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March Wrasslin' |OT2| The Rollercoaster to WrestleMania XXXIII!

I was going to renew this week for Wrestlemania then they email me and offer 3 months free - WWE are dumb.

Subbed up till June with my cancel request in already



I could let my gmail wwe network account go out for the month and use the free thing they're giving me on yahoo but parts of me have some faith that they'll reward me for sticking through for a year and a half.

I keep getting these "Get your free month and get WRESTLEMANIA" and I am like...um... I am still subbed, can I still get a fucking free month? If not stop spamming me!


I think you're right because before that he had those awesome matches with KO at RR and HHH at Roadblock. Also, they had him carrying RAW while Roman was 'injured' in the Mania buildup.

Exactly. Ambrose was actually putting on some pretty solid matches for a few months leading up to Mania, and then after his Brock match at WrestleMania his match quality went to fucking shit.

Give it to me, WWE :(



I think Brock not giving a shit about his Mania match with Ambrose got into Ambrose's head a bit. After that, Dean pretty much stopped giving a fuck

Probably saw how much he was getting paid and how over he is and decided they he may as well work less hard since it doesn't matter as much in WWE unless you want to be regarded as the very best. Probably prolong his career 5 years or something too.
In a perfect world they would bring back the Hardcore Championship and Dean Ambrose would be the eternal champ.
Also in a perfect world Dean Ambrose's craziness would be played as something terrifying instead of 'lol look he sprays ketchup and mustard at people and puts goo into briefcases'.


Dean Ambrose clearly has a case of Orton Syndrome. When he doesn't give a fuck, he clearly and truly gives no fucks.

Same thing Samoa Joe had during the last few years of his TNA run.


GAF is shit talking Ambrose once again but don't be surprised when he's holding a world title. Guaranteed, he'll be a world champion again sometime within the next year.

Yall didn't believe me when I said he'd be WWE Champion, you keep underestimating him. You know the WWE and what they'll do.
His longest reigning WWE United States Champion record is tainted by the fact the guy defended it like six times.

He actually had 13 title defenses on screen if I remember right which averages to at least once a month. There were just long periods where he didn't defend it which was due to storylines.
That podcast was amazing. Paul Roma is under the impression that Paul Roma is the greatest man to ever live.

I fully recommend it.

IT was hilarious. Some of these old wrestlers are delusional. Paul Roma was a fucking mid carder and the way he talks he was the GOAT but everyone was holding him back. The exchange about Mr. Fuji was pretty nuts too.

Paul "I heard he was a legit hitman, like for real"
Steve "I heard he killed his neighbors dog and fed it to them"
Paul "lol what a swell guy!"

When he shot on Luger was the best though. "He had no charisma, he was all look, and he wasn't even that good looking". MOTHERFUCKER THAT WAS YOU!
I hope she's a successful, dominant face on the main roster and then eventually transfers to this scary business.

But yeah right.
Every Takeover I get worked into thinking it will happen whenever they play into Asuka being more of an outright cocky heel then a face.

It would have been great for the second Bayley match.


IT was hilarious. Some of these old wrestlers are delusional. Paul Roma was a fucking mid carder and the way he talks he was the GOAT but everyone was holding him back. The exchange about Mr. Fuji was pretty nuts too.

Paul "I heard he was a legit hitman, like for real"
Steve "I heard he killed his neighbors dog and fed it to them"
Paul "lol what a swell guy!"

When he shot on Luger was the best though. "He had no charisma, he was all look, and he wasn't even that good looking". MOTHERFUCKER THAT WAS YOU!

Paul Roma had some of the best botchamania moments. They truly made me laugh.

I hope Steve was as amused listening to him as were his listeners.
WWE just announced that the Raw Women's Title match at WM is now an elimination match.
So even in the context of this match, they could have had Bayley's big babyface victory be over Charlotte on PPV

Utterly baffling they gave the belt to Bayley already and had her win on as Fastlane.

Prediction on how it goes: Charlotte is out first, Bayley and Sasha work together to take Nia down. Final two, Sasha eventually wins. Bayley tries to celebrate with her friend only for Sasha to pull the heel turn.
This isn't bad, but I hope we're not in for another heelmania like last year.


Ambrose is probably losing the title considering it's Corbin and they wanna push the guy and also the fact that Reigns is apparently heading to SDL during the draft so he can "feud with strong heels like Miz and Corbin"...so Ambrose is going to lose to power up Corbin who will then lose to Reigns.

And watch, guaranteed, don't be surprised to see Reigns become a Grand Slam Champion before Ambrose or Rollins. Ambrose just has to win a tag belt but Reigns just has to win the IC which he can do is he feuds with a midcarder on SDL.

I see all the Raw belts changing hands. No doubt.


IT was hilarious. Some of these old wrestlers are delusional. Paul Roma was a fucking mid carder and the way he talks he was the GOAT but everyone was holding him back. The exchange about Mr. Fuji was pretty nuts too.

Paul "I heard he was a legit hitman, like for real"
Steve "I heard he killed his neighbors dog and fed it to them"
Paul "lol what a swell guy!"

When he shot on Luger was the best though. "He had no charisma, he was all look, and he wasn't even that good looking". MOTHERFUCKER THAT WAS YOU!

Motherfucker shot on Lex?! Lex is my dude from 95-98!!!


GAF is shit talking Ambrose once again but don't be surprised when he's holding a world title. Guaranteed, he'll be a world champion again sometime within the next year.

Yall didn't believe me when I said he'd be WWE Champion, you keep underestimating him. You know the WWE and what they'll do.
Who's shit talking him?

I think everyone saw a title reign(s) coming for all of The Shield Boys years ago.


