Jinder in HD is not PG
Wonder if he has at least sipped a bit of water since last night?
Jinder in HD is not PG
WrestleMania is 6 hours long. There is lots of room for everyone.Is there even room for him?
Striker can be really good when he's not up his own ass. Which is to say he's really good 5% of the time.
WrestleMania is 6 hours long. There is lots of room for everyone.
Wow Kerry Von Erich really hated catswell allright
anyone got a link to all those wrestling rumors back in the day?
92. Stephanie McMahon has a strap-on & has used it on Austin, HHH & Chyna.
Ospreay posts on GAF confirmedSounds about right
If anyone cares Ospreay vs Galloway is about to start.
Lol fuck me Ospreay is pulling the Low Ki Hitman Agent 47 gear. Striker literally just name dropped Low Ki... what are the odds given we were just talking about that.
Not the Rock, brother.I don't know if 6 hours is enough based on the rumored card.
I mean how long is the New Day skit. Is Rock coming out with them? or is he taking up his own 30 minutes?
WrestleMania is 6 hours long. There is lots of room for everyone.
my god mania is going to be the absolute shits this year
the absolute SHITS
1)Goldberg vs Brock Lesnar (Universal Title)
2)Seth Rollins vs Triple H
3)Roman Reigns vs The Undertaker
4)Chris Jericho vs Kevin Owens (US Title)
5)Samoa Joe vs Finn Balor
6)Gallows & Anderson vs Enzo/Cass (Raw Tag Team Titles)
7)Charlotte vs Sasha Banks vs Nia Jax vs Bayley (RAW Women's Title)
8)Neville vs Austin Aries vs Rich Swann vs Jack Gallgher vs Noam Dar vs Tozawa(Ladder Match Cruiserweight Title)
9)Andre The Giant Battle Royal
10)Bray Wyatt vs Randy Orton (WWE Title)
11)AJ Styles vs Shane McMahon
12)John Cena/Nikki Bella vs The Miz/Maryse
13)Dean Ambrose vs Baron Corbin (Intercontinental Title)
14)American Alpha vs The Usos (SD Tag Team TItles)
15)Alexa Bliss vs Naomi (SD Women's Title)
edit: 16)Rock/Hogan says stuff
17)New day says stuff.
6 hours is too long. Even if WWE was great right now, I wouldn't want a 6+ hour long show.
And if the final match of your 6 hour show is a stinker; like how HHH/Roman put people to fucking sleep at my WrestleMania party, that's a bad lasting impression
What should the last match be? Well, better.
What will be the last match?
Ospreay posts on GAF confirmed
Ospreay has the face of a dickhead heel, wrestling with a shirt and tie accentuated that.
What should the last match be? Well, better.
What will be the last match? I don't even think Goldberg wants to be last. I know we give him a lot of shit but I think he worries about letting everyone down. I think he cares more than Brock, even though he can't perform.
I predict a two hour pre-show with four matches. The two tag title matches, the cruiserweight match, and maybe the battle royal.
Brock/Goldberg is probably going to go last because that's Vince's big money match.
Orton/Wyatt is the match that should go last
Truthfully the ME should have been Cena/AJ for the title but ah well.
They were doing pretty damn well with him before he got hurt. Triple H clearly loves the guy (some reports have said in the past that he was Triple H's favorite NXT signee). I think he'll be fine no matter what. At worst he's high midcard.
I'm more tired of New Day than I am of any act on any WWE roster at this point. The whole ice cream gimmick is a rip of CM Punk, though I bet they actually get it. Their actual wrestling isn't bad, but their promos are more "get our shit in" than even Enzo and Cass. Let these guys breath outside of New Day, let Woods be a mid-card champion, let Kofi go form a random tag team with someone else (New Day has totally fucked the Kofi clock), let Big E be a good low upper card comedy act which they so badly need.
The New Day was fun a long time ago, but I just roll my eyes every time Big E comes over the PA now.
1)Goldberg vs Brock Lesnar (Universal Title)
2)Seth Rollins vs Triple H
3)Roman Reigns vs The Undertaker
4)Chris Jericho vs Kevin Owens (US Title)
5)Samoa Joe vs Finn Balor
6)Gallows & Anderson vs Enzo/Cass (Raw Tag Team Titles)
7)Charlotte vs Sasha Banks vs Nia Jax vs Bayley (RAW Women's Title)
8)Neville vs Austin Aries vs Rich Swann vs Jack Gallgher vs Noam Dar vs Tozawa(Ladder Match Cruiserweight Title)
9)Andre The Giant Battle Royal
10)Bray Wyatt vs Randy Orton (WWE Title)
11)AJ Styles vs Shane McMahon
12)John Cena/Nikki Bella vs The Miz/Maryse
13)Dean Ambrose vs Baron Corbin (Intercontinental Title)
14)American Alpha vs The Usos (SD Tag Team TItles)
15)Alexa Bliss vs Naomi (SD Women's Title)
edit: 16)Rock/Hogan says stuff
17)New day says stuff.
I would have been 100% okay with Cena vs AJ headlining WrestleMania.
E and specially Kofi are great friends with CM, so there's probably some sort of acknowledgment from both parts.
Also, we all agree that the best use for the team now is to have them still together but with separate singles pushes. Woods with the Crusies, E as an upper midcarder and Kofi, just doing Kofi things.
6 hours is too long. Even if WWE was great right now, I wouldn't want a 6+ hour long show.
And if the final match of your 6 hour show is a stinker; like how HHH/Roman put people to fucking sleep at my WrestleMania party, that's a bad lasting impression
I am of the opinion that absolutely no wrestling show should go longer than Once Upon a Time in America.
Pretty fun match this Ospreay vs Galloway.
Brock/Goldberg is probably going to go last because that's Vince's big money match.
Not the Rock, brother.
Can you imagine 2017 Sephzilla telling little baby 2004 Sephzilla "hey, these guys will be headlining WrestleMania 13 years from now!"
1)Goldberg vs Brock Lesnar (Universal Title)
2)Seth Rollins vs Triple H
3)Roman Reigns vs The Undertaker
4)Chris Jericho vs Kevin Owens (US Title)
5)Samoa Joe vs Finn Balor
6)Gallows & Anderson vs Enzo/Cass (Raw Tag Team Titles)
7)Charlotte vs Sasha Banks vs Nia Jax vs Bayley (RAW Women's Title)
8)Neville vs Austin Aries vs Rich Swann vs Jack Gallgher vs Noam Dar vs Tozawa(Ladder Match Cruiserweight Title)
9)Andre The Giant Battle Royal
10)Bray Wyatt vs Randy Orton (WWE Title)
11)AJ Styles vs Shane McMahon
12)John Cena/Nikki Bella vs The Miz/Maryse
13)Dean Ambrose vs Baron Corbin (Intercontinental Title)
14)American Alpha vs The Usos (SD Tag Team TItles)
15)Alexa Bliss vs Naomi (SD Women's Title)
edit: 16)Rock/Hogan says stuff
17)New day says stuff.
Can you imagine 2017 Sephzilla telling little baby 2004 Sephzilla "hey, these guys will be headlining WrestleMania 13 years from now!"
I was 18 in 2004
I think they should strongly consider doing a champions v. champions match with the tag teams. I don't think they're doing themselves any favors adding matches to the card just so they can say that title was defended.
Imagine 2017 Sephzilla telling little baby 2004 Sephzilla that the next two presidents would be a black guy and Donald Trump.