This is awesome.Immediatly reminded me of this:
This is awesome.Immediatly reminded me of this:
I'll check these out, thanks!
TL;DR every match at X7 sucked except the main event and the angle killed modern wrestling (but was a good idea, probably?)
Chris Jericho vs William Regal
"The lack of in ring chemistry is palpable...super hot crowd has already died down for the most part..."
Right to Censor vs Tazz/APA
"Tazz is a MESS in this, being completely blown up in 90 seconds..."
Raven vs Big Show vs Kane
"After lots of mindless dumb "hardcore" shit, the match comes back out to the stage...That was a match. I guess"
Eddie Guerrero vs Test
"Eddie then focuses on the leg, which does not appear to be what the original plan for the match was, since they're both stalling and looking confused. Very awkward match"
Kurt Angle vs Chris Benoit
"An hour in, the show finally has something that should be more Raw filler...This started good, but really took a hit once they started doing a traditional WWF match instead of the cool ass amateur stuff they started with. The change came as soon as Angle threw the fist strike, and you can see them get more and more finisher trading/spammy/Attitudinal every few moves from that point. "
Shane McMahon vs Vince McMahon
"So now you have "Daddy's Girl" fighting with Daddy's mistress as mommy is in a wheel chair, comatose...70% of the match was Shane taking a nap after the table bump while Steph/Trish/Linda got their fuckery on..."
Hardy Boys vs Dudley Boys vs Edge & Christian
"I'm not sure these matches are fun to watch anymore....Of course there is no story of any kind in the match. It's just setups for dangerous spots. And for what? It's not like they were adding to their craft by doing a stunt show..."
Gimmick Battle Royal
I'm pretty disgusted that Michael Hayes got a WM pay day.
Triple H vs The Undertaker
"All flash, no substance. Again."
The Rock vs Steve Austin
"THIS actually is a classic. As much as I shit on the Attitude Era, this took all the best parts of it, with the two guys who were best at it, and they had a war with more emotion and story than anything on the show by a very large margin...Great storytelling in and out of the ring"
I'm sure #TeamOlds can tell us all about this're alright, Caderfix!Don't listen to him. Godzooky is all you need, Saiyan friend.
Each to their own. You're wrong but you're happy so enjoy.
This is all wrong.TL;DR every match at X7 sucked except the main event and the angle killed modern wrestling (but was a good idea, probably?)
Chris Jericho vs William Regal
"The lack of in ring chemistry is palpable...super hot crowd has already died down for the most part..."
Right to Censor vs Tazz/APA
"Tazz is a MESS in this, being completely blown up in 90 seconds..."
Raven vs Big Show vs Kane
"After lots of mindless dumb "hardcore" shit, the match comes back out to the stage...That was a match. I guess"
Eddie Guerrero vs Test
"Eddie then focuses on the leg, which does not appear to be what the original plan for the match was, since they're both stalling and looking confused. Very awkward match"
Kurt Angle vs Chris Benoit
"An hour in, the show finally has something that should be more Raw filler...This started good, but really took a hit once they started doing a traditional WWF match instead of the cool ass amateur stuff they started with. The change came as soon as Angle threw the fist strike, and you can see them get more and more finisher trading/spammy/Attitudinal every few moves from that point. "
Shane McMahon vs Vince McMahon
"So now you have "Daddy's Girl" fighting with Daddy's mistress as mommy is in a wheel chair, comatose...70% of the match was Shane taking a nap after the table bump while Steph/Trish/Linda got their fuckery on..."
Hardy Boys vs Dudley Boys vs Edge & Christian
"I'm not sure these matches are fun to watch anymore....Of course there is no story of any kind in the match. It's just setups for dangerous spots. And for what? It's not like they were adding to their craft by doing a stunt show..."
Gimmick Battle Royal
"I'm pretty disgusted that Michael Hayes got a WM pay day."
Triple H vs The Undertaker
"All flash, no substance. Again."
The Rock vs Steve Austin
"THIS actually is a classic. As much as I shit on the Attitude Era, this took all the best parts of it, with the two guys who were best at it, and they had a war with more emotion and story than anything on the show by a very large margin...Great storytelling in and out of the ring"
I didn't even write it dude
I mean, wrestling fans are going to watch wrestlemania. It hasn't been a wall-to-wall good show since 30, though. That's true of most PPVs, but WM just happens to have more eyeballs on it.
The thing I'm most interested in is if they add Finn/Joe to the Rollins/HHH match to try and cover Rollins' injury. It makes perfect sense to do that (and has a bunch of stories built in - Rollins injured Balor, but turned face, so he can make amends/Joe injured Rollins/Finn lost his title in NXT to Joe), but I don't know if that's something they'd do since it "ruins" the HHH match.
Wonder when O'Reilly will show up
Agree completely with everything but TLC and the hardcore Kane matchTL;DR every match at X7 sucked except the main event and the angle killed modern wrestling (but was a good idea, probably?)
Chris Jericho vs William Regal
"The lack of in ring chemistry is palpable...super hot crowd has already died down for the most part..."
Right to Censor vs Tazz/APA
"Tazz is a MESS in this, being completely blown up in 90 seconds..."
Raven vs Big Show vs Kane
"After lots of mindless dumb "hardcore" shit, the match comes back out to the stage...That was a match. I guess"
Eddie Guerrero vs Test
"Eddie then focuses on the leg, which does not appear to be what the original plan for the match was, since they're both stalling and looking confused. Very awkward match"
Kurt Angle vs Chris Benoit
"An hour in, the show finally has something that should be more Raw filler...This started good, but really took a hit once they started doing a traditional WWF match instead of the cool ass amateur stuff they started with. The change came as soon as Angle threw the fist strike, and you can see them get more and more finisher trading/spammy/Attitudinal every few moves from that point. "
Shane McMahon vs Vince McMahon
"So now you have "Daddy's Girl" fighting with Daddy's mistress as mommy is in a wheel chair, comatose...70% of the match was Shane taking a nap after the table bump while Steph/Trish/Linda got their fuckery on..."
