It's an unintentional exploit in the boosting mechanics. That's cheating to me.
I shall not be using hop boosting because I am one of those people who pretends to want to play fair when in fact I'm a scrub who can't make it work in the first place
Going to give this a try this at home tonight /waluigi grin
Do you also think combos in the original Street Fighter 2 is cheating?
Dull roster, characters still dont have their own special abilities (if frog suit mario could hop higher and get better boosts, if ice mario could freeze the track...), no stat tracking online, no leaderboards, no battle mode specific arenas, no track editor, no reward for 3 stars, no special unlockable elite difficult track, like say champions roads in 3D World, antigravity really adds nothing to the gameplay, its a pointless gimmick that you barely notice when playing since the camera rotates with you.
I mean, could a game be more bare bones than this? They couldn't have spent more than a year working on this. There is so much missing and so much that could have made this a much more complete and exciting package. Instead though it's $60 to play MKWii in HD. Really.
The effects to me, in an actual race seem so minor, this outburst and quitting the game, calling it cheating and damning those using it just seems so irrational.
Yep. It's the reason I never got into the competitive Melee scene.
Mario Kart 8 |OT2| Hop Your Way To Victory
Note to self. Dragging bombs are stupid in this game.
Do you also think combos in the original Street Fighter 2 is cheating?
I think we have the reason why he's being super irrational down below:
Deems wavedashing to be just as much of a cheat if not more so.
characters still dont have their own special abilities (if frog suit mario could hop higher and get better boosts, if ice mario could freeze the track...)
Did Capcom come out and say it was unintentional? If so, then yes.
There's this fellow I know that I think you'll get along great with. His name is Spieler Eins...
Did Capcom come out and say it was unintentional? If so, then yes.
Deems wavedashing to be just as much of a cheat if not more so.
I'm glad that, time and time again, this suggestion falls on deaf ears.
Long story short, third place should always have his sights set on first place, not second place. Second and third constantly going back and forth ensures that first place will run away with the race.
Did Capcom come out and say it was unintentional? If so, then yes.
She, not he.
Do you also think combos in the original Street Fighter 2 is cheating?
I really don't think that it was unintentional. The producer of MKDS said snaking was intentional (I don't believe that one though) but MKWii and MK7 both had minor forms of snaking still present (someone correct me on that one if I'm wrong since I never tried it in either).It's an unintentional exploit in the boosting mechanics. That's cheating to me.
I'm glad that, time and time again, this suggestion falls on deaf ears.
Why would you call it cheating, exactly?
Obviously there are degrees of severity here, but I think metagames that build around glitch exploitation are pretty shitty.
Oh c'mon. The core racing experience is great, but everything surrounding it is barebones as could be. There's a LOT of room for improvement in plenty of areas of MI8. Likes not act like this was some untouchable masterwork here.
Not suggesting it's perfect in any way, but stuff like "couldn't have taken more than a year, it's just MKWii HD" is just laughable.
So it's kind of similar to extending boosts in F-Zero GX by turning off the accelerator. Nice.
I genuinely mean no offense... but it sounds like your problem comes more down to the online scene being extremely competitive, especially with you playing your preferred character. and then hopping just adding further salt into the wound.It's damn near impossible to win with my favorite character + kart combo (Barring lucky items of course) even when every one isn't cheating.
Dull roster, characters still dont have their own special abilities (if frog suit mario could hop higher and get better boosts, if ice mario could freeze the track...), no stat tracking online, no leaderboards, no battle mode specific arenas, no track editor, no reward for 3 stars, no special unlockable elite difficult track, like say champions roads in 3D World, antigravity really adds nothing to the gameplay, its a pointless gimmick that you barely notice when playing since the camera rotates with you.
I mean, could a game be more bare bones than this? They couldn't have spent more than a year working on this. There is so much missing and so much that could have made this a much more complete and exciting package. Instead though it's $60 to play MKWii in HD. Really.
Guys, just had a fucking BLAST in a voice-chat session with daydreams, HawthorneKitty, Ahzuran, Nyteshade, metatarsal, InvisibleStride, and Kinsei. Seriously, this game is on a whole 'nother level when you mix in voice chat. We're done for tonight, but we're going to try and play again this upcoming weekend (most likely Saturday, but maybe Friday as well).
Let me know if you want to be part of this. Everyone so far has been crazy fun to race with and there's nothing like hearing a million people yelling "FUCK!" as you mow them down with shells. Message me and get on board with GAF Chat!
Also, big shout out to Bradical. Haha, we couldn't figure out who you were when you wondered in the room.
Can you guys check out this eBay listing for me? It's the Mario Kart 8 Wii U bundle for £170 (it's £240 in the shops). I'm just wondering if there are any red flags other than the price? If it's legit I'd buy it right now.
Every fighting game ever is shitty then? :x
TBH this is no where as bad as snaking in MKDS.
I'd say beware of his feedback ratings, some of them have been negative in the last month.