IT was hilarious. Some of these old wrestlers are delusional. Paul Roma was a fucking mid carder and the way he talks he was the GOAT but everyone was holding him back. The exchange about Mr. Fuji was pretty nuts too.

Paul "I heard he was a legit hitman, like for real"
Steve "I heard he killed his neighbors dog and fed it to them"
Paul "lol what a swell guy!"

When he shot on Luger was the best though. "He had no charisma, he was all look, and he wasn't even that good looking". MOTHERFUCKER THAT WAS YOU!

Haha. Yep. I'm really glad I listened to it. I rarely listen to Austin's podcast these days.
Prediction on how it goes: Charlotte is out first, Bayley and Sasha work together to take Nia down. Final two, Sasha eventually wins. Bayley tries to celebrate with her friend only for Sasha to pull the heel turn.

I think it'll come down to Sasha and Bayley and Sasha will cheat to get the win. Something small, like an eye poke or hold the tights. Then Bayley confronts her the next night, and we get the full turn.


I hope she's a successful, dominant face on the main roster and then eventually transfers to this scary business.

But yeah right.

She is booked in NXT like Goldberg/Brock hybrid. I do like her promo style english and yelling japanese.

WWE just announced that the Raw Women's Title match at WM is now an elimination match.

Its going to be like Wrestlemania 2000 main event where Nia Jax is in the match as long as the Big show was.
This is a Wrestlemania where I can buy nearly every single belt changing hands.

Cruiserweight belt is going to Aries, Enzo and Cass get the tag belts, no way Alexa is leaving Wrestlemania as champ, Sasha winning seems clear enough, Owens is taking the belt from Jericho, Brock's winning the Universal title, Corbin is getting the IC. Bray vs Orton is still a bit tricky but unless plans change it seems Orton's going to get it.

I don't think the SD tag title will even make it to a Wrestlemania match.
I was going to renew this week for Wrestlemania then they email me and offer 3 months free - WWE are dumb.

Subbed up till June with my cancel request in already

They don't care they are just trying to build up their subscriber numbers so they can trick their shareholders for another year that everything is OK!

Jamie OD

Prediction on how it goes: Charlotte is out first, Bayley and Sasha work together to take Nia down. Final two, Sasha eventually wins. Bayley tries to celebrate with her friend only for Sasha to pull the heel turn.

I think it will be something like Bailey pins Sasha midway through the match and that sets up Sasha's heel turn on Monday.


Who's shit talking him?

I think everyone saw a title reign(s) coming for all of The Shield Boys years ago.

Nah not on this forum. People were shit talking Ambrose saying he was never going to be a world champion on GAF hell people were saying Wyatt would be a world champion even, this is Bray Wyatt. It was pretty clear Ambrose was going to be world champion. I think a WWE magazine had all 3 guys on it, actually it was the last one, and it straight up said they'd all be world champions.


Exactly. Ambrose was actually putting on some pretty solid matches for a few months leading up to Mania, and then after his Brock match at WrestleMania his match quality went to fucking shit.

I think at that point he stopped caring and realized that things are what they are and relegated himself to comedy status
I think it will be something like Bailey pins Sasha midway through the match and that sets up Sasha's heel turn on Monday.
That'd be pretty good. I think the vision regardless of the outcome is Sasha vs Bayley at Summerslam since it'll be two years after the Brooklyn match.

Charlotte will likely (or at least hopefully) feud with Emma.
I just got an email offering me three months free of the wwf network again. I haven't paid them a penny since it opened in the uk back in 2015 and I got rewarded with big shoe, kane and roman.

guess I'm watching mania brother


I just got an email offering me three months free of the wwf network again. I haven't paid them a penny since it opened in the uk back in 2015 and I got rewarded with big shoe, kane and roman.

guess I'm watching mania brother
Me too.

I've already re-watched all of my childhood wrasslin' though...
Goddamn a lot of pages over the last 12 hours. >_<

Yeah not a massive fan of the belts either, i liked the shields. Ahh well, they're not to bad.

In worse news, Dahlia Black fucked her ankle yesterday, sucks when she was about to get that Axxess shot and also means that was her last UK match pending visa stuff.

Well that's some shitty luck.
Dave mentioned on the radio show this morning that Asuka is supposed to stay in NXT "for a while", so take that for what it's worth.

Keep in mind he said the same about Nakamura in December though, and now is saying Nakamura will be up soon.
With the women who have joined recently and will be joining, I hope so, still needs to lose Saturday though.
Raw is going to be decent today...
Three hour hard sell for WrestleMania because WWE doesn't do subtle or know how not to be annoying with it.
Damn Jan was one block away from being home and the person that hit her was a 17 year old texting and driving. Jeez.
I actually wonder if she would've worn the helmet would she be ok or would she still be in terrible shape? Either way, the person should've had their eyes on the damn road
Wearing a helmet probably would've at least prevented the skull fractures that was likely what ended up killing her but I think I'm just about ready for texting while driving to come with similar penalties to drunk driving.

Give it to me, WWE :(
Yesssssss, been hoping for this for a year now. Maybe if she loses Satuday and snaps it might.
I'm really not surprised they are letting Eva go. Mandy Rose is arguably better looking, plays the gimmick better, and is already a better wrestler.

Eh, good riddance to Eva, she and especially her douche (at least as shown on TD) husbmanager or whatever it was he called himself clearly looked at WWE as nothing more than a stepping stone for their "brand" or whatever. As said, Mandy is basically a infinitely better version of her anyway.


Don't feel too bad for Dean. I actually saw a little kid dressed up as him for Halloween.
That, and he got this toy made.

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