He's an assist character.Parallax Scroll said:I know the assist is godlike, but I'm still kind of amazed that Haggar was on the Evo-winning team.
He's an assist character.Parallax Scroll said:I know the assist is godlike, but I'm still kind of amazed that Haggar was on the Evo-winning team.
And let's not pretend like I said that Viscant won solely because of Haggar assist. Viscant is a great player; at no point have I said anything negative about him or his playstyle.Karsticles, I know you hate Haggar assist, but Viscant didn't win JUST because of that.
Haggar and Iron Man were both used in that spot, depending on the opponent's team composition. (Haggar was there for Wolverine and other such rushdown teams.)Parallax Scroll said:I know the assist is godlike, but I'm still kind of amazed that Haggar was on the Evo-winning team.
They're both solid point characters, but people don't like to play them on point because they like the assists so much. So they always end up anchoring, and they're not good anchors, and thus people conclude they are bad characters on point.Aren't Haggar and Tron both about mid to mid-upper tier because of the assist? I know that the assists are getting nerfed, but their gameplay is being nerfed too. This will definitely put them on low tier. I completely understand that they are "assist" characters but these changes are not making them any better.
His assists are good, but not godlike. Part of the problem is that EM Disruptor > Plasma Beam because it only hits once, and therefore doesn't cause huge damage scaling. And Magneto > Doom as a point character as well. So, if you want Plasma Beam, a lot of people will just go with Magneto instead.edit: let's not forget about Doom. He has 3 GDLK assists yet no one talks about him because he's not just an "assist" character. He's a viable character. Ironman is almost there too and his unibeam is getting buffed.
Pretty much 100% true. They were assist characters before and now their assist capabilities have been nerfed meaning they aren't god tier assists anymore. Which basically puts other assists at the forefront because they are attached to better characters and the only true invincible assist is attached to Hsien Ko now. Haggar and Tron are going to be Low tier in UMVC3 unless their point games are drastically improved.Prototype-03 said:Aren't Haggar and Tron both about mid to mid-upper tier because of the assist? I know that the assists are getting nerfed, but their gameplay is being nerfed too. This will definitely put them on low tier. I completely understand that they are "assist" characters but these changes are not making them any better.
Karsticles said:And let's not pretend like I said that Viscant won solely because of Haggar assist. Viscant is a great player; at no point have I said anything negative about him or his playstyle.
Maybe next time.Karsticles said:I'm at work - if I'm posting here, 99% of the time it's because I'm at work, not caring because I'm quitting soon.
In that context, I was attempting to convey that Double Lariat was the real power behind his team, and not Phoenix. Nothing more.I just interpreted it that way because you said "Viscant won because of Double Lariat" in your post on the last page. If you didn't mean it that way, I apologize.
Certainly at some point. My life is very chaotic right now outside of work because I'm in the process of moving from Michigan to Chicago, so I won't be playing very much.Maybe next time.
Karsticles said:They're both solid point characters, but people don't like to play them on point because they like the assists so much. So they always end up anchoring, and they're not good anchors, and thus people conclude they are bad characters on point.
Anyway, they're not done implementing all of the characters' new moves. I wouldn't panic until we see more of what they are doing.
His assists are good, but not godlike. Part of the problem is that EM Disruptor > Plasma Beam because it only hits once, and therefore doesn't cause huge damage scaling. And Magneto > Doom as a point character as well. So, if you want Plasma Beam, a lot of people will just go with Magneto instead.
Then there's Molecular Shield, which no one uses, even though it's pretty good. Its problem is that it can cause a lot of combo interruptions based on how inconsistently the rocks hit, and it travels slowly so you're not going to get the kind of immediate pressure a beam does, and you also won't get the sustained pressure setups Sentinel Force offers. Generally, it's a way to get you in, and you know what's a lot better at getting you in? Akuma's Tatsu assist.
Finally, there's Hidden Missiles, which is godlike on paper, but in practice it interrupts your own combos a good portion of the time, and it's even less safe than Sentinel Force because the missiles take a while to affect the battlefield. When most people call assists, they need the effect immediately, not 5 seconds in the future. So, it's not a bad assist, but it's risky and difficult to make good use of. It's really meant for enhancing a keepaway game more than anything, but keepaway blows in this game.
So, in summary:
2/3 of Dr. Doom's assists are outdone by other assists belonging to superior point characters, and the third one is really difficult to make use of in this metagame.
