Mr Touchdown
Oh snap, we got OT3. What's good people?
Ultimoo said:so mean, need to watch ponies to cheer me up now.
What? I play plenty of both and dont notice one difference. Lucky me I guess.SmokeMaxX said:Initial reports that PS3 = 360 or PS3 > 360 for Marvel were wrong. A less biased source later proved that the PS3 frame rate is much worse than 360. It does have some redeeming qualities, but not very many compared to the 360 version.
360 version has been doing more frame dips with each subsequent update but NOTHING compared to the PS3 version. Just play it enough and you'll notice how big explosions make the game feel "off" on PS3 (only during those moments). It's actually pretty unpredictable and can easily throw off combos.
Guess it depends on 1) how sensitive you are and 2) if you do anything that causes the frame rate to drop dramatically.giancarlo123x said:What? I play plenty of both and dont notice one difference. Lucky me I guess.
I just have it set so I can only receive mail from people on my friends listSixfortyfive said:Yay, hatemail!
"Way to play like a little bitch. Eat dick."
"shove your gg up your ass you cheap piece of shit."
"Feels good man."
Nice. I never receive hatemail. I'm kind of envious. What were you doing that made'em so mad?Sixfortyfive said:Yay, hatemail!
"Way to play like a little bitch. Eat dick."
"shove your gg up your ass you cheap piece of shit."
"Feels good man."
Sixfortyfive said:Yay, hatemail!
"Way to play like a little bitch. Eat dick."
"shove your gg up your ass you cheap piece of shit."
"Feels good man."
- Jump back, call Morrigan assist, fire diagonal arrows.Ezenzer said:Nice. I never receive hatemail. I'm kind of envious. What were you doing that made'em so mad?
...That is awesome.Sixfortyfive said:- Jump back, call Morrigan assist, fire diagonal arrows.
- Repeat until back is against the corner, then use shield skill canceled into arrow hyper to push them fullscreen, whether they block or not.
- Repeat from beginning.
That was pretty much the whole match.
That's hilarious.Sixfortyfive said:- Jump back, call Morrigan assist, fire diagonal arrows.
- Repeat until back is against the corner, then use shield skill canceled into arrow hyper to push them fullscreen, whether they block or not.
- Repeat from beginning.
That was pretty much the whole match.
LeMaximilian said:
LeMaximilian said:
nom nom nom nom nomLeMaximilian said:
LeMaximilian said:
DryEyeRelief said:Ah, so you finally were able to tape a show with that Jill cosplayer.
shaowebb said:Didn't they mention the PS3 version having a frame rate drop or something? I remember some seething hate over PS3 for something like this when it was announced as the EVO console for the event ( like it was ever a surprise).
S-Kill said:Hey,
Apologies that I wasn't able to finish all of them, but I've been pretty insane lately (and will clock 32k miles of travel in about 9 weeks). Rather than sit on the finished ones indefinitely trying to get to the last few, I thought I should instead send you the ones I had done (otherwise you might be waiting forever). Thanks for the interesting questions--as much as people probably hate hearing me say the same things again and again, I don't love having the same questions, so I appreciate your efforts.
For the future record, fewer questions = faster answers
Lens of Truth was wrong. You can ask top players what they think as well if you want. Hell, if you want to test it out yourself, just pick the flashiest stage, do a lot of stuff (using my previous example, hailstorm DHC HSF XFC HSF against Dark Phoenix) and compare the two consoles. You'll notice a difference.palpabl_purpura said:It's in your head. The PS3 framerate is the same as the 360s. Lens of truth did a comparison around the time of launch. If anything, that site is pro-360, so that's saying a big thing.
MVC3 is v-synced on the PS3 - frame-rate is lower in busy areas, but there is no tearing whatsoever. Hyper moves and tag-team crossovers are the common cause for frame-rate dips and the drops in the intro scenes are especially noticeable.
The implementation of v-sync sees tearing completely removed from the experience, but it comes at a cost. On 360, the framebuffer flips mid-refresh, resulting in screen-tear, but it does ensure that the latest action to be processed internally is displayed as quickly as possible. With PS3, the game waits until the refresh is complete before updating the screen, resulting in the game effectively stalling in the mean time.
