Thanks. I never really tried TAC combos before. I found a couple variations for Sent on SRK. This is what I can pull off so far:
up-exchange, C, rocketpunch.B, A, C, rocketpunch.B
I know you can add a bunch more after that, but, baby steps...
I honestly just said "no" when I saw the combo, and moved on. I hate TACs anyway.
Mighty Thunder is HELLA UNSAFE!!! It's nothing like Shockwave (though it does solid damage if you connect it).
Yeah, but how was I supposed to know that?!
Also, I killed a Dark Phoenix yesterday with Mighty Punish.
Yeah, but to be fair, Dorm as the last character can be scary as shit with that level 3. Giant salt balls of doom galore. He also has his pillars and beams.
Agreed about Dormammu, but I said Doom. ;-)
I suppose I could put Ammy on point, but it doesn't change the situation for Hsien-Ko too much unless I want to waste a hyper on Okami Shuffle just to DHC. Odds of getting the first hit on Magneto are way lower compared to nearly the entire cast. Hsien-Ko only experiences problems with a handful of characters(at best) with specific assists backing them(in my case at least).
Do as you like - every good Hsien-ko player I have witnessed does this. Personally, when fighting Hsien-ko as Dormammu on point, I'm unsafe as all getout because I know that any damage I do to Hsien-ko is infinitely more valuable than the risks of one of her 500K damage combos.
So much this. I really wouldn't mind if they were just straight out removed even.
They don't need to be removed, just changed to the TvC/SFxT format.
Interesting stuff on that Sentinel exchange vid. From what people say damage scaling still takes place, but when you do an aerial exchange hitstun scaling resets allowing you to do some crazy stuff with flyers like Sentinel. I'm betting Dormammu and Magneto exchanges should be pretty fun then...especially if you can go into a Chun-li exchange to end it since she can practically march you into heaven herself with the kicks.
Chun-li has an infinite if you TAC. Magneto can do an air loop. Dormammu can link two Dark Holes. TACs make hitstun scaling simply NOT EXIST until you touch the ground. That's why MODOK is insane for TACs - you can max out your cubes in one combo.
Just came to the realization that gong usage is imperative for anyone seriously trying to play Hsien-ko. I just wish the input weren't so hard.
Stupid 360 D-pad...
I told you that a while ago.

It's just as important as Morrigan's fly-cancels are. Yes, you need to get a stick or a better pad.
Edit: Oh, and it turns out you can't TAC someone while they're being hit by Hidden Missiles.