lmao captain america and fucking morrigan
According to Inafune he lived on through the virus, but last time I brought that up some fans said what Inafune confirms isnt canon, despite him still being employed at capcom at the time.
I haven't played the games in a long time but from what I recall every time Sigma goes "deep" they imply that Wily was influencing him some how. I think one of the X enemies in one of the PS version was a Shadow Devil or something that was clearly tied to Wily.
Captain America and Morrigan
Y'all are vile
This means the return of the Cap theme AND Chris G bullshit
It's gonna be Felicia and Black Cat
Ant-Man and Strider
I say Cap America vs. Haggar.
Morrigan and Captain America are safe and expected.
Which is good at this stage of the reveals.
But when Megaman powered up tho!!!!!
I don't think it's too odd that they're focusing on the obvious characters first.
The more surprising ones are likely to get more attention later, whereas the game just existing gets attention now.
Was it an extension of the CG or in engine trailer?
I want Felicia back. Ban Hsien Ko.This picture sums up my entire feelings lol. I hope we get some other Darkstalkers in here. Talbain? Demetri? Come on, Capcom.