Looking at the frame-rate tests, both versions seem to be matched for the most part. In regular gameplay, with just two characters on-screen that key 60FPS experience is largely maintained. It only appears to drop in more strenuous situations - such as in the performance of Hyper or team Hyper moves, in which case the effect on the PS3 is greater.
Throw a total of four characters into the mix, however, whilst tag-teaming, and we see more distinct results: the PS3 game starts to drops frames more noticeably than the 360 version. These dips last mere seconds, and are far from being very impactful on the way the game plays as typically the player is setting back and watching the fireworks. However, team attacks do segue directly into action and it is conceivable that expert players will feel the difference.
God's Beard said:interview
SmokeMaxX said:Lens of Truth was wrong. You can ask top players what they think as well if you want. Hell, if you want to test it out yourself, just pick the flashiest stage, do a lot of stuff (using my previous example, hailstorm DHC HSF XFC HSF against Dark Phoenix) and compare the two consoles. You'll notice a difference.
Digital Foundry's Article:
PS3 is better for less screen tearing (more aesthetically pleasing) but NOT better for gameplay.
It does say that the effects are only really noticeable during things like DHCs, but for people that count frames and do DHCs a lot, it adds up. While it's not super noticeable, it DOES affect combo timing.
EDIT: Just re-read the LensOfTruth article. Despite it not being very technical with things fighting game fans care about (input lag, frame drops, input drops, etc.) it's useful for comparing multiplatform games on an aesthetic level. That being said, it said both games play at a solid 60FPS always. Does anyone really believe that? I've experienced frame drops on both systems. I don't think LensOfTruth is filled with people who know how to test fighting games...
Ok, made a new thread.Hitokage said:God's Beard, I have two words for you: New. Thread.
(Crossposting is OK, with a link is even better.)
Might be nice if you posted a link.God's Beard said:Ok, made a new thread.
I'm a very visual learner. Really, anything is better than nothing. Even if it's shit, it's shit I know not to do. ;-)I'm flattered, but I'm probably a terrible person to demonstrate things myself. My execution is kinda shit and I haven't really been practicing seriously since PowerUp in April or whenever. I could give you a shortlist of things you should know and use but it's probably basic stuff you'd know already if you've already done some research.
Certainly, but I'm not talking about real buffs to Dormammu, just minor stuff like letting his c.L chain to c.H so he has SOME method of hit confirmation. He's the only character in the game that only has c.L to s.S against some characters as far as I be fair, if characters that are majorly overpowered are nerfed, then Dorm will raise up in tiers by virtue of staying the same.
No doubt.It ain't so bad when you look at the whole picture instead of just a single bar. You also have to admit that it is a pretty cool little project they've got going there.
A good Morrigan? Where can I find the archive?!?!Link sir has the sickest Morrigan I've ever seen. Damn those fly cancels and fireballs were good shit.
He posts a lot on GFAQs if you want to ask him. You're welcome for the videos. When I played him it was not pretty, since I was anchoring Sentinel at the time, and he was using Arthur. :-(Thanks for the vids, Karsticles. It is nice to see someone rocking the house with such an unconventional team. His Haggar and Arthur are especially sick haha.
I do think his Hsien-Ko could be better though. I don't see the reasoning behind some of his choices.
FYI, her Astral Vision is much faster in UMvC3.I decided to check Morrigan's Astral hyper and Sougenoumu only to find that Morrigan has 13 recovery frames and Sougenoumu has 3.
I would love all of that. Morrigan even had a ground dash in MvC1...-Morrigan is a freaking tournament sleeper that would do some amazing stuff with damage tweaks, a ground dash and hyper buffs(cut recovery window on Astral and give her back her beam for top tier).
I go PS3 just because I think paying for online gaming is goddamn stupid. Plus, Evo is done on PS3...So. What's the consensus for UMVC3? PS3 or 360?
Dr. Strange has no air dash - I fear nothing. Besides, Dr. Strange has no answer to my Stalking Flare spam with the new team I am trying!ps3.
how will you see Karst's dormammu get beat down by Dr. Strange players world wide?
