Trailer definitely looked a bit off / cheap / unofficial (as in not in-house) to me, the faces especially. Ryu in particular never looked less appealing to me.
X being in is absolutely fantastic though.
Not miffed about the 2v2 personally since I actually think that this might be a good way to make the game more accessible to newcomers and expand the FGC. 3v3 always was a bit too chaotic for me at least.
(Also, why is no-one discussing that 4chan leak list mentioned some pages ago, the one that correctly included this and many other PSX announcements as well as a friggin Demon's Souls remaster for PS4 and a robot game by FROM - i.e. the only two things that not did not actually happen (yet)? Was this list real or?)
It also mentioned a new Parappa game (didn't happen) which recast Parappa's voice (also didn't happen). They just had some lucky guesses.
Same. Though, three MM characters (from one series, no less!) would be a lot to ask for, assuming Zero is back.
It all depends on the roster size. If it's on the smaller side then I could see Zero getting cut.