Tss, my amazon.fr WiiU bundle won't ship today from what I see.. and postal service won't work the 29th.Yes! Amazon.de shipped my LE, should arrive tomorrow then.![]()
Tss, my amazon.fr WiiU bundle won't ship today from what I see.. and postal service won't work the 29th.Yes! Amazon.de shipped my LE, should arrive tomorrow then.![]()
Since I have all of the free games offered with purchase, anyone knows which game code will likely have the highest resale value? I Would assume WWHD or Pikmin 3?
How stupid can some people be?
I know in NA they price dropped some of their games on the eShop so now every free game from Mario Kart 8 is $39.99
Since I have all of the free games offered with purchase, anyone knows which game code will likely have the highest resale value? I Would assume WWHD or Pikmin 3?
I might have misunderstood something but as far as I know you just get one universal code and you can select the game you want on the Club Nintendo website![]()
Well thats a different story. I think maybe I misunderstood. Thanks for clearing that up!
I have it ! I HAVE IT! Yeah! Yeah ! All over my anti grav tits! Yeah !
...Now to be quickly bored with it.
I have it ! I HAVE IT! Yeah! Yeah ! All over my anti grav tits! Yeah !
...Now to be quickly bored with it.
I have it ! I HAVE IT! Yeah! Yeah ! All over my anti grav tits! Yeah !
...Now to be quickly bored with it.
Shit talking is just a more mild form of Mario Kart talk. Which itself isn't even close to Mario Party talk, aka How to Destroy Your Lifelong Friendships in One Hour.
Just got my copy. Thank you saturn Germany![]()
Just got my copy. Thank you saturn Germany![]()
Okay I'm 100% serious here, I started to shiver reading this post. I'm calling my Saturn now! D:
Saturn? You guys have a service called saturn? That's pretty cool.
I think the Club Nintendo PIN is the universal code which unlocks a page in your account and you then choose the game to get the download code.I might have misunderstood something but as far as I know you just get one universal code and you can select the game you want on the Club Nintendo website![]()
Apparently there's a store in Glesga in the UK that's selling it early. If you're nearby and know where to look, go get it..![]()
Just got my copy. Thank you saturn Germany![]()
I need a sociology or psychology department of some university to do a study sometime: Which game ruins friendships faster: Monopoly or Mario Party?
Where? Hamburg?![]()
Saturn Köln, Gelsenkirchen, Hamm, Iserlohn are selling it, too. Don't call them, they won't say anything![]()
A friend asked me earlier about the TRU deal where you can get another Wii U game for 40% off and if it worked online since he was gonna be out of town.
If you're still in need of some Wii U games, this is probably your best option and you can actually take advantage of the deal right now (as opposed to in stores which only lasts Fri/Sat)
Saturn Köln, Gelsenkirchen, Hamm, Iserlohn are selling it, too. Don't call them, they won't say anything![]()
Daaamn... that would explain it, just called two Saturns and nothing, now I'm contemplating driving there though it's 60 minutes from here. Do you have any info for Dortmund?
Well, I wouldn't potentially waste a 60 minute drive, honestly. Saturn Braunschweig has the bundle in stock, but they apparently won't get the individual game until tomorrow and the same might hold true for Dortmund.
You know guys, breaking day one is serious business. I could call the feds, I have friends in the army, I know where you live. All of you.
I'm so fucking jealous.![]()
My just turned 4 year old daughter is hyped to hell for this lol.
She finished mario 3d world believe it or not. with a slight bit of help on the later levels.
You can get peach wii motes?
Only seen mario and luigi ones
Daaamn... that would explain it, just called two Saturns and nothing, now I'm contemplating driving there though it's 60 minutes from here. Do you have any info for Dortmund?
I cut in this morning while I was in town and was told tomorrow would be the day... If we're talking about the same place that is haha. Sucks for me since I'll be working but my friends were pleased.
So jealous of everyone playing the game already, though you'd think I'd be used to it since the reviewers got it so early![]()
Well, I wouldn't potentially waste a 60 minute drive, honestly. Saturn Braunschweig has the bundle in stock, but they apparently won't get the individual game until tomorrow and the same might hold true for Dortmund.
Sry, no info for Dortmund :/
Edit: But Dortmund is close to Hagen?![]()
If I lived in a street date breaking country eShop would not get my monies. To think that the code is just sitting on a server and only a lucky few media folks have accessMK