Some of my impressions of UMVC3 after almost getting over the HYPE (I am not going to post it in the on Gaming forum because it has turned into a roster bitch fest like it always does... All the people who care about game play are here):
GOOD: Pretty much all from the Capcom side. Strider/Firebrand/Wright/Vergil/Frank are all good picks, Nemesis was totally left field no one saw that coming. Nemesis is Marvel enough though, he would be fine... I just think people are going to get hung up on "Too many RE characters". Firebrand and Strider are BEASTLY in game play footage, especially Strider who IMO is already top tier.
Marvel side has at least 4 good characters IMO. Dr Strange/Iron Fist/Nova/Ghost Rider. After seeing Ghost Rider in action, I am already a fan of his whip. The other characters I always liked especially Iron Fist who was always very underrated glad he got in.
Hawkeye. Very left field and I am very shocked that they would include him despite having Taskmaster in already. Screams cross promotion from Marvel.
Rocket Racoon. Most left field character ever. Even Howard the Duck and Squirrel Girl were more confirmed than him. Nevertheless, Marvel side needed a pixie character so I guess he fits the bill. I just hope he is not gimmicky and is actually a good characte to play as.
No Megaman X.

Capcom has disowned MM completely.
Marvel side needed some fan favorites, closest ones we got were Ghost Rider and Dr Strange.
No Spider Man villains.
*X factor appears clearly nerfed damage wise. However, X FACTOR IN THE AIR??? WOW.... I don't know what to say about that other than it looks hype as fuck. That is immediately a buff to many characters including Wolverine, Phoenix and Storm. I am interested to see how it works but I have warmed up to the idea.
*TACs... still meh. I heard they reduce meter for the opponent if it's left/right? Inconsequential even against Phoenix teams because then they would have little reason to not mash left/right once they get 5 bars. Need to see more on this. Godbeard I want you to harass Capcom on this shit.
*I saw a lot of buffs/new moves for old characters. Don't know how to interpret them but I LIKE WHAT I SEE. Especially Spencer's DIVE KICK! This means that re-tooling is officially confirmed for UMVC3 so I am excited to see how that pans out. I didn't see many nerfs but again this is just the beginning. Spider Man seemed squishy as ever.
*8 new stages is nice... MML stage is troll. DMC stage is all but confirmed, will come with the Vergil reveal (9/10 chance it's Temen-Ni-Gru).
*New HUD.... they need to change that shit instantly. X factor is too big, assist lifebars are at odd locations plus you can barely see their lifebars. Godbeard you need to fucking harass Capcom on this shit.
*Strider is a fucking beast in this game. If I had to guess right now, I would say that he is already top tier. Every single thing about him from MVC2 got buffed.
Except of course Ourouburus which got made into a LVL3 hyper. But if that shit hits you... you are pretty much dead. Look at the damage that Strider did to Haggar with it... INSANE!
*Firebrand looks very good in motion. He has a lot of good tools to him including some deadly left/right mix ups. He seems viable already. Definitely digging his playstyle.
*Ghostrider is as awesome as I hoped he would. Clearly a heavy hitter, OTG hypers and moves, command grab with whip which you can combo off of, huge range on whip (did you see the distance he hit confirms into a combo? SHIT IS BROKEN!). Penance Stare LVL3 is GOD TIER.
*First impressions with Hawkeye is that he is too much like Taskmaster. There are some clear differences but I am not sold on him yet. Biggest difference is that poison hyper? and that LVL3 hyper which really ups his damage in this game. Need to see more on him to be convinced, not as impressed as the other 3.
*Revamped online and Spectator mode? The fact that Capcom is making it as their bullet point for the game does not bode well. I don't expect much, this should've been in the game from the beginning.
*I think overall game did not feature any drastic changes (air X factor is the biggest change but it is accompanied by a damage nerf) game play wise. I don't even think they nerfed the damage that much. Game is still OMEGA LEVELS OF HYPE and that's what I want to see.
Did I miss something aside from this? Please respond quickly, my time here is money!