As someone who more or less skipped them when they originally happened I can honestly say that 1996 and 1997 WCW and WWF are by far the best two years of US wrestling. Exciting stuff happens basically every week between the two and you can see the growth before your eyes that peaks in the fascinating years of 1998 and 1999 WWF. But all the real wild shit happens in WCW in 1996 and WWF especially in 1997. There's not a single show I'd recommend someone skipping.
I started at IYH: Revenge of the Taker and the very night night started off with Bret coming back, but this time along with what's going on in WCW, it's just amazingly entertaining. The shows feel more real, more energetic, more intense, that's why it blows anything away today.
This Pillman scene: Because when Austin 3:16 meets Pillman 9MM glock, Im gonna blast his ass straight to hell!