so i was playing team viscant yesterday, and i just stomped this dude with wesker mixups and some help from haggar. he then sends me this message
soon after that he sends the player match invitation and hey im going to prove a point, played my hulk/dorm/doom team, its important to note that i was doing some fancy hulk combos instead of the regular magic series. after beating the guy 3-0 i leave the room and i send him a message saying: Happy now?
he replied very quickly
i went back to ranked matches happy cause i got him to rage, and there i was playing and picked magnus+bff's team, xbl made my day by matching me againts this dude again i lol'ed a lot.
proceeded to style on him, rom into grav loop reset grab, dhc glitch and what not (normally i dont do this combos online cause lag just fuck em up but it was a really good connection)
eventually magneto died cause of a xfactor lvl3 taskmaster.
after beating the guy i found it strange that he wasnt raging. so get into troll mode and messaged him saying:
What no bitching bout magnus+bff's? Im disappointed, go back to smash bros kid.
he took a while to answer me, but he did not in 1 msg but in 2 cause he was really salty
1st msg 2nd msg
on a serious note, normally i wouldnt have anything to say to the guy but the connection was really smooth thus having no excuse to drop combos or anything.
Edit: oh new page.....
soon after that he sends the player match invitation and hey im going to prove a point, played my hulk/dorm/doom team, its important to note that i was doing some fancy hulk combos instead of the regular magic series. after beating the guy 3-0 i leave the room and i send him a message saying: Happy now?
he replied very quickly
i went back to ranked matches happy cause i got him to rage, and there i was playing and picked magnus+bff's team, xbl made my day by matching me againts this dude again i lol'ed a lot.
proceeded to style on him, rom into grav loop reset grab, dhc glitch and what not (normally i dont do this combos online cause lag just fuck em up but it was a really good connection)
eventually magneto died cause of a xfactor lvl3 taskmaster.
after beating the guy i found it strange that he wasnt raging. so get into troll mode and messaged him saying:
What no bitching bout magnus+bff's? Im disappointed, go back to smash bros kid.
he took a while to answer me, but he did not in 1 msg but in 2 cause he was really salty
1st msg 2nd msg
on a serious note, normally i wouldnt have anything to say to the guy but the connection was really smooth thus having no excuse to drop combos or anything.
Edit: oh new page.....