Yeah, I agree. Then again, I just learned for the first time ever two weeks ago that Haggar can solo relaunch without using his pipe's ground bounce. Some characters just got designated as "assist tier" really early. Look at Doom. If not for Clockwork and Dios X, people would probably put him around Tron/Haggar level, even though he's much better.Well, let's be fair. Take those assists away and no one is really gonna pick them on their team. Tron won't be as bad... She can still move around and still has those ToD combos, but Haggar? Forget about him. Then again, like you said, the game's still not completed. To top it off, some of their moves are getting nerfed, which means their point game is getting worse as well.
Agreed but I also think Tron is a good character solo. NerdJosh can rock pretty hard with her.Take away the assists for Doom? He's still a pretty good character. Although like you said, he's still not the best and are situational but his assists are still pretty damn good.
I am completely assuming that it's just step 1 we're seeing. Seth said some of the new moves aren't implemented yet, and a part of me is assuming that one of those new moves is going to Haggar to help him get in (my usual suggestion is a garbage can that rolls along the ground with 10 durability points, but does so very slowly; protects his advance, but doesn't like him win a fireball war or anything like that. Someone else suggested he throw a pipe and it causes a wallbounce - that would be funny).I guess for me, it's hard for me to see why those assists nerfs were merited when their point game is getting worse. Not that I'm complaining TOO much. I hate those assists.
Thanks! I also hate moving. We live in a 1200sq ft place right now, and have accumulated a lot of crap over the years. Bleeeehhh.edit: GOOD LUCK ON YOUR MOVE! I hate moving.
ThatCrazyGuy said:Richard was using Haggar with Dante as well, and got rooted out before top 8.
You either get a buffed Hsien or better Capcom netcodeSolarPowered said:I've been away from the game for a little more than a week and I played with my friend after he wired his 360 straight to his modem. Drops and small lag used to be common even though we only live in separate boroughs, but it just became perfect. Pulling off Ammy's glaive combos has been much harder with most other people, but it feels like we are playing on the same TV all of a sudden. BlazBlue is probably the one fighting game that can match how smooth the fights have been while wired.
Moments like that make me wish we had better speeds across the board in the US and a better effort from Capcom on the online front.
Professor Beef said:You either get a buffed Hsien or better Capcom netcode
BETTER NETCODEProfessor Beef said:You either get a buffed Hsien or better Capcom netcode
Professor Beef said:You either get a buffed Hsien or better Capcom netcode
BETTER HSIEN-KOProfessor Beef said:You either get a buffed Hsien or better Capcom netcode
Man, I'm good with either one.Professor Beef said:You either get a buffed Hsien or better Capcom netcode
YOU CANNOT HAVE BOTH Pretty Panda said:Does anyone have a list of the current changes in UMVC3? I know there's a video but I don't feel like watching 20+ minutes of it.
Kadey said:Marvel tourney continues. If you're in it, look at the OP.
SolarPowered said:You have a Rachel avatar too?
Shame on you lol
I meant that it seemed a little silly to discount someone's character requests in the face of another feature seeing as Rachel was really bad in CS1. I tried to make a light hearted comment and it came out weird.Prototype-03 said:What do you mean by "Too?"
I've used Rachel in CT, skipped in CS1, then picked her back up in CS2
Dunno really. I suppose he felt that Wolverine doesn't really benefit from She Hulk assist, so putting her in line first and getting lv2 XF for Wolverine was preferable or something.Lazy vs Crazy said:Does anyone know why Justin Wong was playing She-Hulk on point? I think that kept him out of grand finals. Wolverine is just so much better than her to start, it's like he was handicapping himself.
Just a bizarre, stupid decision.
smurfx said:dammit is the marvel final 8 posted anywhere? i've only seen the finals.
I don't have a vendetta against assist characters. Heck, my MvC2 main team was Sentinel/Blackheart/Captain Commando, and Captain Commando is always on my request list, and it's not because of his abilities on point!I appreciate the amount of reason and thought you put into your argument Karst, but I just can't get behind your vendetta against assist characters. If anything, this game needs more invincible assists to keep sloppy rushdown at bay. I would prefer that these assists not allow for (easy) combos afterward though. Strictly "GTFO" style.
FYI, Tron is not invincible on startup, she just has a medium priority projectile hitbox that absorbs a good portion of the attacks around her hitbox. Sliding attacks at any time as well as beam hypers will still hit her.If there are invincible assist characters, the invincibility should be short lasting and provide some sort of tangible risk to the character coming out. As of now it's really damn hard to punish Tron. Haggar as well because it takes so long for him to get to a vulnerable state that the point character can defend him with a projectile once he recovers.
Dahbomb said:Sorry guys was a bit away taking care of real life duty.
I also rewatched the entire build up to the top 32 in Marvel and top 8 in Marvel and WOW... what an experience. After knowing the winners and stuff I was able to concentrate more on the techs and mindgames... so much to see. And so many legitimate hype moments I don't even know where to start.
I will say one thing that the top 4 for Marvel is the 4 best players in the entire tournament (not in that order but top 4). You really had to see all their games to get an idea.
And if people are wondering why PRBalrog burnt his X Factor early during the Phoenix mix ups... that's his "secret tech" that no one knows about. There is no video on it. It's basically Acid Rain loop, X Factor (or Devil Trigger), dash under call Tron assist. It's pretty impossible to block and he caught Phoenix a couple of times with it. He got her more with it but he dropped the combo twice and that's why caused him to come in second. He should've came in 1st place and he made Dante an established S tier character at #3 spot. There is a lot more secret tech in the top 32 that you guys owe it to yourself to rewatch it. Also I understand why Marn got upset after losing to Phoenix.... it was AT LEAST his 4th Phoenix fight in a row. Very unfair and a hard way to go out. At least we got to see him do the Lightning Loop with Zero.
Going to update the Changelog in a bit. Need to break my fast first.
Basically during Acid Rain Dante can't move at all. He has to just teleport after it which is quite an obvious mix up. If he Devil Triggers during it or X Factors, he can move free while it launches meaning he can do any time of mix up he want. Teleport, dash under, call assist, jump attack, attempt a grab. I saw PRBalrog catch about 4 or 5 Phoenix's with that set up but in two 2 or 3 of them he could not complete the combo (and 2 of them were against Viscant, one of them would've seen him be in Winners Grand Finals and possibly the EVO title).Nedjoe said:I remember one of the commentators saying when Pr's Dante was devil triggering, they thought it was pushing him forward slightly or something like that? So maybe he was just doing a short wave dash?
Edit: Oh man he teleports during the mixup aswell. That must be just about an unblockable.
Wolverine on Phoenix team basically means that you are going to for early X Factor activate Tokido style (if not then there is little point to playing Wolverine on a Phoenix team). You get a single cross over using B Slash and Jam Session, you can X factor and not worry about the hit stun/damage scaling. That's a character kill and on incoming character you can repeat the Jam Session B Slash cross over. Phoenix's Charge assist is good enough for Wolverine to follow it up using OTG.Karsticles said:I really want to know the secret Doom tech.
And I really don't think Wolverine/Dante/Phoenix is as good as you think it is. Dante really needs assists to fully function and apply that S tier pressure, and Wolverine needs something to protect Berserker Slash. Jam Session isn't good for it because it causes so much damage decay, so Wolverine's combo will do crap damage.
That entire team would get destroyed by Viscants, because you have absolutely nothing that lets you handle the Double Lariat. Viscant should have a full team ready against you every time he gets you down to Phoenix.
I didn't say the Wolverine/Dante combo is bad - I think it's good. It just doesn't go well with Phoenix for the third character IMO.I saw at least 3 people use the Dante/Wolverine combo including PRBalrog himself. In addition, having or not having an assist against Lariat doesn't really matter much anyway. It's going to shutdown Wolverine's game no matter what assist he has.
I will never forget this - S-Kill looked legitimately emotionally distraught.*PRBalrog's perfect against Justin which caused S-Kill to go into shock
The consequences of using a character that requires a fully functional brain, unfortunately.I'm just saying that if he ever used proper block strings, that situation wouldn't have come up. Considering how rarely anyone escapes clock's doom once they get hit, it's too bad he didn't spend more time on staying in. Still, that's a lot of tech to learn.
Someone on the stream said that "we only know 15% of MvC3" and then they moved on to Ultimate. I wouldn't say we know that little, but I think one thing we can all agree on is that this game was cut down in it's prime.Dahbomb said:S-Kill wasn't emotionally distraught.. he was literally MIND FUCKED. Like he held up his hands to his head for 10 minutes saying "WTF JUST HAPPENED OMG".
And it wasn't just him, the entire audience was just shell shocked at the perfect. They didn't even know how to react to it. It's still a major EVO moment.
AzureJericho this video is dedicated to you:
Living proof of Phoenix on point. So much TECHNOLOGY AND GIMMICKS in this shit I just shook my head and said "THAT'S SO MAHVEL".
Who's to say the same technology won't transfer over to UMVC3? Unless that technology was found out by Capcom first and deemed broken, I would say that technology will keep getting discovered in MVC3.SolarPowered said:Someone on the stream said that "we only know 15% of MvC3" and then they moved on to Ultimate. I wouldn't say we know that little, but I think one thing we can all agree on is that this game was cut down in it's prime.
I bet there were still a few more tricks to be learned before the game got retired as quickly as it did.