Sweeney Tom
Who's ready for Christopher Daniels to win the ROH title Friday
Spoiler it, you son of a gun! I ain't got time to go back right now!
You're on!
The pole
Mondays WWE Raw television show averaged 3.216 million viewers. Viewership was up from the 3.092 million average from last week.
The first hour of Raw averaged 3.318 million viewers. Hour two drew 3.380 million viewers. The final hour of the show averaged 2.950 million viewers
Maybe Sephzilla will give us his avatar.
Is this a shoot?
At the end of the match,Windham and Luger win the titles and the crowd goes bonkers.
Who cares about rohWho's ready for Christopher Daniels to win the ROH title Friday
Point at pole dude, that's what it's there for.Points at the motherfucker sign.
Oh. Well. That doesn't sound very exciting. Maybe I had to be there. Maybe I will watch it again.
Are you just watching random stuff or are you on a journey of some sort? Tell me about RBH, RBH.
I was already tapping out around the time the Bayley/Sasha match was happening. I just wanted it to end.That third hour drop is real rough.
Who's ready for Christopher Daniels to win the ROH title Friday
He dead.
Lol Blue trying to look cool drinking some milk. You trying to get a commercial deal?
Full circleI guess ROH is going to be filled with ex-TNA people.
TNA was really great until 2007 when it really started becoming "home for wayward WWE talent"I watched Dave Meltzer Five-Star Classic Samoa Joe vs. AJ Styles vs. Christopher "that guy who landed on his head on Nitro" Daniels last night. It was good. At least four starz.
Was TNA good for a minute or has it always had terrible crap going on? Pretty funny that Styles and Joe are Big Dealz now. TNA could've ruled the world!
Who cares about roh
Boo.gifScooby Doo
He name drops it all the time in the WWE Scooby Doo movie
I just feel like Raw is more competition based while the Smackdown women's division has more characters and stories. Asuka wouldn't fit in on Smackdown.
Since the family has now posted it, wanted to pass along to you guys that Outlaw Ron Bass has passed away. His youngest son is a close friend and I had been at the hospital with him for support the last few days.
Asuka should be nowhere near the same show Stephanie is on.
I hate Samoa Joe.
Lol at that thread for one of the greatest TNA wrestling matches of all time.
A.J. Styles vs Christopher Daniels (c) vs Samoa Joe
Goldberg looked bad with the belt yesterday.
At least it matched OwensEveryone looks bad with that title, it's a rubbish belt.
Everyone looks bad with that title, it's a rubbish belt.
Owens with the suit looked good.At least it matched Owens![]()
WWE should just hire Daniels and give us Unbreakable 3 as our WrestleMania main event.
I wonder if anyone's a bad enough dude to make a Chris Benoit thread in June. <span class="emoji-outer emoji-sizer"><span class="emoji-inner" style="background: url(chrome-extension://immhpnclomdloikkpcefncmfgjbkojmh/emoji-data/sheet_apple_64.png);background-position:80% 10%;background-size:4100%" title="thinking_face"></span></span>
I'd probably puke my guts drinking that shit.Lol Blue trying to look cool drinking some milk. You trying to get a commercial deal?
No way someone in a major wrestling outfit even attempts a flying headbut, cripler crossface or 3 german suplexes.
Goldberg looks bad everyday and I'm a mark
Wait what the fuck how have I never heard of thisDid he actually kill his son with the Crippler Crossface??
Oh my godddddd.
Wait what the fuck how have I never heard of this
Who's ready for Christopher Daniels to win the ROH title Friday
Apparently he used a cord for his wife and a pillow on his kid. If I'm remembering correctly.His son died by being choked. Doubt it was a crossface.