I hate Dorm. That Purificationx2 + Morrigan assist cancelled into Stalking Flare builds too much meter.

and that godly crouching M blows up everything I got.
Morrigan + Purification x2 builds about half a bar of meter. If I start Dormammu with 5 bars and he goes on uninterrupted doing the series, it deals 1.5 million chip damage. In Ultimate, I'll even be able to cancel a Dark Matter into the second Purification for a little more chip and meter!
not sure if I'm feeling the Phoenix on point, Sentinel might still be better. :O
I don't think Phoenix on point is a great idea, but I like the high risk play, Sentinel has too many bad matchups (like 70% of the cast), Phoenix is the character closest to Firebrand in this game (even though they're very different), and, most importantly, I want to get good with the Dormammu/Morrigan synergy, and since Sentinel is my second most played character, I tend to OCV people a lot and never get to learn the real team I'll be using. In some sense, I want Phoenix to die.
I do not kiss and tell sir.
Character loyalty is for the weak and DMC fans.
Gonna have to expand my search for a solid team in UMvC3.
You better change that avatar, POSER!
Karsticles, you really like your salty balls, lol. GGS.
Hahaha. Well, sometimes I will rush a lot if I am used to my opponent and know how to trip him up. Or, if my opponent is using Dormammu, Skrull, or Hidden Missiles, I have no choice but to rush, since Phoenix can't handle that stuff at a distance.
The goal is to build meter - so why rush things? ;-)
What the fuck does Sp00ky use? Tired of not knowing this shit doesn't work until after I already drive 45 miles to the venue because nobody actually plays this game on PS3 at home and there's no other way for me to test shit.
You should Tweet Sp00ky or PM Haunts. I'm sure either one would love to tell you.