If you want to be invited to the Supergroup just leave a message in the thread with your in-game name in it and someone will get to you. If for some reason we still miss you just send me a PM and I'll get to you as soon as I can =) (I check GAF almost every day)
Don't you have some links for me to click?
Patch Notes (latest on top)
GAF MH Steam Group (Courtesy of Jtrizzy)
Where can I get this game?
You can get if from (OFFICIAL SITE) or (STEAM)
You will have to make an account over at the official site for either version.
Can I still buy one of the packs?
Yes, the packs are back,. Check them HERE
Do I need to buy a pack to play at all?
No. You can download the game and play for free.
If I want to play any other hero like Hulk or Spiderman, do I have to pay?
Yes, if you want to play him right away. Or you can put in the time and buy him with Eternity Splinters.
What else can I buy from the store?
You can buy new heroes, lots of costumes, XP/Item Find boosts, stash room, cosmetic pets and other consumables or cards that give you random chances at stuff.
You can complete the story and play through the whole endgame for free.
Is there a GAF guild?
Yes, our Supergroup is called NeoGAF.
If you are on a list I'll try to invite you, but it's faster if you just send a tell my way (chat command is: "/t inky your message") asking to be added to the group.
You need to be online for this to work!
Is there any benefit to being in a Supergroup?
You can see when other members are online and party with them (press "U", and right click on their portraits for options) and we have a guild channel.
What's the endgame like?
There are several endgame activities. Most are daily PvE instances that you can complete by yourself or in a group. There's also an endless roam mode that gives out the best exp/drops. You can go through the story again in 2 extra difficulty modes as well. There's also PvP, although it's on its early stages.
Is this the Diablo game I have been waiting for?!
Most likely it isn't, but I think it's fun enough if you enjoy ARPGs and Marvel characters. Judge for yourself!
Is there a cow level?
Wait, is that Richard Rider I see?
LOL, no. Guess again.
Hulk vs Thor, who would win?
Squirrel Girl =D
Don't you have some links for me to click?
- Official Site
- Official Forums
- MH Wiki
- Hero guides and Build Generators
- OMEGA Stats planner
- Runes and Runewords Guide *NEW
- Leveling Guide (public google doc)
- steam://run/226320/ <-- STEAM version Download link (requires having Steam installed)
- Test Version (To test upcoming patches. Progress or currency don't carry over)
- GAF MH Steam Group (Courtesy of Jtrizzy)


Patch Notes (latest on top)
- 25-04-14 v2.42Black Widow, Squirrel Girl Reviews, Stats Reworked
- 28-03-14 v2.35Dr. Strange, Black Panther Review
- 21-02-14 v2.3Holo-Sim, Human Torch Review
- 07-02-14 v2.2Runewords
- Nova
- Venom (second half of 2014)
- Magneto (second half of 2014)
- Juggernaut (second half of 2014)
- + plenty more

GAF MH Steam Group (Courtesy of Jtrizzy)

Where can I get this game?
You can get if from (OFFICIAL SITE) or (STEAM)
You will have to make an account over at the official site for either version.
Can I still buy one of the packs?
Yes, the packs are back,. Check them HERE
Do I need to buy a pack to play at all?
No. You can download the game and play for free.
If I want to play any other hero like Hulk or Spiderman, do I have to pay?
Yes, if you want to play him right away. Or you can put in the time and buy him with Eternity Splinters.
What else can I buy from the store?
You can buy new heroes, lots of costumes, XP/Item Find boosts, stash room, cosmetic pets and other consumables or cards that give you random chances at stuff.
You can complete the story and play through the whole endgame for free.
Is there a GAF guild?
Yes, our Supergroup is called NeoGAF.
If you are on a list I'll try to invite you, but it's faster if you just send a tell my way (chat command is: "/t inky your message") asking to be added to the group.
You need to be online for this to work!
Is there any benefit to being in a Supergroup?
You can see when other members are online and party with them (press "U", and right click on their portraits for options) and we have a guild channel.
What's the endgame like?
There are several endgame activities. Most are daily PvE instances that you can complete by yourself or in a group. There's also an endless roam mode that gives out the best exp/drops. You can go through the story again in 2 extra difficulty modes as well. There's also PvP, although it's on its early stages.
Is this the Diablo game I have been waiting for?!
Most likely it isn't, but I think it's fun enough if you enjoy ARPGs and Marvel characters. Judge for yourself!
Is there a cow level?
Yes there is
Wait, is that Richard Rider I see?
LOL, no. Guess again.
Hulk vs Thor, who would win?
Squirrel Girl =D