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Marvel Phase V Revelead


Tag, you're it.
Read what you're replying to. We were talking about Deadpool 3. You deliberately omitted the link I included that specifically said DEADPOOL 3.
Pfiou don't be on the defensive like that. I though that Blade could be R rated too that's it.


You're right, there has been no drop off between the last phase and this one, and the lack of the more popular heroes surely won't matter

First time talking with sol_bad sol_bad ? He's a shill for anything corporate and woke, impressively so. I really hope he's getting paid for it.

About these movies? Meh, maybe Blade in phase 5, maybe I'll watch GotG if I'm bored and there's nothing to do. Outside of this, the rest sounds like mediocre shit as usual, woke Marvel is priority no 1.


Go back and watch phase 1-3. Majority of the films are a jumbled mess of one-off stories.
Outside of character set up stories, most stories revolved around events involving or being the aftermath of coming in contact with an Infinity Stone. It was only with Guardians onwards that we got more about this mad lad in space who wants them but even then it's linked to previous movies.


PG-13 Blade?


Lady Jane

So wait, if the Multiverse Saga begins with Phase V then what saga are the films from post-Endgame to now? Shouldn't those be part of the Multiverse Saga as well since the Multiverse has been part of most of them?


Perpetually Offended
That's just weird that the Infinity Saga JUST ended. It felt like it ended with Endgame and didn't they even make an Infinity Saga box set before phase 4? Feels like poor planning on MCU's part.
Phase 4 began last year ... WandaVision was the beginning of Phase 4.

Lady Jane

Phase 4 began last year ... WandaVision was the beginning of Phase 4.

I get that. Phase 4 just doesn't feel like it's part of the Infinity Saga or Multiverse Saga. It's like this weird limbo period where the MCU didn't know what they were doing but they had to push out content regardless.


For lesser known characters Marvel should adapt Centurious with the Crystal of Souls, associates and minions into Echo.


Outside of character set up stories, most stories revolved around events involving or being the aftermath of coming in contact with an Infinity Stone. It was only with Guardians onwards that we got more about this mad lad in space who wants them but even then it's linked to previous movies.

Not true at all. Once the Infinity saga was the planned route, only Thor Dark World, GOTG, Age of Ultron and Doctor Strange involved the Infinity Stones. Ragnarok just had the end credit scene. And you can count Captain Marvel since it has the Tesseract.

Iron Man 3, Winter Soldier, Ant-Man, Civil War, Homecoming, GOTG2, Black Panther, Ant-Man and the Wasp and the core story of Ragnarok didn't.

As for Thanos he was literally in 1 film, GOTG. Then the end credit scenes of Avengers 1 and 2.
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This doesn't make any sense from a business perspective. Iron Heart comic fucking bombed sales wise. What indication would there be that a film translation would be a success? Unless of course Disney decides to buy tickets to its own movies again.
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Ragnarok just had the end credit scene.
Fake Tesseract in Odins storage, real Tesseract that Loki steals again which leads into the end credits and the literal first scene of Infinity War as the first stone Thanos takes on screen.

Iron Man 3
Dealing with the aftermath of The Avengers as well as the link bridge between Tony and Thanos and the future vision of the end of days he saw.

Winter Soldier, Ant-Man,
Character set up movies.

Civil War
The split between Tony and Steve is fueled by Tony's visions of that future.

Character set up.

Granted, but it can said character set up and growth for two characters who are heavily featured in Infinity War/Endgame.

Black Panther
Character AND location set up for the main fight of Infinity War.

Ant-Man and the Wasp
Deeper dive into the quantum realm and the importance of PIM particles and why it takes a long time to get them, major plot points in Endgame.

The run up to Infinity War and Endgame was better done as it felt like they were combining all these plot points previously mentioned to make sure they all had a goal, the main plot being the infinity stones but the side plot being those affected by encounters of the infinity stones and the tech growth/study coming from the infinity stones.

Who knows, maybe come 2025 they'll knock it out of the park again and make phase 4 make sense.
Hawkeye was horrible, the girl was insufferable. I made it like 2 episodes before I ditched that garbage. Only reason I watched it is because people said if I liked the comics I would enjoy it. It’s nothing like the comics and it was horrible.


Hawkeye was horrible, the girl was insufferable. I made it like 2 episodes before I ditched that garbage. Only reason I watched it is because people said if I liked the comics I would enjoy it. It’s nothing like the comics and it was horrible.

I am embarrassed to say that I trudged through the entirety of the Falcon/Winter Soldier show. When Falcon started speaking Twitterese to the politicians I realized I wasted 8 hours of my life that I will never get back.
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I am embarrassed to say that I trudged through the entirety of the Falcon/Winter Soldier show. When Falcon started speaking Twitterese to the politicians I realized I wasted 8 hours of my life that I will never get back.
I ditched that show after 2-3 episodes. All the Marvel shows I’ve watched so far have been trash outside of Wanda which was mediocre.


I still dont understand how they are going to squeeze two Phases into three years worth of films. Are they going to be releasing 4 or 5 films a year?


Even if I enjoyed this shit anymore there just simply isn't anything they can possibly do to make this feel original or unique at this point. Even entirely new characters will play out like previous movies with similar action sequences, cheesy humor, and cliche endings strictly written to lead directly into the next movie. It's CoD in movie form, copy/paste formula that prints money for brain dead entertainment that for some reason grown adults keep flocking to.


Fake Tesseract in Odins storage, real Tesseract that Loki steals again which leads into the end credits and the literal first scene of Infinity War as the first stone Thanos takes on screen.

Dealing with the aftermath of The Avengers as well as the link bridge between Tony and Thanos and the future vision of the end of days he saw.

Character set up movies.

The split between Tony and Steve is fueled by Tony's visions of that future.

Character set up.

Granted, but it can said character set up and growth for two characters who are heavily featured in Infinity War/Endgame.

Character AND location set up for the main fight of Infinity War.

Deeper dive into the quantum realm and the importance of PIM particles and why it takes a long time to get them, major plot points in Endgame.

The run up to Infinity War and Endgame was better done as it felt like they were combining all these plot points previously mentioned to make sure they all had a goal, the main plot being the infinity stones but the side plot being those affected by encounters of the infinity stones and the tech growth/study coming from the infinity stones.

Who knows, maybe come 2025 they'll knock it out of the park again and make phase 4 make sense.

You only know all this in retrospect, they were all pieces of a puzzle as you watched them.

No one knew in 2011 and 2012 that the Tesseract was an Infinity Stone, I mention this as Marvel Studios were not trying too push or hint at Infinity Stones at the time. BTW, Tony didn't have his future vision until Age of Ultron. Nor did Tony's future vision cause the split between him and Steve, Tony felt guilty for the lives they destroyed while avenging.

WandaVision - character growth + set up for MoM.
FatWS - character growth and new title establishment. New team set up.
Loki - introducing an aspect of the multiverse, what it is and how it generally works. Introduction to He Who Remains/Kang.
Black Widow - character set up. New team set up.
Shang Chi - character set up.
Eternals - team set up + proper introduction to Celestials.
Hawkeye - character growth and set up.
No Way Home - character growth. Multiverse connection.
Moon Knight - character set up.
Multiverse of Madness - character growth, character set up, introduction to incursions and further multiverse connections.
Love and Thunder - character growth.

Like I mentioned in my last post, there were only 6 movies out of 20 movies that had direct references to Infinity stones or Thanos, not including Infinity War, Endgame or Far From Home. We now know the new saga is the Multiverse Saga and we have already had 3 movies/shows that have aspects of the multiverse and Kang, and we have another movie with Kang coming out soon.

The fact that phase 4, 5 and 6 already have a saga name shows that Marvel Studios has a grand plan and they have already been alluding to it prior to this announcement.


Yeah because Marvel has not been acting like bitches like WB.
Incomparable situation, but you already know that and someone mentioned it in this Tweet.


Anything to shit on Snyder right? Did he broke some of your toys?
Clive Barkers 'Nightbreed' had the same shit, Took over 20 years to be restored.

It took a campaign to get it reassembled and I watched the VHS cut in the cinema. Shocking quality. Finally it got released.

Was glorious.


