Professor Beef said:Played some friendlies at the monthly I was at today. I was doing pretty good with Spidey/Hulk/Ryu, although I'm still playing like it's Day 1.
I got blown up a lot less often than I thought. Also, fuck Zero.
Every tournament I've ever been to holds the players responsible for their own controllers/sticks/converters. I can understand why you'd be upset but unless you were specifically told otherwise you just gotta take your lumps and be prepared next time.Ultimoo said:I'm sorry I trusted the tournament to have enough converters you jerk. I'd blow you up any day of the week.
All versions of Shoryuken have start-up invincibility when used on point, and the stronger variations have more invulnerability frames after that. So yeah, you could very feasibly use it to counter aggressive rushdown like a dive kick, then combo into Shinku or what have you. According to the Marvel Bible, the assist version doesn't have invincibility, but I wonder about the specifics. Does the SRK assist flat-out have no invincibility frames whatsoever or does Ryu simply wait a few frames before initiating the move (and thus briefly exposing himself to danger before any invincibility frames become active)? I don't know if anyone ever checked.shaowebb said:Since I got no one to try this with I'd like to ask someone with a flow chart something.
Ryu's L version of Shoryuken has invincible start up. Does this work against Wolverine Dive Kick? If so does it work if its being used by an assist?(not certain whether assist Shoryuken is the L or not)
I'm figuring up some antics for my Ryu since I get a lot of mileage out of him...especially since I'm pretty good at air throwing people and with Ryu thats a fry Shinko. The addition of Anti Divekick to my tricks would be nice and would make me likely push Ryu into anchor slot. If nothing else if it doesn't work on Divekick I may be able to use the invincibility on its startup to screw over jump in Hulks and Trons.
Sixfortyfive said:All versions of Shoryuken have start-up invincibility when used on point, and the stronger variations have more invulnerability frames after that. So yeah, you could very feasibly use it to counter aggressive rushdown like a dive kick, then combo into Shinku or what have you. According to the Marvel Bible, the assist version doesn't have invincibility, but I wonder about the specifics. Does the SRK assist flat-out have no invincibility frames whatsoever or does Ryu simply wait a few frames before initiating the move (and thus briefly exposing himself to danger before any invincibility frames become active)? I don't know if anyone ever checked.
honestly, I wish they would have said they had no converters then. what's the point of telling me you have converters if there is only 4 of them for possible 80 people? I've learned my lesson though.Every tournament I've ever been to holds the players responsible for their own controllers/sticks/converters. I can understand why you'd be upset but unless you were specifically told otherwise you just gotta take your lumps and be prepared next time.
PS3 does drop frames, unfortunately. It also has longer load times.Ultimoo said:honestly, I wish they would have said they had no converters then. what's the point of telling me you have converters if there is only 4 of them for possible 80 people? I've learned my lesson though.
on another note, playing on xbox, Marvel seems somewhat faster for some reason. I don't know why though. does the PS3 drop a lot of frames, but that wouldn't make it play slower would it?
It definitely drops frames and it is much slower. This shit was driving me crazy when I first started playing the PS3 version. It got better after the patches which made the experience less painful as I watched my ass get kicked all over the place.Ultimoo said:honestly, I wish they would have said they had no converters then. what's the point of telling me you have converters if there is only 4 of them for possible 80 people? I've learned my lesson though.
on another note, playing on xbox, Marvel seems somewhat faster for some reason. I don't know why though. does the PS3 drop a lot of frames, but that wouldn't make it play slower would it?
I love seeing stuff like this. Awesome.CPS2 said:
well done, and I love the musicCaj814 said:
That was definitely a mistake on your part. Unless you're really okay with using Whatever, don't rely on borrowing equipment on-site at an event, even from tourney staff. That road leads to tears if you regularly play on anything other than a TE or maybe a HRAP. And even then, you'll probably end up borrowing from the one guy who installed a bat-top and Seimitsu parts into the stick and learn to adjust to the feel mid-tourney. It's just how it goes.Ultimoo said:I'm sorry I trusted the tournament to have enough converters you jerk. I'd blow you up any day of the week.
The 360 version goes for screen tearing instead of the PS3's frame drops, which probably gives a somewhat "smoother" ride overall.Ultimoo said:on another note, playing on xbox, Marvel seems somewhat faster for some reason. I don't know why though. does the PS3 drop a lot of frames, but that wouldn't make it play slower would it?
It's godlike, but Dante on 2nd spot with Akuma on 3rd. JAM SESSION.bangbang i'm a timpani said:Is Dante a good 3rd for the Wolverine/Akuma team? My friend and I have been spending all day trying to turn to the darkside and at least have a wolvie/akuma option and I didn't really know who to plug into the 3rd spot.
Dahbomb said:It's godlike, but Dante on 2nd spot with Akuma on 3rd. JAM SESSION.
Tokido won Shadowloo MVC3 as expected. In fact aside from AE he dominated in almost every game he was in. He is currently the biggest threat to the US title and he hasn't even unveiled his 2 "secret" techs yet.
lol its the swag guy on commentary. i meant to watch this yesterday so i'll watch today.enzo_gt said:Catching up on ECT3 from yesterday now, and the dude in 1:50:45 in Part 5.. his Chun-Li is SICK.