Inadequate analysis? I saw the article the week it came out. If I can find the original thread on SRK, I can show you where I was very unsatisfied with Lens of Truth's comparison because it didn't ask the right questions. This isn't about 360 vs. PS3. I run tournaments and we used to run all games on PS3 to follow Evo. Now we just run all non-Capcom games on PS3. Why? Because they're better on PS3.palpabl_purpura said:I'm hoping you actually watched the videos, then you'd notice the framerates are the same. DF didn't even do a direct split screen comparision like LOT did (which is standard in these types of comparisons). It was a shitty, subjective, pro-360 article written off of an inadequate analysis. LOT is also pro-360, but DF will tell you that the blu-ray performance on 360 is superior to PS3. I've noticed no framerate issues/drops/etc on the PS3 version, which I've own since launch. Top players get salty when they loose, like everyone else. There's no credible reason to believe that there is a noticeable difference between the 2 versions.
Frame rate drops (or whatever the terminology is) affect combo timing. If you're used to a 1 frame window (at 60 frames per second) and you have to punish a move at frame 120 exactly... well normally you have to punish it at the 2 second mark, but what if the game slows down to 30 frames per second? Then you have to punish at the 4 second mark.QisTopTier said:You know I never understood why frame skipping messes up your combos. you know, the frames are just SKIPPED in ANIMATION right? The damn actions still take place. Don't blame that shit on you dropping combos. And the moments they do happen are at times where well it doesnt really fucking mater. But but it messes up my DHC COMBOOOO uhhh do it like you would have anyways? Oh look it worked! YAY muscle memory
QisTopTier said:As for what system will have the most players. Who knows, but that doesn't matter to me I care about individuals more than a ton of generic stuff. With the better netcode me and Karst can actually get some real games in too FINALLY.
Besides I know Ultimoo can't wait to get molested by Firebrand, oh and Ulti is actually becoming legitly pretty damn good, once he gets out of the mind set of needing to rely on his assist for every possible offensive action he'll def be better than 85% of the people that play this hell maybe higher
I still can hold my own with basics vs him and only playing via request LOLOL YOU GONNA GET STOMPED HARD AGAIN ONCE I TAKE IT SERIOUS <3
SolarPowered said:I'm gonna eat Ultimoo up for breakfast once Tron is out on her ass. It is gonna be like one of Captain Badasses' feeding sessions on ranked too.
om nom nom
SmokeMaxX said:Frame rate drops (or whatever the terminology is) affect combo timing. If you're used to a 1 frame window (at 60 frames per second) and you have to punish a move at frame 120 exactly... well normally you have to punish it at the 2 second mark, but what if the game slows down to 30 frames per second? Then you have to punish at the 4 second mark.
I've had about 2 hours of sleep in the past 48 hours due to a comprehensive med school test and then the school thinking it's a good idea to give us a quiz the next day on the same subjects we were tested over, so forgive me if my logic is a little dumb right now. That being said, I hope the intent of what I was trying to say is clear. If you change the frame rate, you're going to change frame perfect timing. Well that is, if you design your game to play every frame (which is how PS3 MvC3 was designed). 360 doesn't have this problem (as much) since it skips frames and doesn't try to render every single one.QisTopTier said:umm... I want you to think about what you just typed there for a good 30 minutes then get back to me -.-
1 minute to late! But with that said, the game stalling is different from frame skipping. But the thing is if it always stalls in the same places this doesn't matter anymore as well you learned the timing of it. The system in mvc3 is very lenient too outside of very few things. *viper, some dante stuff* Of course there is still no excuse for it. But even so no one at evo lost because of it, well no one big anyways xDSmokeMaxX said:I've had about 2 hours of sleep in the past 48 hours due to a comprehensive med school test and then the school thinking it's a good idea to give us a quiz the next day on the same subjects we were tested over, so forgive me if my logic is a little dumb right now. That being said, I hope the intent of what I was trying to say is clear. If you change the frame rate, you're going to change frame perfect timing. Well that is, if you design your game to play every frame (which is how PS3 MvC3 was designed). 360 doesn't have this problem (as much) since it skips frames and doesn't try to render every single one.
:lol :lolSolarPowered said:This is how free you are gonna be: