RadarScope1 said:Everybody complains about "journalism" in the gaming industry. Why doesn't someone with the pull of a magazine or Web site simply get Backbone on the phone and see what they have to say for themselves? That would be refreshing.
Ravager61 said:Ok. So when I'm actually playing the game itself online, the game is great. The menus however are fucked. Someone please correct me if Im doing something wrong.
1. When Im in a lobby, no information about either me or my opponent is displayed. It just shows my user name in one box with no info and in the other box it just says opponent. It doesnt give me their PSN or any info about them. Is this normal? Shouldnt it display their stats or whatever?
2. When I search for non ranked matches, the game freezes everytime. I cant go back or access XMB. Quick matches work fine and I can create my own match but I cant search for matches. It just hangs at the Refreshing screen.
3. When playing in a player match that I am not hosting, I can see no way to quit out between matches. The match ends, the win loss screen is shown, and then if the host immediately starts another match, it immediately takes me to the character select screen. At no point in this can I opt not to participate in another match. I have to wait for the match to start and then quit.
I know bugs have been talked about a lot in here but I just wanted to point out my observations in case some of these are user error and not the game. This is the ps3 version btw.
mackaveli said:gg ravager.
To quit, after it shows the scores, press circle not x,. Pressing circle asks if you want to leave. works for me.
Ravager61 said:GG to you as well. You kicked my ass hard lol.
The problem is after the scores, Im immediately taken to the char select screen if the host immediately started a new round. Maybe I am missing something.
LOL what arcade did you go to?karasu said:Capcom fighters seem to be full of unchecked idiocy. What's with this infinite helper shit? I don't remember that in the arcades. It's so fucking obnoxious. I have the most boring fights in this and SF4 because dudes just keep doing the same silly shit over and over again.
High level it can get boring, but I still have a killer time with the game. And infinite assist has always been there -learn to use them properly.karasu said:Capcom fighters seem to be full of unchecked idiocy. What's with this infinite helper shit? I don't remember that in the arcades. It's so fucking obnoxious. I have the most boring fights in this and SF4 because dudes just keep doing the same silly shit over and over again.
mackaveli said:after the scores press x so it takes you to the game room. Then proceed to press circle then say yes to leave.
works every time for me. I noticed though if you do not press anything in the score screen it will go to char select so press x.
The problem is that most gaming sites/magazines reviewed the 360 version since it came out two weeks earlier. The PSN version isn't even on their radar.RadarScope1 said:Everybody complains about "journalism" in the gaming industry. Why doesn't someone with the pull of a magazine or Web site simply get Backbone on the phone and see what they have to say for themselves? That would be refreshing.
karasu said:What's with this infinite helper shit? I don't remember that in the arcades.
Strider2K99 said:Does holding down the Assist button during the VS screen still switch your current point character with another? I tried it just now in a ranked match and it didn't work.
Played my first two matches online today and while trying to search a third one, it freezes on me while searching. :lol
Then I just stopped.
n3ss said:I'm starting to get the feeling that no one on Gaf plays on xbl...
n3ss said:I'm starting to get the feeling that no one on Gaf plays on xbl...
see5harp said:Not true. Hit me up (see5harp).
Ronabo said:Hey I came into your room. You beat my ass. I'm not much competition on this game because I don't really like the top tier characters.
Anyways, if you ever want a punching bag, hit me up.
Shouta said:You'll be fine picking Cable, Ploid. He's just a top character, meaning he gets a lot of wins at the tournament level so some folks frown on it.
Played a couple of rounds, Zangief'ing newbie Cables is so much fun. :lol
Ploid 3.0 said:What is lower tier? I picked Cable once and finally won against a friend that was just murdering me. Then I read here that picking cable is lame. I don't like picking the cheap characters, is there some easy to follow chart to go by? Too many characters in this game.
mackaveli said:yeah i ryu/ken/akuma cables today for breakfast. I just rush the shit out of them and they have no idea what just happened.
you got this on PS3?
hit me up. PSN: Mackaveli
i haven't met anyone that is really good at this game. I want to play a guy better than me so i can learn and improve.
Narcosis said:Why do people do this to themselves?
Just pick whatever characters are the most fun for you to play as, ignore the tiers and bullshit coming from the internet. I think many times the worst thing about fighting games is the communities that spring up around them.
Narcosis said:Why do people do this to themselves?
Just pick whatever characters are the most fun for you to play as, ignore the tiers and bullshit coming from the internet. I think many times the worst thing about fighting games is the communities that spring up around them.
Shouta said:You'll be fine picking Cable, Ploid. He's just a top character, meaning he gets a lot of wins at the tournament level so some folks frown on it.
Played a couple of rounds, Zangief'ing newbie Cables is so much fun. :lol
Ploid 3.0 said:Oh no! You're a gief player? You and Aelia hah. Never tried Gief in this game yet. I was looking for charge characters to take the place of blanka, and Bison feel like he don't do charges at all. I didn't want to check the command list because I was playing online. B.B. Hood does though, I like that character.
karasu said:Capcom fighters seem to be full of unchecked idiocy. What's with this infinite helper shit? I don't remember that in the arcades. It's so fucking obnoxious. I have the most boring fights in this and SF4 because dudes just keep doing the same silly shit over and over again.
mackaveli said:i haven't met anyone that is really good at this game. I want to play a guy better than me so i can learn and improve.
ChackanKun said:Not me for sure :lol
Haven't played the first for about what..9/10 years? And never played this second so I kinda suck![]()
Agreed fully x 200000SecretBonusPoint said:AAARRRRRGHHHH.
How the fuck are you ever supposed to get the fucking "Perform 50 One Character Victories within 20 unique teams in Scoreboard Matches" trophy when the 5 I have done so far the other player will always fucking rage-quit on their last character.
What a fucking stupid achievement.
see5harp said:Play with n3ss and his kinfolk. I couldn't even tell what the hell was going on. My whole team would be dead off screen with me just staring at Storm flying around like a golden god.
Shouta said:yeah, I got this on PS3. You on right now?
Ken has been my Street Fighter main since II. IV whiners can lick my balls.Narcosis said:Why do people do this to themselves?
Just pick whatever characters are the most fun for you to play as, ignore the tiers and bullshit coming from the internet. I think many times the worst thing about fighting games is the communities that spring up around them.