Anything to shit on Snyder right? Did he broke some of your toys?

The whole issue around the Snydercult thing that I don't understand is that Zack Snyder is a competent movie maker in certain aspects, but he's never demonstrated the kind of high quality output that demands such loyalty. His films range from very good to poor - with most hovering around the mediocre to okay mark. I'd get the love if he'd created lots of very successful, critically acclaimed movies (along the lines of Spielberg or Nolan) but he hasn't. He sits around the level of Michael Bay / JJ Abrams / Neil Blomkamp - but a select group of people treat him like he's Ridley Scott / Tarantino / Kubrick. It's bizarre. His output objectively does not put him the category of film maker that his fans think they do.

I kinda dig some of the guy's stuff, but do not understand how anyone can look at him as some kind of amazing auteur, when nothing about his work suggests that level of skill.

It's a crying shame DC didn't just give him the JL Dark universe to play with. He'd have been much better suited there. And we might have got another, far more suitable film maker to shepherd the mainstream stuff.
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im fucking lost in phase 4, just finished loki...i havnt watched eternals ( whoever they are ) and some ten rings thing??...phase 5 looks like even more of a cluster fuck...really regretting carrying on after endgame, all the most likeable characters are gone and im just struggling to watch this shite lol


None of this Marvel stuff makes a jot of sense to me.

When it comes to comic book characters & movies, All I want is another Judge Dredd movie, TBH.

K' Dash

Im going to start watching YT videos about the shows cause I don’t give a shit about them, a 10 min summary should be enough.


Tag, you're it.
The whole issue around the Snydercult thing that I don't understand is that Zack Snyder is a competent movie maker in certain aspects, but he's never demonstrated the kind of high quality output that demands such loyalty. His films range from very good to poor - with most hovering around the mediocre to okay mark. I'd get the love if he'd created lots of very successful, critically acclaimed movies (along the lines of Spielberg or Nolan) but he hasn't. He sits around the level of Michael Bay / JJ Abrams / Neil Blomkamp - but a select group of people treat him like he's Ridley Scott / Tarantino / Kubrick. It's bizarre. His output objectively does not put him the category of film maker that his fans think they do.

I kinda dig some of the guy's stuff, but do not understand how anyone can look at him as some kind of amazing auteur, when nothing about his work suggests that level of skill.

It's a crying shame DC didn't just give him the JL Dark universe to play with. He'd have been much better suited there. And we might have got another, far more suitable film maker to shepherd the mainstream stuff.
Yeah, we all have different taste. The fact that a lot of people think Snyder is a very good director should make you think that maybe, MAYBE you don't like a lot his movies but we do. Just different opinion.
And it is seriously infuriating to read "he is so shit, he don't know how to make a movie etc..." Like their opinion is everything. Man I've never seen a director getting that amount of shit from random people.
I think Army of the Dead, 300, Watchmen, Sucker Punch, MoS, BvS and ZSJL were all freakin amazing.

Critically acclaimed won't happen because "oh dear Lord he didn't make Superman a boy scout from the start, he knows nothing and is an insult for DC" and "OMG Batman is killing!! Because I don't want character development and I don't like different ideas this is shit, booooh Snyder"
And when I see ManaByte ManaByte who doesn't miss a single opportunity to write shit about his fans or his movies, even if it means reporting fake news, I just don't get it.
For example The Batman was long, quite boring, Pattinson is ABSOUTELY not convincing as Bruce/Batman and the story uses great scriptwriting facilities (seriously, Alfred is not dead? And Batman too when that bomb explose right in his face?) that nobody's talk about for some reason. Am I gonna go to every Batman thread to shit on the film or on Matt Reeves? Nah, I let people who enjoy it talk about it and don't care for the rest.

There is TONS of fans explaining why BvS (for example) talked to them, why they liked it and why it was so powerful. Just watch a video (agree or not is another thing of course):

Btw, BvS who is apparently a failure, made more money than The Batman... In fact with inflation, BvS would go over the billion mark. But, I don't see people reporting on that, or criticizing the box office of The Batman. Why?

Anyway I've seen DC with Snyder, and without him.
Well, please come back Snyder.
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