It's pretty shameful, when a trial deciding someones fate is only slighty less ridiculous than cartoon.


Reading stuff like this always pisses me off.

25.mother.fucking.years... gone, just because someone accused you of doing something you didn't do.
"We're suing everybody, let's be honest," Koss added, saying Fleming's legal team intends to bring a civil rights lawsuit against the city and seek reparations from the state under a provision set up to redress wrongful convictions.

You're god damn right.


"We're suing everybody, let's be honest," Koss added, saying Fleming's legal team intends to bring a civil rights lawsuit against the city and seek reparations from the state under a provision set up to redress wrongful convictions.

You're god damn right.

hell yeah. bleed em dry!


Unconfirmed Member
I don't know how humble one can be when they're wrongfully imprisoned for 25 years, but I have a feeling that were this to happen to me, I wouldn't be thinking money when getting out.


25 years of your one and only life gone... I'd probably no longer give a shit about anything ever again if it was me.
This man should be able to live comfortable off of the government for the rest of his life because of this. It's sickening that this happens, great that he's free. But he lost a better part of his life because of it.


Throw the prosecutor in, have him serve 25years.

That will never happen. I say the cops, the witness and, the prosecutor should all serve some time in prison.

Because they focused on prosecuting Fleming the actual killer got away scot-free.


Holy fuck. No matter how much money they try to give him... 25 fucking years of your life gone for something you didn't do. And of course he's black... He had a shit load of evidence and yet he still gets convicted. Man, they better sue the fuck out of all those dumbasses.


'enry 'ollins
Isn't witness testimony supposed to be the least reliable?

Fuck me, everything about this is wrong. He spent half his life wrongfully imprisoned. His mother is probably in her 70s-80s now.
Prosecutors’ review produced a hotel receipt that Fleming paid in Florida about five hours before the shooting — a document that police evidently had found in Fleming’s pocket when they arrested him.


The eyewitness recanted her testimony soon after Fleming’s 1990 conviction, saying she had lied so police would cut her loose for an unrelated arrest, but Fleming lost his appeals.

:/ eyewitness testimony is so friggin' unreliable to begin with. They shouldn't be allowed to take the stand if they are getting something in return. And really fuck these people who are willing to lie under oath, potentially putting an innocent person away for life, just to get out of a jail sentence of a few years or whatever.
What blood boiling news. 25 years... 25!!! FUCKING years.

You mean to tell me that with 2 and a half decades you could not find evidence that the man was innocent? That the witness lied her ass off and this poor man ended up a victim?

That he had probably the perfect defense/alibi and still was convicted.

Just infuriating. I hope Mr. Fleming receives his just reward for living in terrible conditions for 25 years all on NY's bill for the rest of his life.
What the hell is wrong with people? They are so much more obsessed with convicting than actual justice, they will just wrongfully imprison an innocent man.

It's a gross miscarriage of justice, especially once you realize that not only an innocent man was convicted for something he did not commit, but the real killer was never caught.
What blood boiling news. 25 years... 25!!! FUCKING years.

You mean to tell me that with 2 and a half decades you could not find evidence that the man was innocent? That the witness lied her ass off and this poor man ended up a victim?

That he had probably the perfect defense/alibi and still was convicted.

Just infuriating. I hope Mr. Fleming receives his just reward for living in terrible conditions for 25 years all on NY's bill for the rest of his life.

You think that's blood boiling? What about the kid who got life for smoking a joint when he was on probation? Three strikes zero tolerance, and cruel and unusual punishment is a go.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
You have been given freedom. Freedom to be outside. You are nobody's tool now. No one's toy. You are no longer a prisoner of fate. It's time for you to see the outside world with your own eyes. Your body and your soul are your own. Forget. Live for yourself. And find a new lease on life.

This is good. Isn't it?


Hasn't it been scientifically / legally established that eyewitnesses fucking suck?

Ever seen 'eyewitness' reports on plane crashes? So wildly wrong and inaccurate they are almost always 100% absent in the official investigation report. I don't see why the same can't apply for humans.

Imagine how many people there are in the US alone that don't have rock solid alibis and have been sent away for something they didn't do? This guy was rock solid, with fucking video and everything, and it still wasn't good enough.
This is why I have never been in favor of a black man serving on the force. It's way too much bullshit over the years in this city.

Fuck the NYPD. It is really that simple.

The system is flawed, and we must stay as far away as possible. In my views.
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