All right, bought this on an impulse when it was 600 msp recently.
I didn't like the demo that much (as I don't like most of the demos I play), but I actually remember thinking "this is one game I will never buy".
I guess all the praise it got made me do otherwise.
Well, I absolutely loved it.
Played it twice, beat NG+, got 100% of the achievements. That's not something I usually do.
It controls very good. Some times I would climb a wall or grab a ledge when I didn't want to, but besides that, I could always do whatever I wanted.
The game just flows. You can either go killing everyone or choose absolute stealth (I don't think choosing an in between approach is an option for anyone

), but in either case, I felt like a bonafied ninja. Hiding in the shadows waiting for the precise moment to finish some guard, or breaking lights so I could run unnoticed by anyone.
The fact that you can approach each level in several equally-good (or equally-bad) ways (meaning there's no win path) shows how much care was put in the design of the game.
Breaking lights and making noise where two very well implemented solutions to distract guards (unlike many other games).
Terrorizing guards was pretty fun, too, and worked great to clear some rooms that at first seemed very difficult.
And NG+ provided an extra challenge that was actually meaningful, not just 1-hit deaths.
I don't think the equipment selection menus where very well done, but I got used to it by the end.
That's the biggest con I can find for this game.
Oh, and maybe some of the equipment being pretty useless. Noise makers and Smoke bombs are all I needed to beat NG+ using my super ninja stealth costume (you know which one I mean

I wouldn't say I'm a fan of stealth games, but Mark of Ninja is an amazing game, very well put together, very consistent, very compact (it tries to do well one thing, and succeeds), and very fun.
I truly recommend it to everyone, this would have been in one of the highest positions in my GOTY list if I had played it last year.