So my opinion is warped because it doesn’t align with yours?
Helluva post there, bud.

it’s not even an opinion either I think most people would agree buddy that games can be considered art your original comment was flippant.
So my opinion is warped because it doesn’t align with yours?
Helluva post there, bud.
This sort of simple stuff is exactly why he was right. Enjoyment is a bullshit metric, its like saying sugar is great because it tastes good. Enjoyment is cheap, entertainment is cheap, and can be found everywhere. What matters is products that offer entertainment and something more, thats the reason for art, not fun.Who cares. What matters is how people enjoy the film
You have elitist journalists have a film rotten tomato scores at 30% while the audience scores are at 90% and vice versa.
That’s what makes both film and game industry amazing. They can satisfy both cravings if you know where to look for them.
Pretty selfish if you only think about yourself.
First time I’ve heard games doesn’t revolve around enjoyment or fun. Enjoyment or fun factor doesn’t even mean kiddy games or the sort. Enjoyment can be found when evoking emotion to the consumer as well.This sort of simple stuff is exactly why he was right. Enjoyment is a bullshit metric, its like saying sugar is great because it tastes good. Enjoyment is cheap, entertainment is cheap, and can be found everywhere. What matters is products that offer entertainment and something more, thats the reason for art, not fun.
fOoD aNaLoGyThis sort of simple stuff is exactly why he was right. Enjoyment is a bullshit metric, its like saying sugar is great because it tastes good. Enjoyment is cheap, entertainment is cheap, and can be found everywhere. What matters is products that offer entertainment and something more, thats the reason for art, not fun.
I'm not saying that games don't revolve around enjoyment or fun. Nor that it has to be thought-provoking. A trashy button masher can be amazing like anything else. A trashcan can be as beautiful as a Da Vinci.First time I’ve heard games doesn’t revolve around enjoyment or fun. Enjoyment or fun factor doesn’t even mean kiddy games or the sort. Enjoyment can be found when evoking emotion to the consumer as well.
News flash, gaming and watching film IS cheap. In the grand scheme of hobbies, they’re at the very low end of the spectrum. This isn’t some million dollar painting or sculpture that can’t be seen in a museum and appreciated in person.
As I said it’s pretty selfish of you to think that I would even enjoy those thought provoking pieces of film, literature or games. What if I want is just some trashy button masher cause I don’t want to think and just want to spend my limited time to relax?
It’s one thing to prefer one kind over the other but it’s another to completely disregard them.
TLDR: Games are more and more built before writers and directors even get to see the product. The human touch is lost, ideas and crafting unique player experiences mean less and less in the triple-A market as more games are designed after models about player attraction and franchise cultivation. This is nothing new of course, but it's starting to dominate the market to a larger extent.
Martin Scorsese created a lot of discussion by calling the Marvel movies theme parks, the idea that some movies are made from a perspective of finance rather than ideas, they are made to feed the franchise and sell merchandise. It's the Coca-Cola of movies, fun and thrilling but safe, forgettable, and expected. Human stories, meaning, reason, it has no bearing on the product, it's already planned out before the director even gets to work on it. Everything is made on a formula.
It's the same shit with some of the games from companies like EA, Activision, and Ubisoft (not all of course, but too many). Call of Duty, sports titles, free-to-play, Apex Legends, Fortnite, this new Ubisoft shooter, all of this stuff is designed after player attraction and trends, nobody drawing up these games is trying to say something meaningful, touching, powerful, or anything like that.
Just look at games like Anthem, Fallout 76, or the new Avengers games from Crystal Dynamics. What a hell are these games about? what are these games? what is the reason for these to get made other than cashing in? there is nothing human in these games at all, it's just drivel that they hope you waste time and money on.
What exactly is stopping people from making more Bioshocks? Hell, we’re having Bioshock 4 soon. What’s stopping people making another Blade Runner? Oh, wait we have that already.I'm not saying that games don't revolve around enjoyment or fun. Nor that it has to be thought-provoking. A trashy button masher can be amazing like anything else. A trashcan can be as beautiful as a Da Vinci.
Games and movies can be just as good as anything else. The problem is, they aren't allowed to be because of attitudes like you are displaying here, "everything is cheap, I don't care as long as it's fun."
What we are talking about here, is that products that are made for the lowest common denominator, they rather make 300 Madden's than 1 Bioshock.
You have a point but when one form of Art starts to become more prominent than the other due to it being a more financially gainful project you lose the beauty of art itself, The idea isn’t elite it’s a man passionate about a craft that’s being monetised marvel films for better or worse are essentially call of duty you don’t have to play but guess what Activision sure ain’t developing Spyro.
For the thread subject or the replies? God i'm laughing my ass off reading some of them, can't believe they're realWorst thread I've seen in a while.