EDIT: More Chun play at 5:35 in the next part.
EDIT2: He also has one of the best Pheonixes and Dark Phoenixes I've ever seen hot DAMN at those combos.
Dante really doesn't gain a lot of options that he doesn't already have when using X-Factor. Akuma, though, gains a LOT by being able to cancel blockstun and combo into a tatsu for a one-touch death. His ability to punish random stuff with X-Factor Shinkuu Hadoken is also puppy said:Why is Akuma a better Anchor than Dante? Dante can do so much more than Akuma, I figure the powered up X-factor would help him more. Or is it because of the fact that Dante doesn't need as much as Akuma to thrive, so Dante can really go anywhere while Akuma is just much better as an Anchor with level 3 than an Akuma with nothing?
can somebody link me to the shadaloo mvc 3 stream? how did mike ross do?Dahbomb said:It's godlike, but Dante on 2nd spot with Akuma on 3rd. JAM SESSION.
Tokido won Shadowloo MVC3 as expected. In fact aside from AE he dominated in almost every game he was in. He is currently the biggest threat to the US title and he hasn't even unveiled his 2 "secret" techs yet.
kirblar said:Dante really doesn't gain a lot of options that he doesn't already have when using X-Factor. Akuma, though, gains a LOT by being able to cancel blockstun and combo into a tatsu for a one-touch death. His ability to punish random stuff with X-Factor Shinkuu Hadoken is also huge.
That would fuck people who want to use a USB controller.kirblar said:After watching this Grand Finals of ECT, I really think they need to move to the XBOX for Evo for this game if the slowdown issues aren't addressed.
And I say this as the owner of a PS3.
kirblar said:After watching this Grand Finals of ECT, I really think they need to move to the XBOX for Evo for this game if the slowdown issues aren't addressed.
And I say this as the owner of a PS3.
Ah, nevermind then. I thought it was related to the framerate issues with the PS3 version.DR2K said:Xbox version has slowdown too. As did MVC2.
Dahbomb said:It's godlike, but Dante on 2nd spot with Akuma on 3rd. JAM SESSION.
Tokido won Shadowloo MVC3 as expected. In fact aside from AE he dominated in almost every game he was in. He is currently the biggest threat to the US title and he hasn't even unveiled his 2 "secret" techs yet.
kirblar said:After watching this Grand Finals of ECT, I really think they need to move to the XBOX for Evo for this game if the slowdown issues aren't addressed.
And I say this as the owner of a PS3.
I meant as in 2012+, but I was corrected about the slowdown being PS3-exclusive.sleepykyo said:Little late now, unless you plan on producing 30 360s for the venue. Perhaps people should start pressuring Capcom to get the PS3 version of SFxT locked at 60fps, instead of the usual "not my problem, let the PS3 suckers deal with it" stuff. Keep in mind getting the PS3 and 360 versions at parity might mean leaving some power on the table for the 360.
kirblar said:I meant as in 2012+, but I was corrected about the slowdown being PS3-exclusive.
Dahbomb said:Skills have definitely improved over the last time but at the same time people in the US/elsewhere have leveled up too. Like very few people save LVL3 XF now especially when they have Wolverine on point which leads to 2 characters dead very early.
Also, Berserker Slash -> Berserker Charge -> Launch is the new technology.
He is actually both Madcatz and TTC now.Infinite Justice said:Tokido is Mad Catz now? how did Markman pull that off![]()
SolarPowered said:I saw a few dropped combos with Wesker, but the match was great otherwise. That Dante was solid as a rock and Tron was on point. The dude who used Chris stepped it up with him in the latter half of the video.
Oh, and the final match between Wesker and Wesker in X-factor level three just proves how right I am about those shenanigans. Over 1 million health without a single hyper in five seconds.
No one should have that much damage with regular moves...
Yup. I've seen slowdown maybe once on my 360 version. Been much more widely reported on the PS3 version. A friend runs into it every so often.sleepykyo said:It is. Or rather the frequency of it is exclusive to the PS3. But no one ever wants to mention and kill the early hype and sales, so the cycle repeats.
I was playing on the PS3 the first time Friday. It was noticeably worse. I don't know how people don't notice it.enzo_gt said:Yup. I've seen slowdown maybe once on my 360 version. Been much more widely reported on the PS3 version. A friend runs into it every so often.
Dartastic said:I was playing on the PS3 the first time Friday. It was noticeably worse. I don't know how people don't notice it.
sleepykyo said:Little late now, unless you plan on producing 30 360s for the venue. Perhaps people should start pressuring Capcom to get the PS3 version of SFxT locked at 60fps, instead of the usual "not my problem, let the PS3 suckers deal with it" stuff. Keep in mind getting the PS3 and 360 versions at parity might mean leaving some power on the table for the 360.
Dartastic said:I was playing on the PS3 the first time Friday. It was noticeably worse. I don't know how people don't notice it.
I should have worded it better. Those two, Tron and a couple of other characters are exemptions. Wesker has crazy teleports in x-factor lvl 3 and he very mobile. Giving him that much damage with his good toolset and decent speed is like grafting a chainsaw to a chimp's arm.Ultimoo said:Sentinel and Hulk might be able to do that much damage.![]()