SolarPowered said:
I was actually thinking about something that no one has really tried. People tend to talk a lot more about other characters instead of their own. What kinds of nerfs and buffs would you apply to your own characters if given the chance? I think it could start some interesting discussion and I'd love to hear people's thoughts on the buffs and nerfs.
- SRK assist has same invincibility as point version
- overhead cancelable into specials ala TvC
- 8-way Shinku Hadouken
- combo potential after Shin Shoryuken at any screen distance instead of corner only, also like TvC
- overall damage buff
- possible to combo into Shadow Servant from all throws instead of just back throw
- faster ground dash; I'm fine with it not being a "real" ground dash
- reduced start-up time on Astral Vision so that using it mid-combo is feasible, which is already the case for some other characters' utility hypers
- X-Factor boosts apply to Astral Vision clone
- give her Cryptic Needle; so what if having 5 hypers is absurd
- Please Help Me made OTG-capable so my terrible ass can actually combo into it >_>
- Dancing Flash made to hold the opponent in place a little better and not drop out at certain heights/distances
- Delta Kick usable in mid-air
- Toy Touch assist (replacing either B or Y assist)
- damage buff
- fix that fucking bullshit airthrow hitbox/range grrrrrrrrr /salt
- make his ground chain, launcher in particular, *somewhat* unsafe on block plz
- deserves 1200K health instead of 800K health; a character dependent on keepaway tactics isn't exactly going to be getting a lot of damage from combos so he needs to be able to take hits to make up the difference
- *something* for mobility/spacing; maybe make his throws toss the opponent clear across the screen or something so that he has a way to effectively create space when pressured
- deserves roughly double speed; only character I can think of who got a mobility *nerf* for her VS series introduction
- pendulum swing changed to function like VSav so that it can be canceled for unique aerial movement and momentum
- item toss changed to function like VSav so that dizzy items are predictable; would also make item assist at least somewhat useful
- get rid of the time bomb completely or map it to QCF+S so that it doesn't get in the way of regular item toss
- alter the start-up time on Tenraiha so that its overhead property is actually useful and the opponent can't change block on reaction to super freeze
- less derpy hitbox on dive kick
- dive kick always causes ground bounce, shortening some combo potential
- meaty hits beat Berserker Slash clean
- needs usable hitboxes on a lot of moves imo
- invincibility on cartwheel
- full start-up invincibility for Final Justice
- maybe super armor on a move or two? I dunno
- more health maybe; kind of a punching bag as-is
- I like this character just fine as-is, thanks

- I still think entry-after-KO game mechanics should be tweaked so that her trap+teleport+Xfactor game is indirectly nerfed in the process, though.
- maybe slightly faster projectiles
- Flame Carpet assist
- change Liberation assist so that it doesn't consume its charges upon use. maybe; haven't thought this one through on balance
- able to DHC out of Aegis Counter
- 1.1 million HP (halfway between former and current levels); large powerhouse characters are virtually walking hitboxes and need to be able to take a little bit of extra damage to get in
- across the board damage nerf; this is what actually bothered people about the character in the first place
- damage buff
Replace the finishing shower with a regular directional beam hyper like Ryu's(don't care if it is not too damaging)
Fuck that noise. I get salty every time someone suggests this. IIRC, Soul Eraser was just as slow and awkward to combo into from long range as Proton Canon is. She doesn't need that; Shadow Servant is there for an invincible assist punisher if she needs it. Finishing Shower lets me bully Phoenix around and allows for safe approaches for mix-ups, so I'd like to hold onto it.