Hardy Boys vs Dudley Boys vs Edge & Christian
"I'm not sure these matches are fun to watch anymore....Of course there is no story of any kind in the match. It's just setups for dangerous spots. And for what? It's not like they were adding to their craft by doing a stunt show..."
Gimmick Battle Royal
"I'm pretty disgusted that Michael Hayes got a WM pay day."
Triple H vs The Undertaker
"All flash, no substance. Again."
The Rock vs Steve Austin
"THIS actually is a classic. As much as I shit on the Attitude Era, this took all the best parts of it, with the two guys who were best at it, and they had a war with more emotion and story than anything on the show by a very large margin...Great storytelling in and out of the ring"
But it only been like 2 weeks.Seems like ages since we had a PPV.
If Rollins can't go the smart thing is to have Rollins take HHH out before Mania and then Joe takes Rollins out and the Finn saves Rollins... and it's Joe vs Balor as proxies and you do Seth vs HHH either at Summerslam or next year's Mania
Nah, the rumors are that both of them we're leaving for WWE, but at some point ROH hit WWE with legal threats so they are supposedly waiting for a certain period of time to pass before even negotiating.Did O'Reilly leave ROH because of Adam Cole?
Nah, the rumors are that both of them we're leaving for WWE, but at some point ROH hit WWE with legal threats so they are supposedly waiting for a certain period of time to pass before even negotiating.
I'm pretty sure both will sign tho
Cole will probably use this time to get surgery for that huge ass cyst, so it's a win win for everyone lol
Look who wrote this shit. Of course they'd say something stupid.TL;DR every match at X7 sucked except the main event and the angle killed modern wrestling (but was a good idea, probably?)
Chris Jericho vs William Regal
"The lack of in ring chemistry is palpable...super hot crowd has already died down for the most part..."
Right to Censor vs Tazz/APA
"Tazz is a MESS in this, being completely blown up in 90 seconds..."
Raven vs Big Show vs Kane
"After lots of mindless dumb "hardcore" shit, the match comes back out to the stage...That was a match. I guess"
Eddie Guerrero vs Test
"Eddie then focuses on the leg, which does not appear to be what the original plan for the match was, since they're both stalling and looking confused. Very awkward match"
Kurt Angle vs Chris Benoit
"An hour in, the show finally has something that should be more Raw filler...This started good, but really took a hit once they started doing a traditional WWF match instead of the cool ass amateur stuff they started with. The change came as soon as Angle threw the fist strike, and you can see them get more and more finisher trading/spammy/Attitudinal every few moves from that point. "
Shane McMahon vs Vince McMahon
"So now you have "Daddy's Girl" fighting with Daddy's mistress as mommy is in a wheel chair, comatose...70% of the match was Shane taking a nap after the table bump while Steph/Trish/Linda got their fuckery on..."
Hardy Boys vs Dudley Boys vs Edge & Christian
"I'm not sure these matches are fun to watch anymore....Of course there is no story of any kind in the match. It's just setups for dangerous spots. And for what? It's not like they were adding to their craft by doing a stunt show..."
Gimmick Battle Royal
"I'm pretty disgusted that Michael Hayes got a WM pay day."
Triple H vs The Undertaker
"All flash, no substance. Again."
The Rock vs Steve Austin
"THIS actually is a classic. As much as I shit on the Attitude Era, this took all the best parts of it, with the two guys who were best at it, and they had a war with more emotion and story than anything on the show by a very large margin...Great storytelling in and out of the ring"
I don't see why they can't just make it a tag and put all of the "moments" into whenever Seth is in the ring, but let the healthy guys do most of the action. It's not the same thing as a "one on one" confrontation, but Sting/HHH wasn't either and there's nothing actually on the line anyways.
Yes they did that to Cole but the legal threats to WWE are something different, and probably pretty well founded considering WWE didn't ignore them, there's a reason O'Reilly hasn't signedHe's not even allowed to negotiate until April. They made a legal threat saying his contract had to be extended due to time he missed with an injury (kind of the same thing they do to force Daniel Bryan to stay contracted to WWE).
Nah, the rumors are that both of them we're leaving for WWE, but at some point ROH hit WWE with legal threats so they are supposedly waiting for a certain period of time to pass before even negotiating.
I'm pretty sure both will sign tho
Cole will probably use this time to get surgery for that huge ass cyst, so it's a win win for everyone lol
Just say no to fish in the microwave.
Because a tag match cheapens the big HHH/Rollins confrontation...
And Sting/HHH fucking sucked. Rollins deserves better.
Yes they did that to Cole but the legal threats to WWE are something different, and probably pretty well founded considering WWE didn't ignore them, there's a reason O'Reilly hasn't signed
The problem here is that that they need to protect Rollins. He's the No. 1 babyface (in reality) on the main brand.
It also solves the problem of getting Samoa Joe and Finn Balor into matches at WrestleMania.
Did someone learn that the hard way?
Holy shit this looks amazing.
I don't think it would fuck it up, especially if HHH goes over.Right which is why extending the story so it gets its proper one on one match is what should be done. Don't fuck it up with a tag match designed to keep Rollins and HHH apart until basically the finish.
Have Joe fucking wreck Rollins and take him off TV until like late June. Have him fight Joe (you stole my wrwstlemania from me) at the July PPV and win and then Hunter at Summerslam.
Holy shit this looks amazing.