They could have used a slightly better crowd for that but good match.
Smackdown killed that crowd
They could have used a slightly better crowd for that but good match.
Bryan now has LEGIT heat with BROCK LESNAR
Smackdown killed that crowd
It's fake. Go to bed.The hilarious part of the Shane beatdown was that nobody apparently actually watches SmackDown because they could have called him to tell him AJ was planning to jump him
It's fake. Go to bed.
You can't stop his doubleBrock about to SHOOT on DBry
Fuck up Bryan stop trying to make sense of this.
Talking Shoot now looks tame in comparison to Bring it to the Table.
Talking Shoot now looks tame in comparison to Bring it to the Table.
Mickie is too old school for this show lol
Toot toot babee lordy lordy.
Nattie just appeared out of nowhere 😂😂😂
Everyone is old compared to Carmella. She's so new and basic.Mickie feels like she's 5 secs away from "I'm too old for this shit"
Lol. I didn't notice.As did Mickie... must be a teleporter on that side.
This is more traditional than shooty and natural but I like it
Talking Smack has to you know advance the story.